Family Dramatics

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It's been a few days since Chapa had fever. And things at home had not been the greatest. Today, Mika, Miles, Bose, and Harper sat in the classroom.
"Chapas never this late! Somethings wrong."
Harper said as she paced around the classroom. Mika stood up.
"Harper I'm sure Chapas fine."
Harper stopped pacing and stared into space, before she ran to her desk and grabbed her gum.
"Harper? Was that your Danger Sense?"
Ray asked. Harper nodded as she blew a bubble.
"Chapas in trouble. I'm gonna go investigate!"
She said as she ran towards the door.
"I wanna come too!"
Bose said as he blew a bubble.
"Me too."
Miles said as he joined the group.
"You coming sis?"
Miles asked. Mika sighed and nodded. They all got into uniform, and teleported to Chapas house. It was oddly quiet. They checked all the windows, until they walked up to the bathroom window.
"I think Harper should look in there. She is Chapas girlfriend."
Mika said as they all hid their eyes. Harper peeked in and frowned. Nobody.
"Nope. It's all clear."
They all sighed as they walked towards the back door.
"I say we go in."
Harper whispered. Everyone nodded as Harper picked the lock with a hair pin.
"Rays buying me a new hair clip after this. It's all mingled."
Harper opened the door to reveal the quiet house. They all heard a quiet sound come from the basement door.
"Of course it's the basement. You never go in the basement!"
Harper cried. She opened the door and the sound got louder. It was a mix of bangs, and slaps, ear piercing screams and cries. Harper shook her head and ran down the stairs, with the others on her tail.
"Freeze! Step away from the girl and drop all your weapons!"
Harper yelled. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chapa crying. Anger boiled in Harper as Mika and Bose held her back from freaking out.
"Get on the ground, hands behind your back! You're under arrest!"
Harper yelled. Pure anger boiled deep in her, making her ready to explode at any second. Harper cuffed the woman and handed her to Miles.
"Shoutout! Call the cops, and AWOL, you hold onto her."
Harper said, making the twins nod. Harper rushed over to Chapas side and looked deeply into her eyes.
"It's okay. I'm here know."
Chapa cried into Harpers chest. Harper grabbed her pocket knife and looked into Chapas eyes again.
"I need you to sit still so I don't hurt you."
Chapa nodded as Harper wiped a tear off her cheek.
"I-I-I n-need you t-t-to get-t Chloe."
Chapa said while crying.
"Okay Chapa. Calm down honey. I'll get her okay?"
Chapa nodded as Harper finished cutting the ropes. Harper stood up and reached her hand out for Chapa. Chapa tried to stand up but fell back down. Harper looked at Chapas right leg, and saw the large cut across her leg.
"Shh. It's okay baby. I'll get Mika to clean it up for you."
Harper whispered to Chapa. Chapa nodded as Harper ran over to Mika.
"Shoutout! Chapa needs first aid. She has a cut across the right leg. I need to go get her little sister."
Mika nodded.
"Take Brainstorm with you."
Harper nodded
"Brainstorm! Let's go."
Bose nodded as they went upstairs, then up to the second floor. They went down the hall, until they came to a door, with Chloe, written in stickers. Harper knocked on the door and heard a small cry.
"Hey Chloe. Can you unlock the door for me sweetheart? It's okay. It's me, Girl Danger."
"And Brainstorm."
Bose replied. Harper heard a small whimper from inside and heard the door unlock. Then the door opened. A little girl, stood quietly, holding a blanket.
"Hey Chloe. It's okay. Come here. I wanna hug."
Chloe ran into Harpers arms, and Harper picked the little girl up on her hip.
"How old are you Chloe?"
Harper nodded. She tickled Chloes stomach and bounced her up and down, earning cute, little giggles.
"I have a few questions Chloe okay? Just answer them as best as you can."
Chloe nodded.
"Does stuff like this ever happen? If so, what do your parents do to you guys?"
Chloe sighed.
"They mostly take Chapa to the basement. Then sometimes, Mama, or Step Mama lock me in my room, when Daddy punishes Chapa in her room. That's when Chapa normally screams. Those are the days when Daddy has one too many beers."
Harpers eyes widen as she looks to Bose, who had the same expression.
"Do you here words when Chapa screams on those days?"
Chloe nods.
"She says stuff like 'Dad stop,' or mostly 'It hurts. Stop it.'"
Harpers face goes pale as Bose stares at her.
"Chapas very worried about you. So why don't we go downstairs to go see her?"
Chloe shook her head.
"Chapa doesn't worry about me."
Harper laughed.
"Oh yes she does. She's scared. So when we go down there, I want you to give her a big hug, okay?"
