Too Early (Conclusion)

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March 1, 1:32 am.

Harper woke up to a wet spot on her shirt sticking to her skin. The door to her room was slightly ajar, and the hallway light seeped into her room. Getting up, Harper put on a pair of slides, and adventured out into the dimly lit hallway.

The hallway was quiet and dark except for the lone light on the ceiling. All the doors were shut, including the door that cut off access to the dungeon stairs. Harper shuffled down the hall listening carefully and looking for anything out of the ordinary. After a minute of walking, Harper noticed the door to the guest room cracked open, and the light leaking out into the hall. Harper peaked in and noticed the a balled figure laying on the bed, sniffling. It took Harper a moment to realize who it was. Harper tip toed in and sat next to her, before embracing.

"Why are you by yourself?" Harper asked softly.

"I didnt want to wake you." Chapa mumbled through the sniffles.

"Malarkey. You can always wake me up. Now. Its too early for this. Can we go to sleep now?" Harper asked earning a nod in return. The two lie down closing their eyes. The world slowing down. Time almost stopping. Everything. Was. Perfect.


Three children ran around the house, a baby resting in its mothers arms. The baby girl let out a whine as the mother hushed her, soothing the infant.

"Don't cry please. Don't cry." The women, who looked worn and tired begged. The sound of a doorknob jingling, and the door's hinges squeaking quieted the rowdy boys for a split second. In, stepped big boots. A smell, filling the entrance to the home, and boys, tackling the person into hugs.

"Momma your home!" One squeaked.

"How many weapons were there?!" Another questioned.

"Did you blow stuff up?! Did you bring us anything?" One piped up.

The woman laughed as she dropped her bags and dropped to her knees, hugging all three of her boys.

"Ill answer all that if you go make sure your chores are done." She laughed, causing the boys to sprint into their rooms to make their beds, and fold their clothes. The woman untied her boots and stepped into the living room, snuck up behind the woman on the couch.

"Hello darling." She whispered in the woman's ear. Turning around the woman gently smiled and reached out for a hugs as the mother hopped the couch and returned the hug while taking her daughter into her arms.

"Hello baby girl! Hello! Can you say momma? Momma." She cooed as she rocked the infant.

"Harper." The woman mumbled.

"Yes, Chapa?" Harper responded.

"After all this time?" Chapa asked tears swelling.

"Always. I'll always come home." Harper smiled, leaning into her wife. Time stopping. The world slowing down. The birds singing. The sun shining. And suddenly. Everything was good.


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