Fighting Doesn't Make Things Right

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  Three Days Ago
Chloe started screaming, causing everyone's headache to worsen. Well, not everyone's. Harper was laughing.
"Your all wimps."
Harper said trying to grab the angry Chloe.
Chloe wailed, stomping her feet. Harper grabbed the upset Chloe and held her still.
"Chloe! It's way too dangerous. When you turn 13, we will return to this conversation, okay?"
Chloe huffed.
Harper shook her head.
Harper laughed.
"Fine. 14, if you wanna act like this."
Chloe gave in.
"Fine. 13. Your lucky I can't count any higher then 15!"
Everyone sighed as they sat down in their chairs and listened to Ray talk. Harper couldn't take her gaze off of Chapa, who's face was a light pink. Chapa looked miserable. Harper wanted to run over and kiss her. She wanted to hold her and make her feel better. But Chapa was still angry. Why was Chapa angry? Only because Harper made a mistake that she claims is the 'biggest mistake of her life!'
"Chapa! Chapa!"
Harper whispered.
"What? I'm not in the mood Harper!"
Chapa whispered. Harper giggled.
"I love you."
Chapa scoffed.
"If you loved me, you wouldn't have yelled at me. If you really did love me, you would have immediately apologized! If you honestly loved me, you would not have tried to act like it never happened! But I guess you don't!"
Chapa yelled, storming out towards the bathroom. Harper got up and zapped her desk.
Harper yelled as she pushed her chair away.
"What's their deal?"
Miles asked quietly to Ray.
"Harper said that Chapa had a nightmare last night, and when she woke up, she wouldn't believe that it was a dream, and has been mad at Harper."
Miles nodded. Harper slammed her head on her desk and let out a scream, shattering a window. Harper started kicking everything around her. Then, Harper super speeded out of the classroom.
"Where is she- ugh never mind."
Ray stuttered. Chapa walked back in and slammed herself into her chair.
"Where did 'Little Miss Perfect' go, huh?"
Chapa huffed. The boys were furious with Chapa. Mika understood why Chapa was angry.
"Well, after you threw a tantrum and stormed out-"
Miles began.
"You really hurt Harpers feelings, which then caused her to super speed out of the classroom."
Bose finished. Chapa scoffed and leaned back.
"Chapas mean to Harper."
Chloe muttered quietly.
Chapa screamed. Chloe balled her fists.
"No you be quiet! You're so mean to Harper! It's not fair! What has she ever done to you!"
Chloe cried, hugging Harpers chair.
Chapa screamed. Chloe crosses her arms, and sighed. Then, Harper walked in and sat in her chair, and sat Chloe on her lap.
"Sorry. Needed to clear my brain. Have you ever tried turkey in Turkey?! It's incredible!"
Everyone except Chapa laughed.
"Wow great accomplishment Harper. Was being a bad girlfriend part of that list?!"
Chapa asked sarcastically.
"Chapa that's enough! What's gotten into you?!"
Chapa scoffed.
"What's gotten into you?!"
Harper crossed her arms and leaned to Chapas ear.
"It's over. You seem to not be able to keep your temper. So I'll end it for you."
Harper scoffed as she watched Chapa and Mika with the boys.
"Ugh. Does she have to snog with Mika right there? It's disgusting."
Harper complained.
"Yeah. You and Chapa never were like that when you were a couple. If any thing, it was a peck on the cheek, or the lips. But you guys never sat there snogging."
Miles complained. Bose nodded. Ray walked in and curled his nose.
"Eww. Chapa stop eating Mika alive! Ugh. Gross."
Chapa pulled away and rolled her eyes.
Chapa replied. Everyone sat back down and listened to Rays lesson. Mika and Chapa kept exchanging looks, which grossed out Harper. Harper raised her hand.
"Yes Harp?"
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Why? You went before class?"
Harper shot a dead stare at Chapa.
"I feel like I'm gonna hurl."
Chapa scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Sure Harper. Can you two go with her? Can't risk anything."
