Hawaii Force

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Ray sat up and turned his phone off. He looked at the kids, and saw them sleeping happily. Ray stopped as he saw Chapa hugging Harper. Ray laughed. He turned the lights on, which woke up Mika and Miles. Ray shook Boses shoulder and woke him up.
"How am I gonna get these two up?"
Harper opened her eyes and turned her head towards Chapa.
"Chapa. Come on. Wake up love. We have to get ready to leave."
Chapa woke up and nodded. Chapa crawled off of Harper and rubbed her eyes. Harper groaned as she got up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. She came out with a pear in her mouth, and a handful of candy.
"Who's hungry?"
Harper said as she dumped the sweets on the table.
"Really Harper?"
Harper shrugged as she continued to bite at the pear. Harper sat back down, and Chapa cuddled right up to her.
"Your still tired aren't you?"
Chapa looked up and nodded. She then yawned and placed her head on Harpers shoulder. Harper didn't mind at all. Harper actually found it quite adorable.
"Alright you guys, we gotta go catch a plane."
Everyone blew a bubble and had their travel clothes on. Chapa leaned her head on Harpers shoulder.
"You guys! Not as Volt and Girl Danger!"
They both groaned loudly. Ray was so excited.
"But we haven't even left the Mans Nest."
"Hey Ray, your phones going off."
Ray looked towards his phone.
"My stars! Gotta get out of here! My stars are going."
They all rushed down to the school to get in to the car and to the airport. Chapa and Harper sat impatiently.
"If we weren't supers right now, I would rather be cuddling you right now."
Harper whispered in Chapas ear.
"Not if I cuddled you first."
The girls started to giggle.
"What's so funny?"
Ray asked from the passengers seat.
Harper held Chapas hand and pressed her head against the wall of the car. Chapa could tell she was car sick. Harper leaned back and closed her eyes, calming her down.
"Hey are you feeling okay? You look pale."
Harper nodded and Chapa sat back. They arrived at the airport and Harper couldn't have been more great full. They grabbed everyone's suitcases out of the trunk. They all walked inside the busy airport.
"You guys stay close. Can't afford to loose you guys."
They all nodded as they dropped their suitcases off, and got in line for customs. Which was currently at a stand still.
"Nobody has any weapons with them right? Talking about you Harper!"
Harper gave a look and pulled multiple blasters out of her bag. In fact, all the kids did. They all laughed awkwardly as the security guard walked by.
"You kids can't have those. Their dangerous."
Harper turned around.
"We need them to fight crime in Hawaii."
The guard shrugged and kept walking. She came back and pulled them out of line.
"You guys need to get manually checked."
They all looked at each other and looked to Ray.
"Gets me out of this line quicker."
They all followed the guard to a pat down room. Harper and Chapa stood close together.
"Something tells me this is not going to end well."
Harper whispered. Chapa nodded. Mika laughed. The boys were pulled first, and the girls found it utterly hilarious. They loved watching the faces of the boys. Until it was their turn. They  stood with their arms out and the boys laughed at them. Harper and Chapa zapped them while the lady checked their pockets, and utility belts, and backpacks. Harper had the most weapons with a totally of 52.
"What? You gotta be prepared."
They all put their weapons back, and went to the waiting room. They all sat down and were very bored.
"Let's play truth or dare!"
They all agreed. Harper started.
"Volt, truth or dare?"
Chapa smiled.
Harper looked back at her.
"I dare you to be my bathroom buddy. I gotta pee."
They all laughed as the two stood up and walked to the bathroom. When they got into the bathroom Harper looked around. They were alone in the bathroom.
"You don't have to pee do you?"
Chapa asked. Harper just shook her head.
"No but I'm hungry."
Chapa went cold. Harper placed her hands on Chapas hips, bringing her closer, and kissed her roughly. Harper carefully watched the door. Harper and Chapa felt like they were in heaven. Harper pulled away.
"Come on. It's been five minutes. They will start to get suspicious."
The girls wet and dried their hands so it looked like they weren't making out, and went back to the others.
"What took you guys so long?"
Ray asked.
"I had to pee too."
Chapa said.
"And only one stall worked."
Chapa nodded her head. They all sat and waited until finally, they were called to the gate. They boarded the plane, and quickly took off. Harper, Chapa, and Mika sat next to each other, while the boys sat behind them. Harper sat by the window, Chapa sat in the middle, and Mika was forced by the two girls with begs, and pleads, and sealed the deal with five bucks.  Chapa held Harpers hand tightly the whole time.
