Chapter 13

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                *TOM RIDDLE POV*

I only looked up from my desk when I heard her slam my door closed. I stared at the cup next to me that she had left, beginning to fill with more and more rage once again until with one swift movement I grabbed the cup and hurled it at the door, smashing it into tons and tons of pieces. They went flying everywhere, in every direction possible. 

This is so irritating, what did she expect me to say? She shouldn't have followed me in the first place. I did what I had to do, she would have done the same thing in my place. 

Now that she's gone, upset with me, She doesn't need my supervision anymore, I could just lie to Madame Pomfrey .

I shouldn't. She might get ill and it would be my fault yet again.  She has every right to be upset. You almost killed her. What's wrong with you? 

I need to talk with her. No I don't. I just - why am I feeling this way? Mixed with different emotions. I've never been fond of her the past years, but now, it's different?

I should check on her. 

*(Y/N) POV* 

I heard a knock at the door. I wake back up to reality, my head swinging towards it. I stared at it, not knowing if I had actually heard it, or if was just a figment of my imagination. 

A second knock came, louder than the first.  Assuming it was Tom, I didn't answer until a third one came. "(Y/N)? It's me Henry, Are you in there?"   My eyes widened as I heard Henry's voice, it felt comforting.   I rushed to open the door, seeing him in front of me.      "Are you ok? It took you awhile."

I shook my head, dwelling back on the new information I had learned about Tom.    "Ok here um, let me come in and we can talk about it, ok?"  I nodded, letting him in. 

There, I told him everything, I told him about how I'd been feeling since this year started, I told him about how Bellatrix and her friends kept bothering me, and I told him about Tom. I told him everything.                                           And he listened, he listened to me speak and explain myself and how I felt, he made me for once feel at ease and not so alone for once.

We talked until lunch break ended, almost missing our first class. I didn't see Tom for the rest of the day. I'm not sure how I feel about that. 

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