The Good Little Witches

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<<———Off In London, England———>>

Hailey smacked Merula's cheek.
"You're being a complete prat, Merula Snyde!"
Hailey yelled.
"Well you're being obnoxious, Hailey Hayneswood."
The two stared off at each other.
"What is going on over here?"
Exclaimed a tall, elderly lady, wearing a black witches hat, and green gown.
"Nothing, except Merula being a prat!"
Hailey exclaimed.
"Oh cause I'm not the one who has gone mad searching for Cursed Vaults for my brother!"
The two girls tackled each other to the ground.
Professor McGonagall stated loudly.
Hailey and Marula froze on each other.
"You girls need to learn how to get along..."
Two kids in black with red, one with a black and yellow robe, and a girl dressed in gray walked over.
"We'll take Hailey from here Professor McGonagall."
The girl in black and red stated calmly.
"Thank you Miss Khanna."
The spell was uncasted and the girls fell off each other. Hailey frowned and stomped off. The kids followed behind.
"Hailey you need to be careful. One of these days Professor McGonagall won't tolerate it anymore. We're going into our fourth year. "
The blonde retorted.
"Penny it's Merula! Get your head in the game. If I have to crucio her, I will."
Hailey exclaimed.
"Or on better thought... Chiara! You're a werewolf! Give my arm a little nibble!"
Hailey exclaimed raising her arm in front of the grey headed girl.
"Hailey I'm not gonna bite you."
Chiara groaned. Hailey tripped and groaned.
They all examined the picture of a mountain.
"Hello? Anyone home?"
Rowan asked.
Merula came by and grabbed the picture, but Hailey hung on tight.
"What do you got here Hayneswood?"
Merula sneered.
"Give it here Snyde or I'll knock you off your feet!"
Hailey yelled.
Slowly, the girls started to float up into the air, and spin.
"Hailey let go!"
Ben, the blonde boy yelled.
"No way Ben! This is awesome!"
The painting flew out the window and through the clouds.
The three kids yelled.
"That was a portkey!"
Rowan exclaimed.
<<———In Swellview———>>
Harper tripped on a strange painting.
"Wow look at this!"
Harper exclaimed.
Harper held onto it, and started spinning. Chapa grabbed on, and the girls started screaming before getting thrown out the window, and flying threw the air. The two paintings crossed paths. Merula and Harper fell through the window.
"Merula.... What did you do this time?"
Hailey yelled.
"I did nothing! This is all your fault Hayneswood!"
The girls started yelling before Hailey pulled her wand out.
"Flipendo-no. Merula."
Merula had her wand out too.
"Wha- oh no. Thanks Hailey. Now we are gonna get expelled!"
Ray and the kids stood in shock.
"Should I obliviate their memories?"
Hailey asked.
Hailey held her wand toward the group.
"Say magic!"
Hailey exclaimed.
Bose exclaimed, the group looked at him.
"Okay. Put the pencils down and nobody gets hurt."
Ray exclaimed pulling out a blaster.
"Ooh! Pretty!"
Hailey exclaimed running over.
Merula rolled her eyes.
<<———-At Hogwarts———->>
Harper and Chapa landed with a thud.
Harper groaned.
"Hailey your alright! Merula? What happened to your hair?"
Ben exclaimed. Harper and Chapa broke out into laughter.
"Who's Hailey and Merula?"
Harper exclaimed.
"I'm Harper. That's Chapa."
Rowan frowned.
"We're never gonna find Hailey!"
Chapa looked around.
"Why does it look like 1940?"
The group laughed.
"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Professor McGonagall announced.
The three kids jumped.
"We need to find a way to get you girls back to where you came from. I assume you traveled by portkey. Do you girls have wands?"
Harper and Chapa tried not to break out laughing.
"Umm no. We don't."
<<———The Mans Nest———>>
"Okay so let me get this straight. You came from a school that teaches kids magic, and when you held onto a painting you arrived here?"
Mika asked.
Hailey nodded.
"Though I may have a solution. My father taught me how to create a time turner. I need two golden rings, a golden plate cut in a circle with stars and with an eight cutout in the middle, two small glass balls, some hot glue, sand, shaved dragon scales, and a golden chain. I'll also need a bunch of tools. Have the elves bring it for me please?"
Hailey spit out.
"We don't have house elves or dragon scales."
Schwoz said quietly.
Hailey screamed, tackling Merula, rolling the the girls across the floor. Hailey jumped off Merula, and pointed her wand out.
Merula got pushed back as her wand flew away.
"Say your prayers Snyde!"
Harper and Chapa laughed in the Gryffindor Common room. Rowan had her face shoved in a book about portkeys. Chiara had been explaining all the rumors, especially about Snape going blonde, while Ben slept on the couch. Harper smiled as the warmth of the fireplace, hit her skin. Professor McGonagall walked in the Gryffindor Common room, and watched the kids laugh.
"Come on with you five. Off to bed with you."
The kids all got up and went their bedrooms. Rowan and Chiara now shared a dorm room with Harper and Chapa. The girls all changed into Gryffindor themed pajamas, and were laughing and telling jokes.
