Daddys Girl.

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They walked out of the courthouse holding hands. They got in Rays truck and he broke down in tears. This is what he always wanted. He loved his niece. But now she was his daughter, his little girl. Harper stared out the window and at the busy rode. She got a text on her phone.
Chapa😈❤️: You guys out yet?
Harper😘: Yeah just got out.
Chapa😈❤️: Yay! So is Ray happy?"
Harper😘: IDK. He's having a meltdown right now.
Chapa😈❤️: Well talk to him dummy!
Harper😘: K!
Harper put her phone down and turned her head. Ray was somewhat collected. Harper put her hand on his, making him look over. She flashed Ray a smile. Ray could see it through the tears in his eyes. Harper laid her head on her shoulder and yawned.
"Let's go home."
Ray said as he pulled out of the parking spot.
Ray was stuck thinking about the time he had left with Harper. This meant that she could replace him when he retired. That she could grow up in front of his eyes. Ray pulled into the garage. Harper got out of the truck and skipped inside. Ray followed shortly behind. Harper went to the classroom and sat down at her desk.
"How cool was the courthouse?"
Bose asked.
"I don't know? I barley payed attention."
Schwoz walked in and stood at the front of the class.
"Okay so Ray is busy at the moment, so we are going to practice our lies!"
They groaned as everyone turned back to Harper.
"Was Ray really having a meltdown?"
"Yup. So now his steering wheel is soaked."
Schwoz blew his 'Hey' horn.
"Never 'Hey' Horn a woman!"
Chapa and Harper said at the same time, sparks at the tips of their hands.
"Harper, Chapa calm down."
"Never tell me to calm down."
They said together. Ray walked in and signaled for them to sit down. Harper gave Schwoz a little zap, making him run.
"Were you really crying dude?"
Miles asked.
"No! I was not crying! Who said I was crying."
Chapa responded as she tried to avoid the tickles Harper was trying to give her. They giggled as the rolled their chairs around. Ray walked over and stopped.
"Alright you two come on! No funny business!"
The girls giggled as they pulled away.
"You know I'm still going to be strict on you right Harp?"
"Good. Now today we are going to be training."
They all groaned as they pulled the mats out Harper kept punching the punching bag. She pulled a picture out of her desk and taped it to the punching bag. Her punches got faster and faster, to the point she just started kicking it. It was a picture of Schwoz. Harper laughed as she  trained.
"Alright that's enough."
Ray said.
They all sat back down. Harper decided that she was bored so she rolled over to Chapa.
Harper whisper yelled in Chapas ear making Chapa break out in laughter. Ray turned around.
"What's so funny?"
Harper jumped up on her desk and yelled.
Everyone started laughing at Harper as Ray groaned.
"Harper stop it."
Harper sat down and flashed Ray a smile as she doodled. Ray walked over and saw she drew a minion. It held a flag that said 'Werld Domenashion!"
"Harper, you spelt world and domination wrong."
Harper looked up and looked down.
Ray ruffled her hair.
"I'll help you fix it during lunch."
Ray went back to teaching the class about different criminals and why they should want to punch them in the face. Yeah, cause that's a good lesson to teach five kids who are individually aggressive. Lunch arrived sooner than they wanted. Harper finished her doodle and everything was fine, until the emergency alarm rang. Schwoz popped up on the board.
"Ray! There is a super tough gang of criminals at the Dark Alley! They are actually pretty lethal! I need you and only one other Danger Force member to get them because well... you know why!"
Ray nodded.
"Harper! Let's blow and go!"
Harper nodded.
"Please come back safe."
Chapa said.
"Chapa, I'm going to be fine."
"It's just because you get hurt every time we fight a criminal!"
"It's not my fault that I try to protect you!"
"It's not my fault that you don't believe that I can protect myself!"
"It's not my fault you suck at using your powers!"
Chapa stared at Harper in disbelief.
"It's not my fault you suck at being a good girlfriend!"
Chapa stomped off. Harpers blood was boiling. Not a good girlfriend? She was the best girlfriend! Harper went up to the Mans Nest and grabbed several weapons. Henry and Charlotte saw what happened downstairs. Harper stormed past them and went next to Ray.
"Let's blow this joint."
Harper said in an angry tone. They walked out and everyone stared at the tubes.
"Down the tube!"
They said in unison. Chapa stared at the tube in anger. Chapa walked over to the wall and punched it. She groaned as she pulled her fist away. Chapa sat down on her chair and stared at the tube. Henry pulled up a chair and sat next to Chapa.
"What happened down there with you and Curly Sue?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
Chapa muttered. Henry walked back over to the others and shook his head. They all sighed.
At Dark Alley
Harper and Ray arrived. Harper was beyond scared for this fight.
"Put your hands in the air!"
Ray yelled.
"And drop your weapons!"
The three men took one look over at Harper and started laughing.
"Like you could hurt us!"
The one said. Harper knew she couldn't but she had to try. Harper zapped him as hard as she could and threw him into the wall. They ran forward and attacked.
The Mans Nest
Chapa stared at the tube thinking if she stared, they would come back. Mika kept herself and Charlotte occupied by watching dog videos. Henry and Miles were playing a video game, while Jasper and Bose were dancing along to one of Rays cowboy videos.
Chapa tried to imagine the fight. All she could imagine, was blood. Then Ray arrived up the tube, his back facing everyone. There was visible blood on his uniform.
"Schwoz! Get all the kids in the classroom."
"Got it!"