Chloe nodded with a smile on her face. They headed downstairs, and walked into the living room. The cops had already flooded the house.
Chloe said happily as she reached out for her.
"Chloe! Oh thank goodness."
Harper handed Chloe to Chapa. Chloe hugged Chapa tightly. Chapa held her little sister close to her, as a cop pulled her away.
"What are we charging Girl Danger?"
The cop asked.
"I want the Step Mom and Dad charged with Child abuse, Sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, and for the Dad, oh I'm hate saying this one. Raping."
The cop gasped.
"Alright they'll have a lot of fun in jail."
Harper nodded as walked back over to Chapa and gave her a big hug.
"It's all gonna be okay. I promise."
Harper whispered in Chapas ear.
"I guess I'll be staying with my Mom. But, she won't be home until tomorrow."
Harper nodded.
"Maybe Chloe can stay at Mika and Miles. You can stay at my place."
Chapa smiled and nodded. Mika called her Mom and got the okay. Chapa helped Chloe pack a bag, and Harper packed Chapas. Harper walked downstairs, and all the police were gone. Harper changed to her clothes and walked with Chapa back to the school. It was already 4 o'clock. Harper gripped onto Chapas hand as she smiled and kissed Chapas forehead.
"My beautiful little girl."
Harper said as Chapa giggled quietly, holding onto her bag, and Harpers hand. They got to the school and Chapa smiled. She was excited to stay with Harper. She hated what Chloe had told Harper, about her Dad hurting her, but it probably was for the best. The girls went upstairs, and set their stuff down in Harpers room. Ray walked in and smiled.
"Hey you guys. Dinners ready in ten."
Harper nodded as she hugged Chapa tightly. Chapa loved it when Harper hugged her. It made her feel safer. Harper was like a shield to Chapa. She always protected her. Chapa knew Harper would never hurt her. Chapa and Harper sat in the hanging chair. Harper peppered kisses all over Chapas face, making Chapa blush. Chapa cuddled up to Harpers chest, and smiled.
"Let's go eat. I'm hungry."
Harper said as Chapa nodded. She was super excited. Chapa never ate at home. Most of the time, she ate a small snack, and that was at school. Chapas breakfast was normally fruit. But dinner was never common in Chapas house.
The girls sat down and Ray placed two hot bowls in front of the girls. Chapa hid her excitement, afraid of Harper and Ray, and slowly took spoonful of the warm soup. Chicken noodle soup. Chapas favorite. Chapa was still bothered with what happened with her parents. Chapa stirred the soup around.
"You okay Chapa? Something bothering you?"
Harper asked.
"It's nothing. You wouldn't understand."
Harper felt hurt. She would understand.
"Yes I would Chapa. I would understand! I've been there before okay!"
Harper said standing up. Chapa got angry. She stood up and pounded her fists on the table.
"You haven't been where I am before! You haven't had your parents in jail several times!"
Harper felt a tear escape down her cheek.
"At least you get to see your actual parents! Not like mine who are dead!"
Harper screamed as she stormed off. Chapa fell back in her chair, electricity flowed through her hands. Chapa rubbed her face and sighed.
"I screwed up big time."
She quietly mumbled. Ray sat quietly eating.
"Not going to get involved."
Ray said with a mouthful of soup. Chapa left and went to the one spot she knew Harper would go to. The top of the mountain. Chapa arrived and saw the small figure sitting on the edge of the rocks. Chapa sat down next to Harper, letting her feet dangle off the cliff. A cold wind blew by, making Chapa shiver. Chapa looked down to see Harpers sweatshirt in her lap. Chapa looked over and smiled, as she put Harpers sweatshirt on. A awkward silence settled over the two girls. Harper inched a bit closer, and put an arm around Chapa. Chapa looked over and caught Harper looking at her. Harper gave up trying to ignore Chapa and scooped her up and teleported the girls on top of her bed. Chapa was mesmerized as Harper started to kiss all over Chapas face. Harper couldn't handle being mad at Chapa anymore. Chapa rested her hands on Harpers hips. Harper placed a hand on Chapas cheek, and the other a over her shoulder, holding herself up.
"I thought you were mad at me?"
Chapa asked. Harper shook her head.
"Uh-uh. I just needed to state my case."
Chapa punched her shoulder.
"I hate you."
Harper let out a laugh in Chapas neck.
"Sure you do."
The girls made out for awhile until Ray burst through the door.
"Oh. So you guys are making up I see."
Harper threw a pillow at Ray.
"Get out."
Ray laughed as he walked out. Chapa cuddled up to Harpers side and smiled.
"I love you my monster."
"I love you my little peanut."

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