Shaking For the Wrong Reason.

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Harper looked up to see everyone staring at her.
"W-What h-happened?"
Ray shook his head.
"You started seizing during your sleep."
Harper looked over to Chapa balling into her hands. Mika patted Chapas back as Harper let out a pained groan.
"Ugh. My head is pounding."
Ray handed Harper a painkiller. Harper swallowed it and looked over to Chapa.
"Chapa? I want hug."
Harper said quietly. Chapa sniffled as she wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. Chapa sat down next to Harper, and hugged her gently. Harper smiled.
"I love you."
Harper whispered softly into Chapas ear.
"I-I love you too."
Chapa choked out. Harper kissed Chapas cheek, who cried even harder. The others stood silently.
"Chapa. Relax. I'm okay. I need you to trust me."
Chapa nodded as she buried her head into Harpers arm, hiding her face. Harper teased Chapas hair as she kissed her forehead.
"Please don't do that ever again."
Chapa begged. Harper smiled.
"You know I can't keep that promise."
Chapa sighed.
"I know."
Harper ran her fingers through Chapas hair.
"Is Chloe at school?"
"Yeah. She was the one that woke me up because she saw you shaking."
Harper sighed.
"Aww. I'm gonna have to thank the little peanut later."
"Yeah. At my house."
Chapa said, giggling. Harper smiled as she slowly stood up. She was still in her clothes from yesterday, felt utterly disgusting, and just wanted to cuddle with Chapa.
"Dad can I go take a shower? I feel gross."
Ray laughed.
"Of course sweetie."
Harper walked out, and Chapa couldn't pull her eyes away.
"It's gonna be okay, Chapa. Harpers strong."
Ray said as he rubbed Chapas back. The group went back down to the classroom. Chapa stared at the board as Ray chatted about criminal soup, or other nonsense like that. Chapa wasn't in the mood. Then, Harper came down, in a light purple dress, her hair in pigtails with dark purple ribbons hanging down, and white flats. Chapa couldn't peel her eyes off of Harper.
"That was a quick shower."
Mika exclaimed.
"The longest 20 minutes of my life."
Chapa muttered, causing Harper to over hear, and giggle. Harper rolled her chair over, next to Chapas, and whispered into her ear.
"Don't worry. I missed your beautiful face."
Chapa blushed as Harper rolled her chair back to her desk.
Class continued as the kids stared off, thinking about different subjects. Then a crime alert came in.
"There's a pig robbery at the farm, Minyak at the bank, and The Toddler is terrorizing kids at the playground. Who wants to go where?"
Bose yelled jumping up and down.
Harper muttered as she closed her eyes.
The twins yelled.
"Harper- I mean Maniac."
Ray shook his head.
"Harper go with Chapa to get Minyak, twins go get The Toddler, and Bose buddy, come with me."
Harper and Chapa went upstairs and blew a bubble, and quickly escaped the Mans Nest before the others. Harper teleported Chapa to the hideout.
"Stop right there Maniac."
Harper said.
"It's Minyac!"
Harper scoffed.
"I know I was being disrespectful!"
Chapa high fived Harper. Minyak grabbed a Pulse Blaster, and aimed it at Harpers head.
"Take one step, and pigtails gets it!"
Harper groaned while knocking the blaster out of her face.
"Why do people obsess over my pigtails, I mean, my eyes are down here people."
"Who cares. Not me. Now be prepared for the beating of a life time!"
Harper stood frozen, before she ran behind Chapa, quivering.
"Ha! She's scared of me!"
Minyak cried.
"No. She used to be beat when she was little."
Chapa sassed. The room grew quiet. Harper held onto Chapa, and buried her face into Chapas shoulder.
"It's okay. He's not going to spank you. He means fight. Like a fist fight."
Harper slowly nodded. Harper walked out from behind Chapa, still scared of Minyak.
"Just arrest me. I don't care. You would have beat me anyway."
Harper nodded and arrested Minyak and the evil Nurse Cohart. Harper teleported them to prison, and then back to the Mans Nest, where the others were already waiting. Ray had an angry look on his face as he paced around. Ray swung his head around, and marched over to Harper.
Ray yelled as he held a book in front of her face. Harper shook as she stumbled upon her words. Ray took a step towards Harper, causing her to trip over her foot, and fall onto her back, tears threatening to spill at any second.
"Ray relax. It's just a diary."
Mika said trying to calm Ray down. Ray wouldn't listen. Ray kicked Harpers side, making her break into tears, her eyes shut, shaking her head.
Ray screamed at her. Harper quieted down as Chapa knelt down by her head, gently running her fingers through Harpers hair.
"Will you stop it, Ray! You're scaring her!"
Chapa scolded, as she helped Harper sit up. Harper shuddered as she ran to her room, and slammed the door shut. Chapa snarled at Ray as she ripped the diary from his hands. What met her eyes was not what she expected. Inside, Chapa was met with a picture, of planes attacking a tower, fire everywhere, and a girl standing in the middle of dead bodies. Chapa turned the page, to find a picture of a crime scene. Again, bodies were everywhere, and a little girl stood staring at a broken tower, all alone. Chapa looked at the next page, and found a cemetery. Six headstones lined up next to each other. First Riley, then Sawyer, followed by Bailey, then an empty stone with a sticker that wrote 'Harper Marie Manchester. Reserved', after that was Jordon, then Parker's.  A girl sat on Harpers spot, and stared at the moon.
Chapa flipped the pages, but the rest were empty. Chapa set the diary on the table.
"She misses her parents. And her brothers."
Mika said quietly as Chapa set off towards Harpers room.
"I don't care! She needs to learn to get over it!"
Chapa snapped and turned around, tears in her eyes.
"Maybe you should learn how Harper feels! Her whole entire family's gone! They tore down her house, and she lost all her memories of her family! Maybe instead of yelling at Harper, you should talk to her!"
Chapa stormed off as Ray walked away to the window. Chapa walked up to Harpers door and knocked.
"Harper it's me. Can we talk, peanut?"
No answer. Chapa grew anxious. Chapa ran up to the top of the mountain, but found nothing. Chapa ran back to Harpers room and pounded on the door.
"Harper! Open up! This isn't funny!"
Nobody. Chapa kicked the door open, and looked around. The top drawer of Harpers desk was open, and some stuff was moved. Chapa walked up to Harpers bathroom door, and knocked, hoping that Harper just didn't hear. But the door slowly creaked open, and Chapa cried at what she saw. Chapa dropped to her knees and wiped Harpers cheek. The others walked in.
"Chapa what's wro-."

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