"I got it!"
Rowan yelled.
"Got what?"
Harper asked.
"Here read this."
Rowan handed a piece of parchment to Harper.
"What's this rubbish?"
Harper asked.
"This so called rubbish is gonna get you out of here and back to your home alive."
Harper stopped breathing.
"Why wouldn't we get home alive."
Chapa asked.
Chiara and Rowan led on.
"Great! We're gonna die!"
Harper exaggerated.
"Not if we find the portkey you two arrived on. Here's the plan."
"Scared Hayneswood?"
"You wish."
Hailey whispered.
"Wands at the ready."
Hailey said louder.
Miles counted down.
Hailey exclaimed, sending Merula backwards. Hailey laughed.
"I've got it!"
Mika stood up, holding one of Haileys textbooks.
"Got my textbook I see?"
Hailey questioned.
"No. It says 'If you want to travel back to where you came from, simply find the portkey that brought you here. If on occasion you were place was swapped with someone else-"
"-simply go to the portkey that brought them to your homeland. You will then be able to go back home."
Rowan finished.
Harper jumped up and down.
"So when will we find this portkey?"
"Tomorrow, 3 pm, after potions with Snape and the Slytherins."
Chiara groaned.
"I hate Slytherins!"
"Quick! Ol' McGonagall is coming!"
The girls turned off the lights and laid down pretending to be asleep.
"Goodnight girls."
Professor McGonagall whispered.
——Time skip to 5 am.——
Harper cried as Chiara dragged her out of bed. Literally. Chiara was pulling Harper by her ankles across the cold stone floor.
"It's to early!"
Harper cried. Chapa helped Harper up and kisses her cheek.
"Come on. It can't be that bad."
Rowan handed Chapa and Harper two Gryffindor uniforms. Both, consisting of a white polo, red and yellow striped tie, a black Gryffindor robe, grey skirt, white knee high socks,black Mary Janes, and Harpers had a red and yellow striped headband, with the Gryffindor crest. Chapa moaned as she saw the girly outfit.
"Better get dressed. Professor McGonagall hates students being tardy. Besides, we got breakfast to catch."
The girls got dressed and met Ben in the Great Hall. Harper was marbled at the sight of all the tables filled with every food you could imagine.
"This is what heaven feels like?"
Harper asked. Making Chapa a bit upset. Harper held Chapas hand and smiled.
"Feed me! Feed me!"
She groaned. The kids all ate and laughed.
They arrived to Professor McGonagalls class. They were learning the spell Feliflors. Only Rowan was able to turn the cat into a cauldron. Harper was easily distracted by the beautiful grey cat that sat in front of her. Chapa spent the whole class laughing at Harper and complaining that her skirt was to short.
Next they had Herbology. They were learning to repot Mandrakes. Harper had her finger bitten by hers, causing her to knock her earmuffs off, and have a meltdown because of the Mandrakes crying. Chapa watched the scene unravel and laughed at Harper before putting her earmuffs back on.
Finally, Potions with mean old Professor Severus Snape and the Slytherins. Snape constantly yelled at Harper and Chapa to stop fooling around. Both girls said they would stop. Obviously, they did not.
"Miss Manchester, why don't you read us page 364."
Harpers heart froze.
Harper stared calmly. The whole class (excluding a laughing Chapa) gasped.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I could understand your accent. Page 364."
Harper smirked.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand your British language. I. Don't. Want too!"
Harper stared a bit louder.
"And why not?"
Snape asked getting in Harpers face.
"I can't read. I'm dyslexic."
Harper whispered. Pulling out the Dyslexic card.
"Page 364 NOW!"
Snape demanded.
Harper said louder.
Snape yelled, pushing Harpers face into the book.
Harper hollered back, loudly cracking her neck.
"That's enough with your shenanigans Miss Manchester! To Professor Dumbledores office! I'm sure you don't need help making your way there do you?!"
Snape yelled.
Harper stood up smiling brightly.
"Of course not, sir."
Harper grabbed a few of her things and skipped out of the dungeon.
"Miss Khanna. Page 364."
Snape demanded.
It was time. Harper and Chapa, Hailey and Merula hung onto the paintings.
"We're gonna miss you guys."
Harper smiled.
"It was nice knowing you all. Thank you again for getting us out of her Mika!"
Hailey thanked. Slowly, the girls were lifted off the ground and went flying through the air. Harper and Chapa crashed through the window.
"We're alive!"
Chapa exclaimed.
"Speak for yourself. I wanted to stay. I wanted to at least have dinner. You saw what breakfast looked like! Now imagine that by ten!"
Everyone laughed as they all hugged and shared stories.
Snape slammed his head on his desk.
"I seriously do not get paid enough for this."

Sorry this took so long to put out! This chapter was inspired by my favorite game Hogwarts Mystery! It is before Harry attended Hogwarts and is super fun. All Hogwarts students were from the game, which I DO NOT OWN! Hope you all enjoyed.

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