Home Early, Dont ask Why.

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2 Months In.

Harper dragged her suitcase through the Mans Nest door, and dragged it all the way to her room. There, as expected, Harper found a passed out Chapa on her bed. Harper tossed her bags to the side, grabbed some pajamas and took a shower. After getting dressed, Harper brushed her hair into a braid, and climbed up her bed, and laid down next to the sleeping Chapa.
"Hmm? W-Who's there? Hayden?" Chapa asked, eyes closed.
"Just me princess. Go back to sleep." Harper whispered, rubbing Chapas shoulder. Chapa darted up, looking over, and squealed as she collapsed into a big hug on top of Harper.

"I missed you so so so much." Chapa exclaimed into Harpers chest.
"Yeah. I'm home early. Don't ask why though." Harper warned.
"Why are you home early?" Chapa asked. Harper laughed uneasy as she rubbed Chapas hand.
"One of the cabins caught fire. The fire kept spreading and got out of control. I'm not saying I didn't start the fire by shooting a bolt over at the furnace. We're just lucky no ones dead." Harper mumbled. Chapa laughed as she laid on top of Harper, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"As long as your home. Quinn and Sawyer now take care of Hayden. Schwoz figured out how to get them to stay for long periods of time and blah blah blah. Their in Dystopia now helping clean up from the war."
Chapa rambled. Harper fell in and out of sleep as she watched her girlfriend babble on.
"And how is my love doing?"
Harper asked, sending a blush running acros Chapas cheeks.
"Good now that your home. I've missed you so much. It's been hard to cope." Chapa mumbled. It felt like Harper had been shot in the stomach as she looked away in fear.
"Harper? What's wrong?"


Mika laid next to Bose, her eyes darting across the page as she read it for the millionth time. Bose looked over a snagged the book from Mikas grasp, earning a complaint filled groan.
"It's 4:00 am Mika. You need to go to sleep. You can read more later."
Bose mumbled tossing the book to the other side of his bedroom.
"No it can't! Bose! Please! I need to finish that chapter!" Mika cried out. Bose fished the blanket from the bottom of the bed and draped it over the two teens.
"Finish it later. You need a break." Bose mumbled taking a breath. Mika groaned as she started mumbling.
"I wish I could Avada Kadavra you right now."
Mika muttered. Bose rolled over and gave Mika his signature smile.
"Really? That's how you know you've read that book to many time."
Bose joked earning a slap to the arm.
"I've only read it a dozen..."
Mika mumbled. Bose laughed as he rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight Mika. Go to sleep. Or else..."
Bose whispered.
"Or else what"
Mika sassed.
"I'm going to tape your eyes shut so you can't open them back up."
Bose threatened.
"You wouldn't dare."
Mika scoffed. In response, Bose held up a roll of duck tape and Mika was out like a light.

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