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Harper and Chapa lay silently on the couch. Mika arrived up to the Mans Best squealing, with Miles on her tail.
"You guys!"
Mika said. Miles looked to his sister.
"Why is it that every time we look at them, they are asleep, or being all mushy with each other."
Mika shrugged as she poked Harpers arm.
"Harper! Chapa! It's four in the afternoon! Are you ever going to wake up?!"
Harper sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Shush Mika. You're going to wake Chapa up."
Chapa turned looking for Harper. Harper gave Chapa her hand and she settled down a bit. Just then, Ray burst through the door.
"Guess who's turning a fabulous 25 again and is taking his favorite kids to Six Flags over Swellview?!"
Ray yells. Harper smiles. She hugs Ray and looks him in the eyes.
"We all know that you're not going to be twenty five again."
Ray laughs.
"He's actually in his f-"
"Forty's! She was going to say forty's."
Ray moved his hand away from Harpers mouth as she ran across the room.
"You're Fifty five!"
Everyone laughed at Ray as he shook his head.
"I have some very simple rules you need to follow though."
"But I'm severely allergic to rules!"
Ray shook his head.
"Then you can stay home Harper."
Harper shook her head rapidly. Ray stood up straight.
"Rule One is for Harper and Chapa. No kissing, cuddling, or flirting. That's gonna be a hard one for you. Second rule, you must stay at my side at all times. Rule three. If you go to the bathroom, take a buddy. And no secret make out sessions either you too. I know you girls way to well. Fourth rule, no running, hitting, use of powers, and especially no kissing.
Also Mika, try not to scream on roller coasters. Break a rule, and I'll break your leg."
Harper crosses her arms and stomped her foot. Harper placed a kiss and Chapas cheek. Harper noticed it was a bit salty, and wet. In fact, so was Harpers chest. Ray just rolled his eyes before Harper looked out the window.
"Umm. Dad? Did you check the weather report?"
Ray scoffed.
"Nobody does."
Harper laughed.
"Guess we're stuck here 'till the rain passes."
Ray groans as Harper teleported Chapa to her room.
"Chapa? Were you crying last night?"
Chapa looks down to her feet and nodded.
"Aww baby. Why didn't you wake me up?"
Chapa shrugged.
"I felt guilty about it."
Harper planted a firm kiss on Chapas forehead.
"Babe, you don't need to fell guilty. It only makes me feel bad that I couldn't help you."
Chapa looks into Harpers eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Harper smiled as she rubbed Chapas cheek.
"Don't be baby."
Harper held Chapa in a close hug.
"Now what happened that made my beautiful girlfriend cry?"
Chapa let out a small giggle.
"Well... It's a long story. I had a nightmare that all the villains in Swellview captured the team and they killed you guys right in front of me. Then they took their time slowly killing you. The pain, it hurt so m-much."
Harper brushes a tear off of Chaos face and smiled.
"Oh my little Cinnabon. Nobody's going to hurt me I promise you that."
Harper pulled Chapa into a comfortable embrace. The girls sat in each other's arms until Harper felt a little more weight. Chapa had fell asleep in her arms. Harper picked Chapa up onto her hip, and carried her into the Mans Nest. The whole time she wondered why Chapa was strangely light. Harper carried  a sleeping Chapa into the Mans Nest.
Harper laid Chapa next to her on the couch.
"Chapas sleeping again?!"
Miles said loudly.
"Shush! Poor thing didn't sleep last night."
Bose tilted his head.
Harper sighed.
"Chapa had a nightmare. She said it was about all the villains in Swellview killing us. But my death is what hurt her."
Ray scoffed.
"I can't die!"
Harper rolled her eyes.
"If someone cut your head off with a butchers knife you could."
Ray shook his head.
Harper slapped Ray across the face. Ray gave Harper a look as she shrugged. Chapa tossed and turned on the couch, until she shot up, grabbing everyone's attention. Harper walked over and ruffled her hair.