"What's wrong? Don't like planes Volt?"
Chapa nodded. Harper looked around and saw most people were sleeping, or were distracted by a film.
"Come here I got you."
Chapa laid her head on Harpers shoulder.
"I got you okay? It's all gonna be okay."
Harper held Chapa close. The plane started to shake and get bumpy, causing Chapa to freak out a bit.
"Hey I got you. You're safe."
Chapa held onto Harpers arm and closed her eyes tightly. Soon enough, the plane landed. Chapa couldn't have been happier. The gang walked off the plane and walked to the hotel, which was in front of a beautiful beach. They got their room keys and headed to the seventh floor. The girls started to unpack in their room when Bose opened a door.
"Ray! I think I broke the wall."
Bose yelled causing the girls to laugh. Harper laid down on her bed and felt it dip a bit. She felt someone's hot breath on her neck. Harper turned to her side, and saw Chapa curled up in a ball.
"Oh come here you little silly loon."
Chapa curled up in Harpers chest and relaxed. Mika laughed as she looked at the two. Harper closed her eyes and relaxed. Chapa rested her hand on Harpers shoulder.
"I love you Girl Danger."
"I love you Volt."
Chapa rested her head on Harpers stomach and laid on her back.
"Do I have to sleep in my bed. Yours is much more comfortable."
Harper looked down.
"Now Volt, you know the rules. You have to sleep in your own bed."
Chapa groaned as she sprawled out across Harpers bed.
"But yours is warmer, and comfier and your in it! My bed has none of that!"
Chapa said whining.
"Just tonight."
Chapa squealed as she jumped up and down. Mika was alarmed by Chapas behavior.
"Are you okay Chapa?"
"Yup! I'm great!"
Harper had an upset look on her face.
"Chap your Like-A-Tol levels are rising dramatically!"
Chapa yawns as she rubs her eyes and lays down on her bed and starts to fall asleep. Harper  covers Chapa with the sheet and kisses her forehead. Mika and Harper finished unpacking, and went out onto the balcony.
"I still don't see how I'm like a mom to Chapa."
Mika looks over and laughs.
"You may not see it. But we do. I mean, you just tucked her into bed. Anyways, she loves that you take care of her. She says you're like the mom she never had."
"The mom she never had?"
Mika looks over.
"Yeah. Chapa had a rough time at home.  Her parents weren't the nicest. Chapas only always mean and grouchy because that's how she was raised. But, she's just a teddy bear, hidden under layers of ice."
Harper sighed as she looked at the ocean. Harper remembered her home life. She was always scared and alone.
"I guess that's why we had a lot in common."
Mika looked over.
"How so?"
Harper took a deep breath as her eyes explored the detail of the waves.
"Well, you know that both of my parents were in the army. So, I didn't see them both a lot. They took turns being deployed for so long. My Mom always woke me up at 2 am to do a workout since I was one. When my Dad was home it was no difference. But my parents favored me over my brothers. Sometimes my brothers would get the belt. When they got the belt, it was loud and left big red marks on them. I was only put in the naughty corner."
Mika nodded.
"So they played favorites."
Harper nodded.
"They tried hard not too. My brothers saw it as that since I was little they had less severe punishments for me. What hurt was that I did five workouts a day, all on an empty stomach. I had to do them before a snack or meal. I guess it was harsh for me. But Chapa probably had it worse."
Mika shook her head.
"No that's worse then Chapas home life."
Harper shrugged.
"I just wanna forget about the past. It hurt, but now it's different. So, I understand. I just don't wanna think about everything thats happened."
Mika nodded.
"So when are we going to hit up the beach?"
Harper shrugged.
"I think tomorrow. But I wanna go on a walk with Chapa today. I wanna talk to her."
Mika started to wiggle her eyebrows.
"Is this a good talk? Or a good good talk?"
Harper sighed and smiled.
"A good good talk."
Mika started squealing to be stopped by Harper.
"Shush! You're going to wake Chapa up."
Mika laughed as she sat down on the balcony chair.
"You guys are perfect for each other."
Harper giggled as she sat down.
"So do you have an eye for someone? Maybe a specific Bose?"
Mika scoffed as she shook her head.
"No way! Harper you have bumped your head."
Harper laughed. The two girls sat in quiet until Harper stood up.
"C'mon. We need to get ready for dinner."
The girls ran inside and Harper sat next to Chapa.
"Volt... Volt! Come on love I need you to wake up for me."
Chapa turned on her side and rubbed her eyes.
"I don't wanna get up."