Ray replied, winking at the boys.
Miles said, almost rushing out. Bose nodded and the three went upstairs. Harper complained the whole time.
"I'm innocent. This is all Chapas fault. You know what! Next time she gets a beating, Girl Danger isn't gonna help her."
Harper exclaimed walking around patiently. Chapas chair flew up to the Mans Neat.
"We need to talk. Alone."
Chapa ordered.
"About what! You and Mikas wedding?! You guys snogging all the time?"
Harper exclaimed as the boys chuckled and left. Chapa rolled her eyes as she paced around.
"Admit it. You're just jealous because you screwed up, and don't wanna accept the fact that I've moved on, because your too stuck up on the past?! Wake up and smell the coffee, Harper!"
Harper stared at Chapa. Hurt filled her eyes. A tear sat in Harpers eye.
"No. That's not it at all. J-Just forget it, okay."
Harper said. Her heart was shattered. Harper sat on the couch, her legs curled up to her chest. Chapa went back downstairs. Harper zapped her leg. It felt good. Harper stared out the window.
"I'm not afraid. She is."
Mika came upstairs, balling her eyes out. Harper wanted to be mad at Mika, but knew that none of this was actually her fault. Harper looked over to the sobbing Mika.
"Mika? What's wrong?"
Mika wiped at tear from her eye and sighed.
"Chapa and I broke up."
Harper brushes a tear off Mikas face.
"It's okay. It's all Chapas fault. She's a complete butt."
Mika giggled.
"What happened. Tell me everything."
Harper said inviting Mika onto the couch.
"Well, after Chapa went up here to talk to you, she leaned over and whispered,'It's over' in my ear. Then she walked away almost crying."
Harper sat confused.
"I think she understands now that she messed up. You see, Chapa asked me to date her to make you jealous. I think she realized that she was wrong."
Mika concluded. Harper turned and smiled.
"So how was your Christmas?"
Mika changes the subject.
"Good. Ray and Schwoz used Schwoz's replicator to bring my parents and brothers back."
Mika smiles.
"Aww. That's so sweet."
Harper laughed. Mika and Harper talked for a bit. Harper showed Mika the bracket with Shoutout, Brainstorm, AWOL, Volt, Girl Danger, and Captain Man's logos on it. Mika showed Harper the new phone case she got. The girls smiled and laughed. Harper didn't mind Mikas company. It felt nice to be able to talk with her. Chapa walked in and saw the two talking. Chapa had realized that Harper wouldn't lie to her on purpose. But she also knew it would not be that easy for Harper to forgive her.
Chapa sat quietly in her chair and listened to the conversation.
"I honestly wanna forgive Chapa. I really do. But... she messed up."
"You just need to give Chapa some time. She'll come to her senses."
Chapa had come to her senses. Without further delay, Chapa walked up behind Harper and tapped her shoulder.
"What do you want?"
Harper asked snarky.
"T-T-To talk."
Chapa was on the verge of tears. Harper saw but wanted to look tough. Mika looked over to Harper and nodded, leaving the room. Chapa stood, with her head hanging low in front of Harper, and stared at her dangling locket.
Chapa stuttered before giving up and breaking into tears, gasping for air.
"I'm sorry Harper!"
Chapa wailed. Harper grabbed Chapa, and pulled her into a huge hug.
"It's okay. I got you. I forgive you."
Harper reassured with a kiss on the cheek. Harper brushes the tears off Chapas face. But more followed. Chapa couldn't help the tears that fell.
Harper smiled, picked Chapa up, and rested her on the couch, next to where she was sitting. Chapa instantly clung to Harpers side. Harpers smile stretched across her face.
"Have you learned your lesson Chapa?"
Chapa replied weakly. Harper smiled. The rest of the day the girls had spent cuddling in the Mans Nest, and maybe snogging in Harpers room. But the others didn't need to know that. Mika and Bose were back together again, but wanted their secret to be kept quiet.

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