My Heart Might Go On

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Harper stood at the edge of the cliff.
Not good enough.
Waste of space.
Do better.
Harper screamed hurling a rock off the cliff, stomping her feet. Harper could here the sound of pounding feet, before her family and team were all behind her.
"Harper!" Chapa cried. Harpers eyes, red and tired.
"Don't worry. Just remember."

Chapa chased Harper in the open field. The girls laughter filling the air. Chapa caught Harper in open arms, who uncontrollably laughed.
"Got you!" Chapa laughed. Harper looked over, and smiled, leaning in, before meeting Chapas lips. Harper pushed Chapa to the ground, the two in pain from the laughter.
Harper attacked Chapa in kisses, not ready to lose her dominance streak.


Harper carried Chapa up the hill, bridal style. At the top, Harper set Chapa down on the picnic blanket.
"Open your eyes princess!" Harper exclaimed. Chapa opened here eyes and gazed in awe. Harper smiled as she felt delicate arms wrap around her.
"Do you like it baby?" Harper asked.
"I love it!" Chapa squealed. Harper sat down, Chapa taking a seat on Harpers lap, earning Harpers signature laugh, and helped Harper take out NachoBall from the bag.
"I love you my princess."


"It's been a year now Harper. You haven't woken up and nobody believes in you. I need you Harpy! Wake up! I need your soft lips! I need to hear your voice. I need my lively princess. I'm 14 now Harper. You're 15. But, it's like we don't even know each other anymore. I need you Harpy! Just wake up!"

Harper sat in front of the desktop computer, admiring the women on the other side.
"Hey. Don't cry baby. I'm gonna be home soon." Harper whispered into the computer.
"But Harper you don't understand! They miss you. I miss you! Their babies!" The women whined.
"Chapa. I promise. I will come home soon and I will never ever let you go. You are my heart and soul, my reason to live! You are my-" Harper was caught off by shouting.
"SERGEANT MAJOR MANCHESTER! ATTAK ON THE AK47-9O6!" Master Sergeant Jones yelled running into the room. Harper looked back and Chapa rolled her eyes.
"Go." Chapa muttered.
"I love you baby! I will call as soon as I can. Haroldson! Get you ass to the battleground! This is war, man!" Harper screamed shutting the computer off.


Harper crept into the house, and snuck up behind Chapa.
"Boo!"Harper whispered. Chapa queer as she jumped off the couch, and looked behind her. The baby in Chapas arms babbled and giggled reaching towards Harper. Harper laughed as she picked the baby up and brought her wife into her side.
"Look at my babies. Are you happy to see me?" Harper asked.
"Sit! Sit!" Chapa ordered.
"Okay relax baby. Harper said sitting on the couch, taking off her prosthetic leg.
"Oh that feels so much better." Harper moaned. The baby in her arms was already sleeping, and their three boys were already in bed.
"Well...I can make you feel better."

Harper shot up in bed, panting. Chapa jumped out of the chair, and broke into tears.
"HARPER!" Chapa squealed.
"Where am I?" Harper asked.
"The Mans Nest infirmary." Chapa whispered.
"Oh. How long have I been out?" Harper asked again.
"A whole year."
Chapa muttered. Harper smiled and patter her lap.
"Sit! I want you as close to me as I can get you."
Harper laughed. Chapa snuggled up into Harpers arms.

Harper finished singing and Chapa was out like a light.
"Mmm. I've been waiting to hold you baby. And don't worry. I'm going to treat you better this time." Harper whispered. Harper stormed Chapas hair as she watched tv.
"I love you baby. Now and forever." Harper whispered before falling asleep.

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