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Ray woke up to Harper walking out of the bathroom, her face a pale green. Ray got up an kneeled in front of her.
"Harper what's wrong? You look sick."
"I'm fine."
Harper answered. Her voice was groggily. Ray felt her forehead. She was a bit cold. Ray guided Harper to her room and helped her pick out clothes. He grabbed her a dark blue long sleeve shirt, and yellow and black plaid pants. Harper changed and went down to the classroom. Ray set a cup of tea in front of Harper.
"T-T-Thanks D-Dad."
Harper started to shiver. Ray nodded as he went back upstairs to grab a thermometer.
Chapa got out of bed and stared at the wall. Something didn't feel right. Chapa got changed and grabbed her backpack. Chapa hurried downstairs until a voice too familiar, that haunted her, spoke up.
"Oh Chapa you woke up. That's wonderful."
Chapa saw her Step Mom standing in the kitchen. Someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it."
Chapa opened the door to Mika, Miles, and Bose.
"Hey you ready?"
Miles asked. Chapa nodded and shut the door behind her. They all walked silently to school.
The gang walked into school to find Ray pacing. Harpers chair came down and she was paler then before. The group walked over and looked at Harper.
"Harp what's wrong? You look sick."
Bose said. Chapa set her hand on Harpers forehead.
"Harper you're freezing."
Ray put two pills in front of Harper. She swallowed them and started coughing. Ray set the thermometer in Harpers mouth and looked up.
"Alright. Let's get on with class."
Everyone sat down, and a sick Harper fell asleep on her desk. Ray kept an eye on Harper as he taught. Chapa slowly rolled her chair up next to Harpers. Harper saw Chapa next to her and rested her head on Chapas shoulder. Harper fell asleep on Chapas shoulder, and slowly her head fell into Chapas lap. Chapa bit her lip trying to not laugh. Chapa played with Harpers curls. Ray turned around and saw Chapa looking down, but no Harper.
"Hey Chapa? Where's Harper?"
Chapa gave a little laugh under her breath.
"Right here."
Ray gave a confused look and walked over and started laughing when he saw Harpers head in Chapas lap.
"Wake her up please Chapa."
Chapa nodded. She rubbed her hand up and down Harpers arm. Harper let out a little noise as she sat up straight. Harper pressed her red button and went up to the Mans Nest. Everyone sat confused as she came back down groaning. Harper rubbed her forehead.
"Don't tell me you threw up again Harper."
Ray asked. Harper just gave Ray a nod. Ray shook his head as he grabbed his phone.
"Hey Schwoz. Yeah so I need you to check Harp out. Yeah. During lunch? Okay thanks."
Ray continued class, until lunch arrived. Harper sat on the medical table. Schwoz checked out Harpers throat.
"It looks like she just ate something bad."
Harper felt dizzy.
"You a little dizzy Harp?"
Ray asked.
Ray helped Harper lay back.
"It's not like I have even been actually throwing up though. It was only last night. Now it's just like spit."
Schwoz shrugged.
"She needs to take it easy. She has a cold. But, she probably ate something bad too."
Harper and Ray nodded and headed back to the classroom. Then, the emergency alarm went off.
Everyone went upstairs and got changed.
"Harper, you need to take it easy."
Harper nodded. The others left and Shaw curled up on the couch. She contemplated sneaking out and helping. But, her stomach said otherwise. Harpers contemplation lasted her twenty minutes. Then, the others came back. Chapa hugged Harper tightly.
"How'd the mission go Chapa?"
Chapa smiled.
Harper ruffled Chapas hair, messing it up a bit.
"My little Cinnabon."
Chapa laughed at the nickname.
"My little monster."
Harper laughed. Chapa and Harper sat down on the couch and Chapa snuggled up to Harper. The girls watched tv on the couch. Harper fell asleep on top of Chapa.
"Look at you. My little monster. So adorable."
Chapa leaned over and kissed the top of Harpers head. Chapa fixed Harper so  Harpers head was laying in her lap. Chapa fixed Harpers body so it sat next to her. Chapa fiddled with Harpers little curls. Mika sat next to Chapa and laughed.
Chapa asked.
"It's just so cute how you two look out for each other."
Chapa looked down at Harper and smiled.
"I just love my little monster."
Mika groaned.
"Ugh. The names."
That night, Chapa and Harper fell asleep on the couch.

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