"What's wrong Chapa?"
Chapa sat silently with her face in her hands. Harper quickly understood, and teleported Chapa and herself to Harpers bedroom. Harper walked Chapa over to her hanging chair. Harper held Chapa in a comfortable embrace. Harper fixes Chapas messy hair.
"What's wrong Chapa. You can tell me."
Chapa looked up at Harper while wiping tears out of her eyes.
"Y-y-you w-w-were dead."
Harper kissed the top of Chapas head.
"Oh honey. It was just a bad dream."
Harper giggled at her girlfriends innocence.
Chapa cuddled into Harpers chest. Harper smiled and delicately brushed her fingers across Chapas forehead. Chapa giggled a bit as she lovingly watched her girlfriend.
"Come on. Let's get back to the Mans Nest."
Chapa nodded and the girls walked back to the Mans Nest hand in hand. Everyone was watching Dog Judge the Musical 2.
Harper looked out the window.
"Hey Dad? The rain stopped."
Ray grabbed his phone off of the table and and ran towards the tube.
"Hurry up you slow pokes."
Chapas hands started sparking.
"Don't you tell me, what to do!"
She said angry.
"Chapa, calm down."
Mika said. Chapa glared over at Mika with her hands sparking more.
"Don't tell me, to calm down."
Harper rested her hand on Chapas shoulder, and rubbed it a bit.
"Relax Chapa."
The sparks disappeared, and Chapa calmed down. Soon, Miles and Harper teleported the group to the amusement park. Just then, Harper realized how scary, and how much she hated this. The group got wristbands and walked into the park. Harper clutched onto Chapas hand and looked at the horrible roller coaster. Suddenly, Bose pointed to a roller coaster that sent chills down Harpers spine. It was called Death Mountain.
"I'm so down for that."
Bose said.
"I'll go."
Miles replied. Everyone except Harper agreed. Harper swallowed the lump in her throat as she let go of Chapas hand so she didn't feel her hands shaking.
"W-why not?"
Harper said with a large fake smile. Ray looked over to Harper, remembering her fear of extreme heights. She could be on top of a mountain, but a roller coaster on top of a mountain, well, that was another story. As the rest of the group walked towards the line, Ray pulled Harper aside.
"Harper. Are you sure you really wanna do this?"
"Absolutely not. But... I kinda have too. What superhero is afraid of heights?!"
Sh replied shaking.
"Harper why don't you just tell them and we could go on another one?"
Harper just shook her head.
"I don't wanna ruin it for them. Besides they'll mock me for it and Chapa will hate me."
Ray rubbed his daughters back.
"I mean, that thing is giant! I have every single right to be totally-"
Harper dragged on as she saw a look on Rays face.
"Excited! But I need to make a call first. Be right back."
Harper ran to the side of a building and called Schwoz.
"Wassup! Hey I need you to bring my height relaxers immediately. They wanna go on a coaster called Death Mountain."
Harper heard a gasp from the other line.
That coaster has a record of 524 deaths! The city limit is 600!
Harper groaned.
"Schwoz. You know how you are my favorite person in the whole world!"
Aww Harper.
"Yeah I need you to kinda.. well you know... drug up my pills."
No way Harper! Ray will fire me! Plus you're too young.
Harper rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Please Schwoz. I learned how to smoke a cigarette at two. Tried weed at five. Weed really smells by the way. And not a good small either.  And then sampled crack, coke, and marijuana at seven. It's common and perfectly legal and highly recommended to be taught in Dystopia."
Harper heard a groan over the phone.
Harper do you know how much trouble you'll be in?! I'm not drugging you up. Now do you want the pills or not?!
Harper sighed.
"Never mind. I'll be fine without them. Thanks anyways Schwoz. Just don't tell Dad about this."
You got it.
