Chapter 77

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It gets hard to sort out the dream from the reality.

I wish it was all a dream, a horrible twisted, messed up dream.

I want to sleep the whole thing away.

I don't want what happened yesterday to be true.

As I wake, I keep myself under the covers, not moving as I slowly become more conscious.

I watch as the sun shines through the thin white sheet, ear opening up as I do so.

I can hear the slight sound of students in the common room.

Some I can hear quietly down outside my window.

Though it's only the repetitive pacing of Tom's shoes that keep me from falling back asleep.

I can tell he's impatient, perhaps thinking to himself even, but doesn't want to be loud about it.

I don't want to have to face him, not after what happened.

What am I supposed to even say?

Thank him for what he did before kicking him out?

Thank you for what you did, but I still wish not to speak with you.

I can't just say that.

I continued to think, but as the air under the sheet began to get thicker, I had no choice but to get up.

So, slowly I sit up, removing the sheet from my head but holding tightly to it.

Tom's pacing stops.


-I quietly say, not looking up to meet his eyes.

I feel embarrassed.

"Good morning."

-He replies, moments after me.

I wait for him to speak again before I look up.

"Drink this."

Walking over to me, he hands me a warm cup.

It's filled with some kind of tea.

He stands next to me, holding the cup out as I stare at it.

"I don't want tea, can I just have some water?"

-I ask, looking up at him.

"I can get you water, but you should drink this, it will help your head."

I had barely noticed my headache up until now.


-I reply, willingly reaching my hands out to hold the cup.

The cup was warm, I'm guessing he got and/or made it while I was still asleep, probably a while ago.

I take a few sips before looking back to him, still silently standing there.

He looks tired.

I'm willing to guess he didn't sleep much last night.

I can't blame him though.

Realizing his staring, he quickly looks away, watching out the window as I try to think of something to say.

{Ugh you guys this is such a boring chapter but I really didn't know what to have happen next}

{I really do need your help for this if you have any ideas}

{I can keep writing tonight but I just need some suggestions asap} 

{Anyways, hope you've been well}

{I don't remember if  I've asked this or something like this before, but if you could be in any book, movie, or tv show, ect, where and/or what would it been and why?}

{^ Other than Harry Potter ^}

{There are so many, but I think at the moment, I'd want to be in The Cruel Prince series. The reason being because of Cardan, duh}

{Anyways uh, please help me out!}

After All These Yearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें