End of Danger? Part 1

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Harper races around the Mans Nest, chasing Rocky who had stole her shirt. Harper caught him and proceeded to put her shirt on.
"Silly Rocky."
Harper laughed, not knowing it could be the last time she did. Chapa and Chloe came up and Chloe ran straight to Rocky.
"Rocky! Good boy!"
Chapa kissed Harper good morning. Harper smiled as she stroked Chapas hair.
"Morning muffin."
Harper whispered.
"Yuck get a room!"
Chloe yelled. Chapa rolled her eyes as she hugged Harper.
"Someones clingy today?"
Harper asked holding her girlfriend in a tight hug.
"I just missed you!"
Chapa sighed kissing Harpers cheek. Mika, Miles and Bose arrived up and helped the girls chase rocky who was chewing on Harpers shoe.
"Rocky Lee, you get your furry rear back this instant!"
Harper yelled trying to catch the speedy puppy. The alarm went off causing Rocky to drop the shoe and bark. Harper picked him up and soothed his fur.
"Good boy Rocky."
Ray ran in geared up.
"Let's go, go, go!"
Ray yelled.
"We're go, go, going!"
Mika retorted. The kids suited up and checked out the crime. An armed suspect was threatening people. The kids got ready and went off to the one place Harper was way to familiar with. This was the black market. The unseen part of Swellview. Harper would go undercover in that area. Her villain name, Shadow. Shadow was a widely known villain. She told stories of death, murder, terrorist attacks, bank robberies, you name it. Among the villains, this place was known as 'The Burrow'. Harper crept around the corner and signaled for her team to follow.
"Huh nobody's he-"
Harper was grabbed, thrown against a wall, and held back with a large, sharp, pointy, shiny knife held to her throat.
"Wait 'till The Burrow hears 'bout this! Beat all of Shadows stories!"
The masked man laughed.
"The Serial Killer. How dare you defy your masters orders."
Harper said loudly.
Chapa yelled.
"Umm let me think.... no thanks."
The man teased. Ray lunged, but the knife drew closer to Harpers skin, slowly dribbling the dark red liquid. A screech of pain could be heard from Harper as she held on.
"One more step, and this on gets it."
The man ordered.
Volt smirked and put her foot forward.
"Suit yourself."
The man slit Harpers throat open, a gash seated across her throat as her ear piercing scream could be heard for miles. Girl Danger dropped to the floor, as a finally scream left her lips as she dropped unconscious.
Chapa screamed as she ran to Harpers aid. Chapa cried at the bloody sight. Chapa never fully let out her emotions. All those other times she cried, it wasn't her fully crying. When she cried in a situation like this, which only happened one other time, she let her inner beast go, and it would not be pretty.  Chapa bawled harder then ever, pain and anger in her expression.
Chapa shook her head as tears fell like waterfalls down her face.
"Wake up Harper, wake up!"
Chapa bawled. Her hands ran everywhere around Harper. She didn't care where they went. She needed to flip the on switch. Chapa cried as she rested her hand on Harpers heart, holding Harpers ghostly hands in hers.
"Harpy... HARPY!"
Chapa screamed. Ray bent down not being able to register what happened and rested his hand on his daughters cheek. Mika cheeked for a pulse. Nothing. Mika closed Harpers eyes as the boys squated next to Chapa.
"There. Now she can sleep."
Mika whispered. Chapa cried harder and harder.
"You can't leave me! You can't! I won't let you Harpy! Wake up!"
Chapa cried out to the dead body. Mika grasped her friends shoulders.
"She's with her family now, Chapa."
Chapa shook her head.
"kill me... Kill me... KILL ME! LET ME BE WITH HER!"
Chapa yelled out. Ray let a single tear fall.
"I'll call an ambulance."
Ray walked away as Chapa continued crying on the floor. Harpers body lie there lifeless. It was pale, not her tan skin tone. The sense of life seemed to be drained from her.
"I love you Harper. I love you."
Chapa whispered. Soon an ambulance showed up and Ray forced Miles to teleport the others back to the Mans Nest.
"Poor kid."
The paramedic said quietly disconnecting a heart monitor. Ray gave up and cried for his dead daughter.
"Don't leave me Harp. We need you. Your the only one I have left."
Ray cried.
"Do you want any of her belongings, before we take her to the Swellview Hospitals morgue."
The man asked Ray.
"I want her mask."
Ray asked quietly. He exchanged his own, and rested it on Harpers face, and took Harpers into his hand. Ray was careful enough to put a spare mask over his face.
"She's not Girl Danger any more. She's Captain Danger."
Ray said loudly. Harper was a hero saving the town, saving her friends. Ray held his daughters hand, giving it a kiss, before they took her away. Ray went back to the Mans Nest, where the couch was filled with holes, glass was shattered, objects were everywhere, and nobody cared about anything. Chapa sat on the couch screaming. Mika cried in her hands at her rolling desk. The boys cried by the monitor as Schwoz stared at the wall in disbelief. He actually had a very close connection with Harper. The two loved baking together, playing different songs, playing with Schwozs pig, the two were best friends. Ray sat down and held Harpers mask delicately in his hands. Ray disappeared and came back with a frame. He rested Harpers mask in it, and on the plaque, wrote, 'Started as Girl Danger, ended as Captain Danger. RIP Harper Marie Manchester.'
Ray cried as he hung the plaque on the wall. The team admired it before Chapa ran to Harpers room and flinged herself on Harpers bed, and crawled under the sheets, snuggling herself into the fluffy duvet. Chapa inhaled the intoxicating scent. It reminded her of her girl. Her Harper. Chapa cried in Harpers bed, savoring every last scent of her girlfriend. Chapa remembered how her hair smelt like rosemary and mint, with a slight hint of coconut. How her skin smelled like lavender and chamomile. How her lips always tasted of a light apple cider chapstick. How her hazel eyes looks like millions of galaxies in two, tiny glass balls. All Chapa had left of her Harper now, was memories.
———Two weeks later———
Ray, Schwoz, Mika, Miles, Bose, Chloe, and Chapa stood up after the long service. Henry, Jasper, and Charlotte walked over, and none of them with a dry eye. Hailey, Penny, Chiara, Rowan, Ben, and surprisingly Merula walked over in their black robes. All of them talked, except for Chapa. They made their way over to the open casket to take a final look at Harper. The four kids rested their masks in Harpers casket, all by her head. Hailey gently placed Harpers very own wand that she had left in Hogwarts, into the casket, resting in Harpers right hand. Charlotte rested something that was very important, a symbol of Dystopian citizenship, a gold, shiny pin with the Dystopian logo. The casket was closed and nailed shut. It had been buried in the graveyard next to her parents coffins, and brothers, who's final resting grounds were now in Swellview. Everyone threw lilies into the grave as the casket was lowered. They were Harpers favorite flower. Chapa was depressed. Her mother tried to help her recover at home... it was no use.
——-Swellview Hospital——-
"Focus on the pain my sweet girl. It will help you grow stronger."
A man in a white lab coat whispered.
"Father it hurts."
A girl whispered.
"Remember who you are."
He reminded her.
"I'm Harper Manchester."

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