Harper walked over to the group who were patiently waiting in line. It was a five minute wait from where they were at. Harper jumped in line and clung to Rays side. Chapa found it weird that nobody was secretly holding her hand, or had their head on her shoulder, or was whispering soft words into her ear. Chapa turned her head to see Harper holding Rays arm, which was not common. Then, it was their turn. Mika, Miles, and Bose sat in front of Chapa, Harper, and Ray. Harper sat in the middle, and so did Mika. Harper held on, with tears in her eyes as the coaster was about to take off. Harper wanted to break down in tears. Ray held his daughter close.
"It'll be okay Harp. Just try to relax."
The coaster took off, and soon it was over. The kids had a blast. Ray liked it but felt bad because Harper held onto his arm the whole time. Chapa had shot Harper confused looks. When they got off, Harper was still attached to Ray. Ray held her close and the kids all noticed that something was off.
"Harper? Are you okay?"
Miles asked. Harper just nodded. Ray ran his fingers through her hair and sighed as he watched and felt his daughter sniffle into his shirt. Ray crouched down and looked into Harpers eyes.
"You okay sweetie?"
Harper nodded as she held his hand tightly. Ray shook his head as he stared at his daughter.
"I told you to tell the truth. But you didn't wanna listen."
Ray whispered in her ear.
"Because I didn't wanna tell them that we went on a roller coaster with a death total of 524!"
Harper whisper yelled in his ear. Ray wiped a tear off of Harpers cheek.
"Tell me if it gets to much okay Harp?"
"Okay Dad."
Ray stood up and gave the others a look. They all started walking until Mika pointed to a roller coaster that instantly stopped Harper in her tracks. It was called Chaos. Harper had been on this roller coaster before, but this was way to tall for her. It went so high that people actually went upside down!
"Yeah that's where I draw a very very big line."
Harper muttered to herself.
"Do you guys wanna go on that one?"
Mika asked.
Hell no!
Harper thought. Ray didn't even wanna go on it. Ray looked at the kids.
"Why don't you guys go on it. Me and Harper will hold your stuff."
Mika turned her head.
"You don't wanna go on Harper?"
Harper sat frozen. She didn't wanna be a wimp, but she didn't wanna go on. Chapa grabbed Harpers hand and leaned to her ear.
"What's wrong my little monster?"
Harper was frozen. Suddenly, Harper made a quick run for the bathroom. She didn't know where else to hide. Chapa followed Harper and walked into the bathroom. She heard a small whimper from the last stall.
"Harp? What's wrong my love."
Instantly, Harper grew silent. Chapa knew that something had to be wrong for Harper to run off.
"Open the door Harp. I'm not going anywhere."
Harper hesitated, but opened the door. Her face was a light pink. She hid her face from Chapas view.
"What's wrong Harper."
Chapa said as she rested a hand on Harpers cheek. Harper stared at the floor.
"Don't tell anyone."
Chapa smiled.
"I won't."
Harper sighed.
"I have acrophobia. I hate extreme heights. That's why I was stalling. And crying. I just can't handle it."
Harper said quietly. Chapa rubbed Harpers back.
"Babe. It's okay to be afraid of heights."
Harper looked over to Chapa.
"I just find it stupid. What superhero is afraid of heights?!"
Chapa laughed. Harper gave her a death glare.
"It's okay I promise you. Everyone is afraid of something."
Harper nodded as Chapa kissed her cheek.
"C'mon. Before Ray gets suspicious."
The girls walk back over to the group. The group decided that the kids accept for Harper would go on Chaos, then get lunch.
After a long day of roller coasters, and games, the group headed home. Chapa got home to her Dad and Step Mom in the living room.
"Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva! It is 8:35. Where have you been?!"
Chapa couldn't think.
"My friend was on fire and I needed to run to pour water on her face?"
She said, almost questioned by her own statement.
"That is a filthy lie."
Chapa got what was coming for her. She sat tied down in the basement, almost crying. Harper was the only thing that came into her head. That awful night, she cried herself to sleep in the cold, dark, basement.

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