Baby? Not In a Million Years Pt.2

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Harper turned her alarm clock off, and attended to a crying Chapa.
Chapa wailed. She was already standing up, holding onto the bars. Harper gasped as she picked Chapa up out of the crib and bounced her on her hip.
"Hey princess. Someone's cranky today huh?"
Chapa quieted down as Harper placed her on the changing table.
"Let's get you all cleaned up okay my little monster?"
Chapa smiled as she nodded.
"Yes Mama."
Harpers heart melted as she began to change Chapas wet diaper. Harper changed Chapa into a sweatshirt and leggings. Chapa babbled the whole time. Harper picked Chapa up onto her hip, only for Chapa to start fussing.
"Down! Down Mama!"
Harper nodded. She placed Chapas diapered bottom onto the floor. Chapa slowly stood up and started walking. Harper caught the whole thing on video.
"Eat. Now. Hungry."
Chapa said, pointing to the kitchen.
"Okay sweetie."
Harper followed Chapa to the kitchen. Harper had tears in her eyes the whole time. She picked Chapa up, and sat her down on the chair.
"What do you wanna eat Chapa?"
Chapa was quiet. Chapa slowly shrugged.
"How about I get you a bottle prepared?"
Chapa nodded. Instead of a baby bottle, Harper put the milk in a sippy cup. She placed the cup in front of Chapa who didn't care about the cup and drank the milk. Harper felt happy as she cut up an apple. Harper got the peanut butter out of the fridge and put a spoonful on Chapas plate. Harper did the same to hers and set the plates on the table.
"Okay baby. Eat up."
Chapa poked at the peanut butter, before dipping an apple in, and eating it.
"You like it honey?"
Chapa nodded with a big smile.
"Good. Now eat up."
Harper said. The girls started eating as Ray walked in.
"Woah! What happened to baby Chapa?"
Ray said ruffling Chapas hair, making her giggle.
"She's aged up. Right Chapa?"
"Yes Mama."
Ray looked at Harper who shrugged and continued to eat.
"Tomorrow, you're trying strawberries and whipped cream."
Chapa squealed as she continued to eat. Once they finished, they headed to the Mans Nest, and Schwoz scanned Chapas brain.
"We are now at a year and six months."
Harper squealed.
"You know what that means Chapa?!"
Chapa shrugged.
"Potty Training!"
Harper yelled as Ray and Schwoz laughed. Chapa giggled as Harper carried her into her room, where a mini potty was already set up. Harper put Chapa in a pair of underwear, with a pull up over it.
"When you have to go potty, tell Mommy."
"Nice rhyme Harp!"
Ray said as he walked by.
"Okay Mama."
Harper set Chapa down on the floor with some water. Now all they had to do, was wait. Harper watched tv as Chapa played with some dolls in front of her. Harper kept a close eye on Chapa, to make sure that she didn't pee herself. Suddenly, Chapa stopped playing and looked around. Harper knew what that meant.
"Let's use the potty Chapa."
Chapa nodded as the two girls went into Harpers bathroom, were the plastic potty sat. Harper helped sit Chapa down. Soon enough, Chapa had peed, and got lots of praises from Harper.
"Mama? Mama!"
Chapa shook Harpers arm.  Harper opened her eyes and groaned.
"Hey baby cakes. What's wrong?"
"I want this pull up off."
Harper groaned.
Chapa moaned.
"It's itchy."
Harper nodded and let Chapa stay in underwear. Schwoz came in scanned Chapas brain.
"Three years old."
Schwoz said as he walked out. Harper smiled and planted a kiss on Chapas head.
"My little girl. Growing so fast."
Chapa giggled.
Harper held Chapas hand as they watched tv. Chapa laughed along with Harper at the pranks, but something didn't feel right to Harper. She hadn't had this much fun, since she had brothers. Harper held a sleeping Chapa in her arms. Harper picked Chapa up and carried her back to her bedroom. Harper put Chapa back in the crib, and gently laid a blanket over Chapa.
"Goodnight my little monster. Sleep well."
Harper walked back into the Mans Nest and continued to watch tv. Ray sat down next to Harper, who then cuddled into his chest.
"I think it's around that time you get to bed Harper."
"Okay Dad."
Harper got up, took a shower, brushed her teeth and went to bed.
"Mama! Mama!"
Chapa wailed. Harper woke up and got down from her bunk bed and went to Chapas crib.
"What's wrong baby love?"
Chapa sniffled as Harper put Chapa onto her hip.
"Bad dream. Mama gone."
Harper heart broke.
"Aww princes. Mamas right here. Do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?"
Chapa nodded still sniffling. Harper teleported on top of her bunk bed, and laid Chapa by the wall.
"You all comfy now baby?"
Chapa nodded.
"Okay. Good. Goodnight my little princess."
Harper said quietly, kissing Chapas lips.
"Night Mama."
Chapa replied, snuggling up to Chapas chest.

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