Chapter 49

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The room felt dark and cold as I woke, her body heat being the only thing keeping me warm as she laid near me.

Everything about waking up next to her felt calming, soothing.

Her back was facing towards me as she slept on her left side, her arms bundled close to her chest.

I took a long deep breath, quietly exhaling as I carefully pulled her blanket back up to her shoulders.

Slowly lifting my head up, I looked around the partially dark room.

It must have been around 8 o'clock but with it being the start of winter break, I'll let (Y/N) sleep in.

She needs it.

As I put my head back down, I laid on my back, my head turned facing the back of her neck.

Still half asleep, I hadn't realized I placed my hand out until it was too late.

And as I did begin to notice, I didn't want to stop.

My hand carefully ran it's fingers through her hair, her scent flying out as I did so.

Her hair felt soft and silk-like as it flowed and twirled between my fingers, slowly drifting me back to sleep. 

*(Y/N) POV*

I felt oddly energetic as I woke up, assuming it was from the fact that I managed to have a full night of sleep for the first time in a while.

I stretched my arms out as I turned around, checking for Tom.

He was still behind me, his hands close to his face as he was surprisingly still asleep.

As I fully turned around to face him, I brought my face close to his, thinking if I should wake him the same way he did to me, yell his name in his ear.

I think I'd probably die if I did that to him, I suppose it's a stupid thing to do to a sleeping person, especially to Tom Riddle.

And so I brought my head back down to the pillow, thinking of what to do next.

Stay in bed?

Get out?

Wake Tom?

After thinking for a little while, I carefully slipped out of bed, tiptoeing towards the window to look out at all the snow that had come during the night.

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