New Boy Part 1

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Chapa looked out her window and watched the moving trucks come down the street. Any other day Chapa would not have a care in the world that someone moved in across the street. But today, a boy caught her eye, sending her into a loopy, daydream.
"Lula! Come on breakfast is ready!"
Her mom called from downstairs.
"Yes Mommy!"
Chapa called as she skipped down the stairs, but stopped by Chloes room and left a kiss on her sisters head. Chloe felt so alarmed that she ran into her room and slammed the door shut. Chloe opened her Whiz Watch, and called Harper.
Hey Chloe! What's up?!
"Chapas being nice today! She called Mama, Mommy, and gave me a kiss on her way to the kitchen!"
Harper chuckled.
That does sound like a problem. Chapa is never that nice. I'll come by after breakfast to see what's up.
"Ok Harper."
Chloe hung up and ran downstairs. Chapa was smiling while eating pancakes. Which was weird because Chapa was never a fan of them. Chloe sat down and eyes her sister.
"Momma? I think Chapas sick!"
The girls mother laughed as she shook her head.
"Oh no Chloe. I already checked her temperature. She's perfectly fine. Which reminds me, I need one of you to bring this across the street. It's a gift for the new neighbors."
Chapas Mom said.
"I wanna bring it over!"
Chapa volunteered.
"Great! Take this tray over when your finished."
Chapa stuffed the rest of the pancakes down her throat, and grabbed the tray.
Chapa yelled running out the door. By now, the trucks were gone, so Chapa felt a bit more confident. Chapa rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Soon, a boy about 14, opened the door. Chapa swooned over the boy.
"H-Hi. I-I'm Chapa. I live across the street."
The boy smiled, as a light blush grazed his cheeks
"I'm J-Justin. We just moved here."
The two sat in an awkward silence.
"U-uh my Mom wanted me to b-bring this over. Though I have no idea what it actually is!"
Chapa said while laughing.
"Well I gotta go. And I bet you have unpacking to do..."
Chapa led off.
"U-Um Yeah. Hey what school do you go to?"
Justin asked.
"Oh I go to Swellview Academy for the Gifted."
Justin's smile turned into a frown.
"Oh I'm going to Swellview Middle School. Hey maybe we could exchange numbers?"
Chapa felt fireworks go off inside her.
The two exchanged numbers before Chloe came running outside.
"Chapa! Chapa! Harper told me to ask you if Mika told you that Bose told.... Miles.... who then told Ray... to tell Schwoz that... he... lost his gum in his uniform..."
Chapas eyes widened.
"Yes Chloe. Mika told me."
Chloe nodded and ran off.
"Well I'll s-see you around."
Chapa stuttered.
"Yeah. S-See you."
Justin replied. Chapa marched home and went straight to her room and started daydreaming about Justin. Chapa had not even noticed that Harper was waiting with strawberries and Cool Whip. Harper set the plate down on Chapas desk and rested at the end of Chapas bed.
You see a war that never ends,
While I see a perfect day go bye.
You watch time get stopped each second,
While I see the time fly.
When will you come home to me?
When will you hold me in your arms?
When will you show me the love, you never gave me before.
Harper sang quietly.
"Oh I didn't realize you were here."
Chapa exclaimed.
"Chloe told me you were acting weird. I wanted to make sure you were okay?"
Harper said as Chapa walked her towards the window.
"Yup! Just fine. You should get home."
Chapa said as Harper climbed out the window.
"Okay -"
Chapa exclaimed as she shut the window and pulled the shades shut.
"I love you..."
Harper whispered quietly as she climbed down the tree. Harper teleported to the Mans Nest and sat quietly on the couch.
"Hey is Tammy alright?"
Harper sighed.
"She's fine."
Harper replied spitefully.
"Oook... you wanna watch a movie?"
Ray knew that if Harper was in any way angry, he could cheer her up with a movie.
"Ok Dad..."
Ray laughed as he grabbed a bag of popcorn, and sat on the couch next to her.
"He's so cute!"
Chapa exclaimed to the mirror. Chapa was in a red dress, since she thought she looked best in them. Chapa sat in front of her mirror admiring herself as she tried to fix her hair.
"Who's so cute? Bose?"
Chloe asked walking in.
Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Ugh Justin again! Seriously Chapa! Give it a break! You have a girlfriend for cheese and crackers!"
Chapa rolled her eyes.
"But Justin is just sooo dreamy!"
Chapa fantasized.
"And so is your girlfriend! You know the one you made a commitment to. The one you gave a promise ring! The one that you kiss every, single, bloody day rain or shine!"
Chloe scoffed.
"And you think a boy, you just met, is cuter then Harper. Wow the sister I have. Just like her daddy."
Chapa was pulled out of her daydream.
"I'm not like Dad in anyway possible. Explain to me how I'm like him."
Chloe laughed.
"Well Mommy and Daddy were married when Daddy started seeing Momma. Then he started to really like her. Then, Mommy found out and they got divorced. You and Harper are dating and you are now crushing on a boy."
Chapa rolled her eyes.
"Stay out of my business."
Chloe shrugged and skipped out of her sisters room.
"Just like Dad. She lost her mind."
Chapa heard her phone buzz.
Justin🤩: Hey Chapa. Wanna hang tomorrow?
Chapa squealed.
Me: Of Course!"
Chapa started jumping up and down. Chapa was super excited. Chloe was not.
"This is not going to end well."
Chloe whispered.
Harper laughed at the jump scare as ray screamed. Harper turned the movie off and found Ray behind the couch.
"It wasn't that bad!"
Harper explained.
"Yes it was!"
Ray shouted.
Harper laughed. It had been a long while since she hung out with Ray alone. It felt like she really did have her father back. But Harper wasn't prepared for the following days events.

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