Does Love Last Forever?

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Mika and Bose had been going through a rough patch. Mika was tired of Bose not giving her enough attention. He would fall asleep during movies, and no longer found making out exciting. Mika felt lonely. Harper and Chapa were fine, Mika didn't know how they  do it. All she could think, was maybe their love wouldn't last forever.
Today, Mika was not in her best attitude. In fact, she was acting like a total, well, a witch. And a mean one too. Harper set a cup of coffee on Mikas desk. The two had just discovered it kept them much more focused while complaining about their other. Mika took a large gulp. Harper couldn't help but shiver at the chill that was sent through her bones in the cold winter air.
"So I heard Quinn is visiting with the baby. When is she coming?" Mika asked.
"She comes later today. I haven't seen Hayden in so long." Harper laughed. The company the door opened, to a crying baby, and an annoyed Quinn. Quinn had brown hair that went down to her hips, green eyes, and Hayden was mirror image, except for the fact her eyes were a hazel, and she had less hair then Quinn. Hayden's screams filled the academy, as Harper rushed over to grab her niece. Hayden started calming down as Harper bounced her up and down. Sawyer and Harper were identical. So Hayden calming down was of cause. Mika took Quinn's bag, helping her sit down, and drink a steaming cup of coffee.
"Kid keeps me up all night. Can't sleep with her wails." Quinn complained. The girls laughed as Hayden started to rub her hands all over Harpers face, giggling as she smushed Harpers cheeks. Ray had opened up Schwozs machine, the cloner, and brought back Sawyer. Schwoz had also figured out how to keep a dead person cloned for a longer period of time, not just 24 hours. Sawyer came down from the Mans Nest, greeting Harper with a pat on the back, and giving Quinn a long kiss. Hayden started making grabby hands towards Sawyer as he walked over to his daughter.
"Hello princess Hayden. Awe look and my little baby girl! Look at how cute you are!" Sawyer cooed. Hayden squealed holding onto her dad, making faces at Harper. Ray came down, and his jaw dropped seeing Hayden. His great niece. Ray stole Hayden from Sawyer and it soon turned into hot potato with a baby. Little snowflakes floated from Hayden's hands causing a squeal from Harper. Harper stole Hayden from Mika and started tickling Hayden watching the snowflakes fill the air.
"Bose just listen! You never listen to me talk anymore! It's like you're completely different!"
Mika yelled.
"Mika it's fine just lay down and close your eyes." Bose countered, laying on Mikas bed. They were having a sleepover, and it was late.
"Bose! What happened to when we use to have fun?! We used to sneak out, go to the lake, go to the woods! Now all you wanna do is lay in bed and go to sleep!" Mika yelled. 
"It's 1 in the morning Mika! I'm sure everyone else in the world is sleeping!" Bose argued.
"You never let me have any fun anymore." Mika whined. Bose sighed knowing what he had to do. They had this conversation several times. Bose pulled off his sweatshirt, and and slid it over Mika. Mika huffed feeling the warm fuzzy shirt. Bose continued to pull Mika down with him, onto the bed and forced her to cuddle up next to him. Mika couldn't help the exhausted yawn that escaped.
"See sleepy pants? You're tired. Now just close your eyes. I'm right here. I'm not letting go." Bose lulled. Mika fell asleep, cuddling up to Bose. Miles walked in and raised an eyebrow. Bose laughed.
"Relax dude. She just fell asleep." Bose assured.
"I heard yelling. Was she fighting with you about it again?" Miles asked, getting a nod as response.
"Girls are weird dude. Totally weird." Miles said walking out. Bose looked down, thinking about what Mika said. She was right. He needed to step up his game. Bose looked down to the sleeping girl in his arms, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, and falling asleep himself.
Chapa watched as Harper slept with Hayden on her chest. Hayden's baby snores sounded like little mouse squeaks. Sawyer and Quinn were in their room doing god knows what. The only evidence was a bang and laughing. Chapa picked up Hayden and fed her a bottle. Hayden sucked on the bottle, her little eyelids batting open. Chapa rocked Hayden to sleep, admiring the baby in her arms.
"Look at how cute you are. You're so adorable." Chapa cooed as Hayden stared into Chapas eyes. Harper walked over and watched Chapa hold Hayden.
"One day." Harper whispered. Chapa looked up.
"I hope one day comes soon." Chapa whispered. Harper smiled, kissing Chapas forehead.
"One day will come when it's ready sweetie." Harper lulled. The two put Hayden in the pop up crib and went to bed. Chapa dreaming of one day. Or was it really a dream?
Chapa ran her hand through her hair. Three boys stared at the tv, a baby girl in her arms, sleeping. Chapa watched as the boys all sat together calmly watching cartoons. A jingle of keys caused Chapas head to fly towards what was presumably the front door. The boys jumped off the couch hurdling towards the door. A soldier stepped inside. An army soldier. Various laughs came from the front door. There stood Harper. Harper was the soldier. Chapa couldn't help but stand scared. Harper smiled kissing Chapas forehead, taking the baby out of her arms.
"Hey sweetie. Did mommy miss me? I think she did. Yes I think mommy missed me." Harper cooed. All this overwhelmed Chapa. Scars all over Harper.
"Hey baby! I'm home."
Chapa woke up crying looking for Harper. Harper shot up grabbing Chapa, rubbing her back.
"Hey it's okay. I'm here don't cry." Harper whispered. Chapa cried harder, shoving her face into Harpers chest. Harper took her sweatshirt off and slid it over Chapa, grabbing a tee shirt and putting it on. Chapa was already snuggled up in Harpers sweatshirt, but it wasn't that shocking. Harper laid down, Chapa snuggling up to her side. Harper smiled.
"Love you baby girl."
Mika woke up from the same nightmare she had been having for weeks. It was about Bose killing her. A gun held up to her forehead, and bang, she woke up in a cold sweat every night. Mika looked around to find Boses arms wrapped around her. Mika tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he only held her closer.
"Bose let me go." Mika whispered. Bose looked over and shook his head.
"You're staying with me. You're going to stay and cuddle me." Bose sleep talked. Mika got up eventually and made her way to her bathroom. Mika wiped the cold sweat off her face, which was mixed with tears. Bose walked up behind the sniffling Mika, and slung his arms over her, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"What's wrong Mika?" Bose asked quietly.
"N-Nothing. Just l-leave me be!" Mike whined. Bose stared, not knowing what to do. Bose turned Mika towards him, her eyes red and puffy, and gave her his puppy eyes. Mika rested her head on Boses shoulder, letting her tears slip. Bose smirked knowing what he was about to do would make Mika flip. Bose picked Mika up onto his hip and paraded her back to bed. Bose sat Mika on top of the bed, wiping away her tears.
"That's better. I don't want my Mika to be upset. Now give me lots of cuddles and we will talk about this in the morning." Bose ordered. Mika nodded, cuddling up to Bose. The two fell asleep, and Bose knew their love would last forever.

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