The Date

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Chapa and Mika tore Chapas closet apart.
"There has to be something I can wear!"
Chapa said as she looked between two shirts.
"Whoever this person you are going out with is, will like you for being you. But are you sure this person is not Harper?"
Chapa groans.
"It's not Harper, Mika!"
Harper had the exact same problem.
"Are you sure you're not going out with Chapa?"
Miles asked.
Harper threw two shirts on the floor and groaned.
"I have nothing to wear!"
Harper complained.
"Why don't go in what you're wearing?"
Bose suggested. Harper looked at him. She was in a tee shirt and shorts. Harper tossed clothes on the floor until she finally found a nice shirt. It was a light pink, and was an off the shoulder shirt. It had gems sprinkled on the top. Harper sighed as she pulled it out.
"What about this?"
Harper asked.
"That looks better then all the others."
Miles pointed out. Harper went digging into her leggings drawer until she found a pair of jean leggings. They were light blue and matched.
"Does this ma- BOSE! Stop eating my lotion!"
Bose licked his lips.
"But it tastes like chocolate and coconut!"
Harper takes the lotion and slams it on her dresser.
Harper was lucky. Chapa, not so much.
"Mika! I swear! If you help me find anything I can wear! Then I'll tell you who I'm going out with."
Mika picked her head out of the closet and looked over.
"It's Harper isn't it?"
Mika looked in the closet until she found a blue sweater.
"What about this?"
Chapa nodded.
"That's the best we're gonna get."
Mika walked over to Chapas drawers and pulled out a pair of black leggings.
"Okay I picked out an outfit! Now who are you going out with?"
Chapa fell back on her bed and sighed.
Chapa got what was coming for her. She dug her grave, she had to lay in it. Harpers idea was finally coming together. The sky was clear, and everything was perfect. Now all she needed was. Chapa. Harper walked up the steps to Chapas house. She stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but stopped. What if Chapa hates it? What if she hates me? No. Harper you got it all wrong. Chapa likes you! Right? Oh just get it over with already!
Harper knocked on the door, her hands gripping the flowers tightly.
She heard Chapas voice. The door revealed Chapa. Harper never saw such colors on Chapa. It was different. Very different. Harper stopped starting and looked down. She lifted the red flowers out and handed them to Chapa.
"For you."
Chapa smiled as she grabbed the flowers. She lifted Harpers head up and kisses her cheek. Chapa settled the flowers down on the porch, and Harper grabbed her hand.
"Where are we going?"
Chapa asked. Harper turned her head and smiled.
"You'll see."
After a bit of walking, Harper stopped and scooped Chapa up. Chapa squealed.
"Where are we going?"
"I told you that you'll see. But I need to run there. It will get us there quicker."
Harper ran as fast as her power would let her. Then, she slowed down, and stopped at their destination. It was where Rays punching stump was. Harper has hung up little tea lights and set up a picnic blanket. Chapas heart melted at the sight. Harper walked Chapa over and sat her down. They gazed at the town that was lit up by the lights in the night sky. Harper pulled Chapa back and pointed to the night sky.
"You see that? That's the Little Dipper. And that bigger one over there, that's the Big Dipper. Tonight the sky is so clear, you can see Ursa Major."
Chapa was amazed about how much Harper knew. Chapa rested her head on Harpers shoulder, and cuddled up really close. Harper rubbed Chapas back as Chapa laid her head on Harpers stomach. Harper held her breath.
"I'm sorry it's not that romantic. I just didn't really have any ideas and this was the only thing that came to mind. "
Chapa looked up at the girl next to her and smile.
"It couldn't get anymore romantic then this, Harp."
Harper smiles.
"Do you like it?"
Chapa brushes the little baby hairs off Harpers forehead.
"I love it, just like I love you. To be honest I love you you more."
Harper laid amazed. Chapa loved her. Harper felt like this night couldn't get any better.
"I love you too Chapa."
The two girls lay on the soft blanket in the dark, with the stars to guide them home. But home, was with each other. And they couldn't be happier. Harper pointed to a bright star.
"That's the North Star. It always points North."
Harper kissed Chapas forehead.
"You see, stars are like little messengers. You tell them you're message and when you see a shooting star, it means someone sent you a message. They never disappoint."
Chapa looks towards the stars and sees the stars glitter. Chapa always thought star gazing was lame. But now she realized how amazing it was. Harper loves having Chapa curled up next to her. It made her feel like she could do anything. It made her feel powerful. Harper ran her fingers through Chapas hair and giggled. The two girls lay in the peaceful silence as they stared at the stars.
"I should probably be getting you home."
Harper said as she checked her watch.
"And I gotta order more lotion. Bose ate it all."
Chapa laughed as the stood up. Chapa dusted herself off as Harper took the lights down. They packed up and Harper picked up a half asleep Chapa. Harper ran to Chapas house and teleported to Chapas bedroom. Harper laid Chapa down in bed and tucked her in.
"Good night my love."
Harper kisses Chapa on the lips and teleported home. Harper got home and squealed. Ray walked out of the kitchen.
"How did it go?"
Harper smiles.
"She loved it!"
Ray smiles and picks up Harper. Harper giggles as she squirmed in his grip.
"Let's get you to bed."
Ray carried Harper to her room and set her down her bed. Harper got off and grabbed her pajamas to go change. This was the best date of their life.

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