Harper helped Chapa sit up and ran to Chapas backpack. Harper grabbed Chapas hairbrush and kneeled in front of her. Harper slowly neatened Chapas hair. Harper smiled as she walked over to the mirror and fixed her hair. She watched as Chapa tried to lay back down.
"Volt! Come on I'm not playing with you right now. We can mess around later."
Mika raised an eyebrow as Harper rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean Shoutout."
Mika laughed as the girls walked into the boys room, only to find Bose running around without a shirt and not in his uniform, Miles searching frantically for his gum, and Ray, well, let's just say he was posing in the mirror, also shirtless. The girls bit their cheeks as they tried hard not to laugh.
"Umm. Dad? Are you guys even close to being ready for going to dinner?"
The boys looked over towards the girls, and freaked out.
"Do you girls know how to knock?! Geez!"
Ray said. Harper just shrugged.
"Well we didn't think we would have to watch you like how parents watch a toddler."
Ray rolled his eyes as he tossed the boys their gum.
"Let's blow and go. I'm hungry."
Harper giggled as Chapa slurped up the pasta. Harper looked over to her side and smiled as she wiped the bit of sauce off of Chapas cheek.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."
The girls laughed. Bose was so focused on eating he forgot to breathe. Mika and Miles bickered over who had the better dinner, and Ray just let the kids be. Ray looked over all of them with a proud smile. Ray loved the kids. Especially Harper. Even if she was a pain, he still loved the kid. His kid.
Harpers dress flowed in the wind as her crutch sunk into the sand. A smile danced across Harpers face as she looked over to Chapa, who's arm was carefully linked with hers. Harper stopped and looked towards  the sea. Chapa walked up beside her with a look of concern.
"You know I've been thinking."
Harper started off with. She had to tell her.
"About what?"
Chapa asked. Looking at Harpers face.
A sinking feeling was felt in Chapas stomach, like somebody dropped a rock.
"What have you been thinking about us?"
Harper smiled.
"All the good times we have spent together. All the times we fought crime. Every time I've been lost in your eyes."
A light blush dusted Chapas cheeks. Harper looked over and grabbed Chapas hands.
"I love you Chapa. And I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what your parents say."
Tears swelled up in Chapas eyes. She didn't think Harper would do this. What Chapa had dreamed of for so long. Since the minute she had met her. The first butterflies still danced in her stomach. But Chapa was scared of her parents. She hated that she was scared of them. But Chapa had to be strong if this is what she wanted, which she knew she did.
"I guess what I am asking is..."
Harper trailed off as she looked down at the sand. The soft white sand that tickled her toes.
"W-Will you be my girlfriend?"
Harper asked, looking up. Her heart was racing a million miles an hour. She hated what she just did. She wanted a do over. She was a chicken. And no one likes a chicken. On the other hand, Chapa thought that Harper was extremely brave. Tears filled up the brims of Chapas eyes. Chapa was stuck in the moment. Chapa gave a simple nod,  and held Harper in a tight hug. A small tear leaked down Chapas cheek. Harper wiped it off as she kissed Chapa.  Chapa had a whole new view of Harper. They were dating now. Chapa couldn't have been prouder. Harper grabbed Chapas hand and smiled.
"Let's head back to the hotel."
Chapa nodded. The girls walked back and soon arrived in the lobby. They went into the elevator and pressed the button with a beautiful 7 painted in gold on it. The girls arrived on their floor and walked back in their room, locking the door behind them.
"We're back!"
The door was open, but Mika was already in bed sleeping. Harper walked into the boys room and saw Ray was the only one awake.
"We're back. We're going to go get ready for bed."
Ray nodded and the girls changed into their pajamas. Harper had black biker shorts, and a green sweatshirt. Chapa put on Harpers sweatshirt, and grey shorts. Harper laid down in her bed and got under the blankets. Chapa go tin her bed, but was alone. Harper was soon out cold, but Chapa was wide awake. Chapa creeped over to Harpers bed and shook her shoulder gently.
"What's wrong Chapa?"
Harper said waking up, rubbing her eyes.
"Can I sleep in your bed with you tonight?"
Harper sat up and looked at Chapa. Chapa gave Harper puppy eyes, which caused Harper to give in.
"Come on get in."
Harper said, lifting up the blanket. Chapa crawled in and snuggled up to Harpers side.
"Is that better my love?"
Chapa nodded. Harper slowly rubs Chapas back, causing her to slowly drift off.
"I love you Chapa."
"I love you Harper."
Both girls fell asleep.

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