Schwoz ushered them all out. The last thing that Chapa was able to see, was Ray crying, while placing down a body. Everyone got downstairs and sat tense. The tension could be cut with a knife. Chapa sat in Harpers chair. She closed her eyes and imagined laying down on Harpers chest again. She imagined Harpers warm touch. She tried to here Harpers voice, but all she could imagine was her last few words. Chapa opened her eyes and wished to see Harper. Ray walked in. He had doctor scrubs on, and they had blood all over them.
"I need you guys to go to the pharmacy and get everything on this list."
Ray handed the list to Charlotte. They all left to get the items on the list. Ray went back upstairs. He walked in to see Schwoz stitching some of Harpers wounds. Her head had some bandages wrapped on it, but the poor kid was just miserable. Ray was kind of happy that she went unconscious.
"She's going to be okay. Right Schwoz?"
Schwoz looked over.
"We can only hope."
Ray wiped a bit of blood off of her cheek. She beat all of the criminals all by herself. Though they all gave her a good beating.
The kids that went to the store arrived back, and set the things down. Ray came down and grabbed the bags.
"Is Harper going to be okay Ray?"
Ray sighed.
"We can only hope right now."
With that, he left. Chapa shook her head silently cried into her hands.
"This is all my fault."
She muttered. The others didn't want to mess with her. The only one that would be able to make her feel better would be Harper. Up in the Mans nest, Schwoz finished wrapping bandages around Harpers wrists. Harper slowly started to wake up.
"She's going to wake up in shock. Be ready to calm her down."
Harpers eyes opened wide. Her eyes were bloodshot. She grabbed at the neck brace and tried to pull it off.
"Woah calm down there Harp. It's okay sweetie. You gotta let go."
Harper let go and tried to talk. Nothing came out.
"No talking. It will make your throat worse."
Harper looked around and tried to find Chapa. Her thoughts were short. Did she leave. She hates me. Is Chapa at home? Is she safe.
Ray gave her a list of peoples names on it. Instantly Harper pointed to her favorite. Chapa. Ray frowned. He nodded and went to the classroom. Everyone looked up.
"Is she okay?"
Chapa asked. Ray held his head low.
"Yeah. She wants to see you specifically."
Chapa smashed Harpers button and went upstairs. Chapa ran towards the medical table and instantly stepped backwards at the horrific sight.
Harper tried to smile, but winced at the pain. Chapa stood by Harpers chair and stood in disbelief. She looked like the punching bags. Chapa ran out of the Mans Nest. She went back downstairs and hid in the corner. She cried into her hands. Ray walked over and pulled Chapa into his arms. Chapa cried into Rays shoulder.
"What's wrong Chapa? You can tell me."
Chapa looked over to Ray and wiped tears off her face.
"I can't look at her right now."
"Why's that sweetie?"
Chapa sighed.
"She probably hates me right now! And I just can't look at her hurt like that."
Ray stared at Chapa. He saw how much she loved his daughter.
"Come on. Let's go upstairs. I'll hold your hand."
Chapa nodded. They both went upstairs and Ray held Chapas hand the whole time. When Chapa saw Harper, she tried to run away again. But Ray has a firm grip. Harper was afraid of why Chapa ran away. Schwoz has told her she probably didn't like seeing her hurt. But Harper thought otherwise. Ray and Chapa walked up next to the table. Harper stared into Chapas eyes. Chapa exchanged the stare. Harper looked down.
I'm sorry for what I said earlier.
Harper said in Chapas mind.
"I'm sorry that I started the fight."
The two girls looked in opposite directions.
"You feeling okay?"
Not really. My heads pounding and my bodies numb.
Chapa grabbed Harpers hand and stared at the bandages.
"They got you pretty good."
The tension between the two girls was tough. Chap felt Harpers cheek and slowly sighed.
"You scared everyone. We thought you..."
Died. So did I. So did I.
"Did you see god?"
Chapa asked.
Harper kind of shrugged.
If God exists in a black void, and is a white glowing figure. Then I think so.
Chapa was amazed.
"Woah! What did he look like?"
Harper had to think.
He was dressed in a white toga. He had a long beard, like Santa. He had blue eyes, white hair, and was barefoot.
Chapa was amazed.
"What did he say?"
He said that I was barley alive. That I had the choice to die, or to live. He said that he would suggest that I live. He also said I should apologize.
Chapa held Harpers hand.
"So... you chose to live? Why?"
Harper shrugged.
I guess that I wasn't ready to die. I felt like I still had business back on Earth.
Chapa smiled. Chapa hugged Harper carefully. Harper kissed the top of Chapas head.
"I still love you Harper. Even if you don't love me still."
Harper rubbed Chapas cheek, and tried to smile.
I love you too. I hope you can forgive me.
Chapa hugged Harper and nodded.
"Hey Harp? Do you wanna see the others now that you two have made up?" Harper nods. Soon enough, the others are in the Mans Nest. They all gasp as they see Harpers state. Chapa sits next to Harper, who was trying to sit up. They all stared at her like she had two heads. At this point, Harper was lucky she still had one!
"Dang. Did you win?"
Henry asked.
"I think I did?"
Everyone looked to Ray who nodded.
They talked for a while before everyone went home. Chapa refused to go home, so she slept over. Harper and Chapa laid next to each other. Harper still on the medical table, Chapa on the couch next to her. Harper sat up slowly and tried to push herself to the edge of the table.
Chapa sat up and looked over.
"What's wrong Harper?"
Harper croaked.
"Oh you wanna get down?"
Harper nodded. Chapa went to Harpers side and put Harpers arm around her neck. Chapa helped Harper stand up. And walk to the bathroom. They walked back, and went to sleep.

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