Villians Help Heros

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Harper had just woken up when Chapa snuggled up next to her.
"Hey princess."
Harper quietly greeted. Chapa let a small tear fall as she rested her head in Harpers neck.
"Hey what's wrong?"
Harper quietly questioned.
"I miss cuddling with you Harp."
Harpers smile fated as she stroked Chapas face.
"Pumpkin. I'll always cuddle with you. Just tell me when, okay?"
Harper assured. Chapa nodded as she cuddled up to Harper. Harper kissed Chapas forehead, and smiled.
"I'm always here for you okay? Don't be afraid to ask."
Harper whispered, earning a snore from Chapa. Harper smiled as she let the girl rest. Harper got up and walked into the Mans Nest. Harper went into her locker and grabbed her gum and blew a bubble and teleported to the Beat'n Dungeon.
Girl Danger sat down at the counter and let out a shaky breath.
"What can I get you?"
The bar tender asked.
"A Sprite please."
Harper replied. So much flooded Harpers mind. So much she wanted to think about, was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Girl Danger? What are you doing here?"
Harper looked over alarmed.
He laughed.
"Relax kid. I'm off the clock."
He replied, holding up a sippy cup full of milk. Harper laughed.
"Me too."
They both let out a chuckle as he sat down next to her.
"You seem upset. What's on your mind?"
Harper sighed.
"You wouldn't wanna know."
Toddler let out a long breath.
"Just 'cause I'm a villain, doesn't mean I can't help you kid. I'll listen."
Harper sighed.
"There's just so much on my mind that I haven't been able to process since coming to Swellview. I mean, I left my whole family back in Dystopia. Now I have a break, everything just clutters my mind."
The Toddler nodded.
"Sometimes even I tend to miss my family. Their still here in Swellview, but most of them are in prison."
Harper nodded.
"It's just that I left everything I ever knew, friends, enemies, family, and now that I look upon what I've done, it feels like I should never have left."
The Toddler looked over.
"But what about what you've accomplished here? You have new family, friends and enemies. Sometimes change may seem like a wreck, but it actually is good."
Harper smiled and looked over.
"Thanks Todd."
He laughed.
The Toddler corrected
"Alright, well I gotta get going before nap time. Tend to get cranky."
Harper laughed.
"Yeah. Someone's going to notice I left."
Harper returned to the Mans Nest and changed. It was a bit quiet. To quiet. Harper teleported to her room and grabbed a case out of her closet. She teleported back to the Mans Nest and took out a guitar. Harper slowly strummed the strings and inhaled softly before establishing a soft melody. Harper never realized that not just Ray had listened in, but the whole team.
The moon shines on the perfect night,
And all I sees your face,
Baby I'm not quite sure what it is,
But I think I just struck love.
I see you in the mirror,
Staring right back at me,
And I hear your voice ring through my ears,
And baby make any different,
'Cause baby I know that this is love.
The way your eyes shimmer,
The way you stroke my hair,
The way I know that you're the one for me,
Baby I'm never quite sure,
But I believe that this is true love.
I always stare right in your eyes,
And get lost in endless thoughts,
All of them are 'bout you baby,
And I wouldn't want it any different.
Ray was amazed by Harpers talent. Chapa was awe struck. She had tears in her eyes. Mika thought that the song was beautiful. Bose fell asleep on Mikas shoulder. Miles found it quite sweet.
In the end I look at you baby,
I just wonder one thing,
How could I get so lucky,
And find a girl just like you darling.
I look straight in the moonlight,
And I see that this is clear,
And as you lay next me baby,
I know I won't let you shed a tear.
I always wonder if I'd find love,
I always wonder if I'd learned to love,
Now look at you my dear,
And just one thing for sure,
Is that I learned and earned just that.
Now that I know that your mine,
Now I know that'll believe in me,
Now that we conquered are fears,
Darling we could do anything.
Chapa let a tear slip. Everyone had. Nobody knew what Harper could sing about. Nobody knew her song writing capabilities. Chapa came around the couch and gave Harper a hug.
"Hey Chapa. You okay princess?"
"Your song was beautiful."
Chapa whispered.
"Ah you heard huh?"
Chapa nodded as she curled up next to Harper. Harper smiled and decided to finish her song.
Now that the sun decides to rise,
And I know that you'll be 'wake soon,
I wanna let you know one thing,
And that's how much I love you.
In the darkness that fades,
In bright that rises,
In dreams that float away,
My dream will never leave my side.
It will never really be over,
'Till the rooster begins to sing,
And I can sing to you 'till daybreak,
But that's just a waste of time.
I'll always be here to love you,
I'll always be here to protect you,
No matter how many times I tell you,
You'll always be my baby.
Chapa had fallen asleep on Harpers shoulder. Harper rested the guitar next to her and picked Chapa up and rested her in her lap. Harper arranged Chapas head on her shoulder and quietly hummed to her, as if she was putting a baby to sleep. Ray sat down next to her, barley keeping his eyes open, and fell asleep. Harper giggled.
"You awake Mika?"
Mika laughed.
"I'm here. But Bose and Miles are out."
Harper picked up the tired Chapa onto her hip, and carried her to her bedroom. Harper rested Chapa on top of the bunk bed and went to go chat the rest of the day with Mika. Once it was time for bed, Harper cuddled up next to an already sleeping Chapa.
"Night princess."

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