Chapter 41

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*(Y/N) POV*

My eyelids felt heavy as I became more conscious of my surroundings.

Still half awake, I forced myself to keep my eyes open with the sudden bright lights blinding me.


-I mumbled under my breath as I rubbed my eyes, trying to slowly get them used to the sunlight.

Taking a long deep breath as I stretched in bed before sitting up when I finally noticed Tom in the corner of my room, staring at me with a book in his hand.

"Oh god, sorry, good morning. I forgot you spent the night."

" I got up early, and found this book as well."

-He replied, slightly showing the book's cover, though my sight was still a bit blurry.

"Right * long exhale * , did you sleep ok? I've been told I sort of snore."

-I asked as I got out of bed.

"I slept fine, you should hurry and get dressed."

"What's the time?"

-I asked, slowly walking towards him as I stretched again.


I took a deep breath, yawning one last time before replying to him.

"Alright, I'll go get ready."

I patted his head as I was about to walk off when I abruptly stopped myself.

"Ugh why's your hair so damp?"

Tom stared at me somewhat annoyed from my exaggerated expressions before saying-

"I took a shower while you were still asleep, maybe you should too."

I scoffed, being a bit offended before saying-

"Wow ok, alright fine but it might take awhile though so you don't have to stay here and wait."

"I know."

-He said, looking back down and proceeding to continue reading the book.

I took a deep breath before quietly exhaling as I replied with,


I leave Tom as I head to my closet, picking out my clothes before heading to the washroom and locking it shut as I begin getting ready.

As I cleaned myself in the shower, my mind wandered back to when I stumbled into Tom's sort of huge chamber.

I still don't know what he was doing there and frankly I'm too paranoid to ask.

It's not that I'm scared of Tom, but he's just too unpredictable with his moods.

Midway of drying my hair as I was fully dressed, still in the washroom, I realized I should go check on Tom, that is if he decided to stay.

Turning off the hairdryer, I quickly unlocked the door and peeked outside.

There I saw Tom sitting at the edge of my bed, staring down as he was flicking open and closing his pocket watch.

Almost instantly he looked up at me, clicking the watch closed one last time.


-I asked him.

"I don't like unfixed beds."

-He answered, possibly thinking I was talking about my bed which I had just now noticed it was fixed nicely by Tom.

"No I um, yeah thank you, though I was going to fix it when I was done."

"I don't think you're done yet. "

"I know. "

-I reply somewhat annoyed as I go back to dry my hair again, not bothering to close the door again.

I started up the hairdryer and began drying the rest as I spotted Tom slowly walk in.

I gave him a funny look as I finished up before switching it off and brushing through it all.

"What are you doing?"

Tom didn't reply to my question, just stared back at me from the reflection of the mirror.

"Ok..if you aren't doing anything, can you go grab my robe and tie?"

He continued to stare at me for a while longer, it seemed as if he were thinking before finally leaving the washroom to grab it.

"Thank you. "

-I called out but all I heard in response was-


-And shortly returned.

I took them both in my hands before quickly saying-

"Wait wait Tom, can you tie the tie on me again? I just like how you make yours look."

He stared back at me, slightly rolling his eyes with a long exhale.


He took the tie out from my hands before placing it on the back of my neck and starting to carefully tie it while I held on tight to my robe bundled in my arms.

After a few painfully silent minutes, I decided to say something.



"I have a question."


-He whispered under his breath.

"What do you do in that chamber?"

I held my breath as I awaited for an answer, unsure of the response I might get.

Tom paused for a second as well, but soon went back to the tie as he said-

"There, done."

-And tightened the tie.


"Let's go, It's time to eat."

I guess I'll just try and talk about it later, perhaps he's just not in the mood.

And with that, we grabbed our things and left my dorm.

~Hello my children of the world~

~Hope you liked this chapter, I unintentionally  made it a bit longer than  most of my chapters but that's alright I suppose~ 

~I also apologize this there are any grammar or spelling mistakes in this as I  am currently very sleep deprived and posting this at 4 in the morning  ( it's canada baby )  but it might be a totally different time you some of you guys so enjoy~

~Love you <3 ~

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