Baby? Not In a Million Years! Pt.3

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Harper woke up with Chapa smiling above her.
"Hey princess. Your up early."
Chapa nodded, resting her head on Harpers chest. The girls got down and had Schwoz check Chapas age.
"Seven. Getting closer."
Ray said. Harper got the container of strawberries out, and put some whipped cream on Chapa and her plate. Harper set the plates on the table, and Chapa quickly picked a strawberry and whipped cream up and took a bite. Chapa had a larger smile glued across her face as she ate. She was starving. After they finished, the girls got ready for class, since they skipped yesterday. Harper had on one of Chapas sweatshirts. Harper was bummed that Chapa never noticed that it was hers.
The girls ate their lunches at Mikas desk.
"So... how's my favorite ship been lately? The seas been rocky?"
Mika whispered to Harper.
"I just want my girlfriend back."
Harper felt a tear swell up in her eye.
"Hey it's gonna be okay. Chapa should be changing back soon."
Harper teleported Mika away to the closet. Harper started to cry.
"I-I never realized how hard it is to live without her."
Mika hugged Harper. But it only caused her to cry more.
"I n-need h-her back soon."
Mika rubbed Harpers back in circles.
"She'll be back soon."
Harper nodded. The girls walked out to see Miles by himself.
"Where's Chapa?"
Harper asked worried.
"Bose is talking to her outside. She was a bit worried about you."
Harpers heart shattered. Bose and Chapa walked in. Chapa walked up to Harper, and gave her a big hug.
"I love you Mama."
Harper broke into tears.
"I love you too princess."
Harper held Chapa close.
Mika said quietly, as she put the detector down. Harper kissed Chapa on the lips and stared into her eyes.
"Almost there my little princess. If you're trapped in there Chapa, we're going to get you out soon."
Chapa looked confused.
Chapa sat in Harpers lap sleeping quietly. Chapa tossed and turned violently. Then, a light pink glowing light came over her.
"You guys? What's happening?"
Harper asked, mortified. The light disappeared as everyone watched Chapa.
"What are you guys looking at?"
Harpers eyes widened and laid Chapa down on the couch, smashing her lips into Chapas. Chapa happily accepted Harpers actions, and kissed back.
"Eww! Get a room you two."
Ray complained. Harper sat on top of Chapas hips, and looked at Ray.
Harper said about to teleport the two girls out, when Mika stopped her.
"Chapa? How old are you?"
Chapa rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Wow. My best friend doesn't know how old I am. I'm 13 Mika. Just like you."
Harper squealed as she hugged Chapa.
"You're back to normal!"
Harper squealed.
They looked around. Harper sighed.
"Well when we were fighting The Toddler, he blasted you with a regression ray. It turned you to have the mind of a newborn. It took three days, but now your finally better!"
Chapa nodded slowly.
"So... What did you guys do? Any thing crazy?"
Harper smiled awkwardly.
"Oh you know. Feed you, burped you, put you down for a nap, changed your diaper."
Chapa screeched.
"Changed A What!"
Everyone awkwardly laughed.
"Don't worry. It was only for a few hours. Then I had to potty train you."
Chapa cringed.
"Umm. That's weird. Wait... who changed the... thing."
Harper giggled.
"Just me. Nobody had the guts!"
Harper said out loud, as they all started complaining.
"Whatever. I kept my eyes closed the whole time. That or just stared at your face."
Chapa was relieved. Harper kissed Chapas cheek.
"I'm just glad I don't have to hear you call me 'Mama' anymore."
Chapa snuggled up to Harpers chest.
"I love you Mama!"
Chapa said in a childish voice.
Harper zapped Chapa.
"What was that for!"
Harper laughed.
"You were getting cocky. Had to put you in you place."
Chapa snuggled up to Harpers chest and smiled. Mika smiled as Bose slung an arm around her shoulder.
"Looks like the ship has resailed."
Chapa kissed Harpers cheek.
"I'm so glad I woke up."
Harper tilted her head.
"It felt like I just fell asleep."
Harper nodded as she kissed Chapa on the lips.
"Don't worry Chapa. We're together now."
Harper brushed Chapas cheeks either her finger tips. Chapa nodded as she sat up.
"Is that my sweatshirt?"
Harper nodded as she giggled.
"It smells like you, and I missed you."
Chapa giggled as she pecked Harper in the lips. Harper smiled knowing that everything was going to go back to normal.
"My little monster."
"My little peanut."

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