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Harper fell out of bed and skipped around her bedroom. Harper went in her closet and decided what to wear. Harper decided on a dark blue shirt, that went with yellow and black plaid pants, and topped with a white leather jacket. Harper jumped in the shower. When she got out, she put on her outfit, and went to her jewelry box. She grabbed a gold hoop, and a blue diamond stud.
She walked out of her bedroom and skipped to the kitchen. Harper grabbed a pear and teleported to the classroom. Harper screamed as she saw the atrocious clothes sitting on her desk.
The class stared at the atrocious outfits on their desks.
"You want what?"
Harper said almost skeptical.
"Well I thought that we should have as sleepover. Team bonding."
Ray laughed as they all groaned.
"Well there is no way I am going to wear this! And a sleepover screams trouble!"
Harper said as Chapa nodded.
"Either sleepover or I will stop you guys from fighting crime for a whole month!"
Harper groaned.
"Fine but I am not putting that on."
Let's just say Ray put her in it. Five embarrassing minutes of screaming, kicking, and yelling. The kids all sat in the Mans Nest with large frowns on there faces. The girls night gowns matched their uniform. The boys onesies matched theirs two. There is nothing in the whole entire world the kids hated more.
Harper screamed as they looked at each other. Harper grabbed a blaster and tossed it at Bose.
"Harper what are you doing?"
Harper scoffed as she went digging through the closet.
"Having fun! Or as my dim witted uncle calls it, "team bonding.""
The boys and Chapa smirked.
"Yeah! Let's get revenge on Ray!"
Chapa cheered as they dug in the closet. Mika sat there and watched as they all grabbed different blasters.
"Just saying that this is really dangerous."
Harper turned to Mika.
"Come on Mika! One round."
The girls were on one team and the boys were on the other.
The girls jump behind the couch and start shooting at the boys. Soon enough the kids ran out of breath.
"Security Lady, turn the Mans Nest sprinkler system on!"
"Okay Harper the Greatest."
They all look over at Harper.
The sprinklers turn on and the kids run around blasting each other. Ray kicks the door open.
"Alright you gUYS! WHAT HAPPENED!"
They all stop and look around. Harper starts to stutter.
"Bose. How could you!"
Harper drops the blaster. Chapa does to.
"I told you it was a bad idea!"
"Well you didn't stop us from turning the sprinklers on!"
"I was thirsty!"
"Yeah Yeah that's enough! Go dry off in Harper's room!"
They all follow Harper as she stomps up the stairs and opens the door. Her bedroom is light blue, with a white bunk bead, the bottom half being a desk with a pink chair. Harper stepped on her skateboard and rolled across the small room. She went in her closet and grabbed some towels and handed them out.
"Well at least we got out of there."
Harper said sitting on her chair. She grabbed a box out of her drawer and opened it up.
"What's that?"
"Hair chalk! Let's dye our hair! It comes out in one wash!"
"Yeah I'm in."
Chapa sits in front of Harper as she sits of her knees.
"Purple, pink, oh here red!"
Harper slowly stripped the red chalk through the front of Chapas hair. The streaks were small but very clean and neat. Chapa looked in the mirror.
"Okay! This is awesome."
Harper pulled out a silver chalk.
"Mika! You're next!"
Mika sat down in front of Harper as she stripped the chalk through strands of her hair. She finished off and Mika looked in the small mirror.
"Wow! That's so cool!"
Harper turned to Bose and grind.
"Bose your next!"
Miles stood up.
"No way!"
"I'll give you a mohawk!"
"And I can eat Rays hair gel!"
Harper gave Bose a bottle of Whalers Choice, and got to work. She was used to styling mohawks on her brothers. Harper striped blue through Bose's hair and finished as Bose ate some hair gel.
"What do you think?"
They looked at Bose.
Chapa and Mika trailed off. Miles sat down in front of Harper.
"Do your thing."
Harper nodded and proceeded to do his hair. By the end, Miles had yellow chalk in his hair. Ray burst through the door and stood dumbfounded.
"What do you think?"
Ray blinked his eyes.
"What do I think? I think your grounded."
He said coldly.
"Come on! They agreed! Plus I'm a pro. I do this to Charlotte and Henry, Jasper and my brothers at home!"
"But your not at home!"
Ray snapped. Harper stood in the middle of the room with tears in her eyes.
"Then maybe I should go home! Because that is where misfits like me belong!"
"Are you saying Henry is a misfit?"
Harper turned around.
"No. I'm saying Henry is smart."
With that, Harper teleported.
"Dude! We need Harper!"
"Bringing her was the worst mistake I ever made!"
Chapa stared at the spot where Harper was standing.
"Miles. Can you teleport me to Dystopia?"
"Where are you going?"
"To get Harper."
They teleported to Harpers location. An old alley. It was dark and visibly scary.
"Yeah I'm not going in there."
A small whimper was her from inside.
Chapa looked to Miles and dragged him in. Slowly, Chapa walked up behind Harper. Harper stopped sniffing and turned quiet.
"Harp. You scared us."
"Go away. Nobody wants me near them anyways."
Chapa grasped Harper  in a tight hug.
"I do. I want you right by my side. I don't wanna leave without you either."
Harper stood up and hugged Chapa.
"I don't wanna be with Uncle Ray."
Chapa brushed the hair out of Harpers face.
"Then come to my house love."
"But your parents hate me."
"Who has to know your there?"
Harper returned a smile and teleported them back to Harpers bedroom. Ray sat on Harpers hanging chair and read a book. Harper grabbed her hair chalk and highlighted her streaks.
"Are you staying Harp?"
"Good we need you."
Harper looked to Ray.
"Next time you need to get somewhere, don't bother asking me."
Harper climbed up her ladder and laid down. Her head hit the pillow harshly. Chapa saw and felt bad so she climbed up too. Chapa sat by Harpers knees and rubbed them lightly. Harper got up and laid her head down on Chapas lap and smiled.
"I honestly can't stand you too."
Ray said as he got up.
"Time to go to sleep."
They all comfy, Mika in Harpers hanging chair, Miles and Bose on the floor. And Harper and Chapa slept on top of the bunk bed. Their heads were at the opposite side of their bodies. Harper could not stand laying anymore and got up and crawled out of bed. She walked out of her bedroom and walked down the small hall to the kitchen, to the Mans Nest. Harper peeked around the corner and saw Ray and Schwoz with towels and mops.
"I told you this was a bad idea."
"Yeah well I thought Harper had a bit more self control."
"Ray. She's a teenager. She's gonna rebel. Especially when you put them in clothes like those."
"But I don't understand. Why would she start this. Harp tends to be such an angel. A pain but an angel."
"Maybe that was an act and this is really her?"
"I'll go ask her if she's not sleeping."
Harper walked out with her head hanging low, into the Mans Nest.
"Harper? Why are you not in bed?"
Harper hugged Ray, and started to quietly sob.
"I'm sorry I have been such a pain."
Ray took a deep breath and walked her over to the slightly wet couch.
"Harper why did you act like this."
Harper shrugged.
"I'm not use to having this type of freedom. I mean, Mom and Dad were army generals. After   Dad, Mom kept us in place. No phones after 7, get ready for bed at 8, be in bed by 9, morning workout at 2 am. This. This is different."
Ray held his niece closest then he ever has. He never knew what his sister had did to them. He would have saved her a long time ago. Harper cried herself asleep in Rays lap while Schwoz cleaned up. Ray picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, where he laid her next to Chapa. Their heads both on the same pillow.
"Goodnight Harp."
"Night Ray."
Ray smiled as he closed the bedroom door and went back to cleaning the Mans Nest.
"I love that kid."

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