Chapter 6: Kinkzawa

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(Art by me! on insta;))

After dodging certain death a couple more times, Bakuhoe seemed to have had enough and threw his case into his locker, stomping out of the room.

"Yikes, he's kinda scary ain't he?" Sero murmured, pulling a helmet that resembled a tape dispenser over his head.

"Nah," I wave him off, patting the ash from my clothes. Lucky I made the pants fire resistant... "He's just a lil Tsundere, he'll come around eventually," I grin as I plop down onto the bench, lacing up my combat boots, the final part of my costume.

"Yeah, Bakugou seems scary but he's pretty managable," Kaminari chimes in, shoving his arms into the sleeves of a rather cool looking leather jacket. "That is unless you jab him with a stick like Yamada does..."

I stick my tongue out as I get up from the bench, checking myself in the wall length mirror along the back wall of the changing room.

"Yeah, Bakubro is cool," Kirishima grinned as he stepped out from behind the opened door of his locker which had previously obscured him from view.

And boy...

What a view it was.

"HOLY ASAHI, KIRI YOU'RE HOT AS FUCK!!!" I practically oggle at how little his costume covered his top half. I walked over and gave him a thump on the chest with the back of my hand. He just gave a shy grin.

"Yeah! You look hella manly!" Kaminari nodded, popping out from behind me.

"Thanks you guys," he chuckled, slowly shutting his locker.

"Wait Yamada, your suit is glowing!" Kirishima suddenly called out.

I glanced down and sure enough, parts of my costume were letting off a bright yellow glow. "Oh yeah!" I grin, tugging at the edge of my hood. That particular part of my costume had been made with these light transmitting polymers, similar to the light-emitting bands used to make the soles of my shoes.

"The material is supposed to absorb any excess energy I emit and release it as light," I explain, glancing down once again as I see the heels of my boots also lit up. I lift a foot. "The ones on my shoe also store up the extra energy, if I stomp hard enough it'll cause a sort of shockwave," well not just that, there were also a few holes in the soles to allow my feet to touch the floor, letting me use my quirk through my feet as well.

I set my foot back down, now pretty excited at the idea of trying out my brand new costume.

"No fair! That's so much cooler than my outfit!" Kaminari whined as Sero nodded. "Yeah, that's really manly!" Kirishima pounded his fists together producing a dull clunk which told me he had hardened them.

I could only smile.

"Well, it's time to try out our costumes!"

"Due to an odd number of people in our class, we will be having one group of three," Aizawa mentioned after All Might had explained the scenario.

We'd all be split into two teams, villains who would protect a bomb, and heroes who would attempt to secure the bomb. The villains would be stationed in a room on the top floor of the simulation building while the heroes would enter from the ground floor. Seemed simple enough.

"Your groups will be as follows:" Aizawa slowly listed out each group. "Midoriya and Uraraka," I glance over at the pair who seemed overjoyed at the prospect of working together. 'Cute...'

"Yaoyorozu, Yamada and Mineta," I perked up at my name.

'Yaoyorozu...? The one who got second place?'

I turned around, soon spotting a black haired girl who had a rather creepy tiny grape boy approaching her.


I jog over with a wave.

"Hey, I'm Yamada Ryo," I grin, intentionally obstructing the tiny creep.

She returns the smile. "Greetings, I am Yaoyorozu Momo, it's nice to be working with you." She sounded so polite, a posh background maybe? DID I GET TO DO MY CIEL PHANTOMHIVE IMPRESSION?!

"Likewise," we carry on with the pleasant conversation, both pointedly ignoring the grape boy who I was currently holding away from us with one hand.

"This will be your groupings," Aizawa said after listing off all of the groups which cause our conversation to pause as we turned back to the teachers. 'Let's see, it's group c against... Group G?'

I spin around, quickly recalling which of my newly aquired friends had been in that group.

Next to him stood a girl with a rocking blunt haircut and long tendrils that extended from each ear, ending in a shiny metal stud. Ones I recognised all to well.

"Ha! You're going down Yamada!" Kaminari jeered, grabbing the girl beside him by the arm as if to show her off. "Me and Jiro are gonna trash you guys!" He seemed rather oblivious to the startled expression on her face.

"Oh yeah?" I challenged, crossing my arms. "I'll pummel you both into the ground!" I say with full confidence.

That is until Aizawa's next words.

"However, as the team with three students will clearly be at an advantage, they will have handicaps."

My grin fell real quick.

"One of you will have to be blondfolded," He walks towards us, handing us a black slip of cloth. I glance at the fabruc in my hand. 'well, it'll be a nuisance but it won't be too-'

"While another will be handcuffed to the payload," he stretched out his other hand, a metal handcuff dangling off one finger. (Ooh, blindfolds and handcuffs... So kinky- *slapped*)




'god fking damn it...'


I sighed as I looked between the two handicaps that were issued to us.

We were currently by the bomb, we had about ten minutes to come up with a strategy as well as who would be wearing what handicap.

"Well, we could use them both on one of us which would basically remove that person entirely..." I mutter as we stood in a circle. Yaoyorozu seemed to ponder this thought as well as Mineta just shrugged.

"Though that's a pretty dumb thing to do," I glance once more between the items in my hand and the two in front of me.


I have a plan."

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