Chapter 74

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[11:34 am]

Well, the pills work.

They work so well, it's almost scary.

At least I got a good night's sleep.

A very good night's sleep.

I got up late for my classes because of it.

Though, I really don't feel like getting up for them today, it won't hurt to miss a day, right?

Although now I don't feel as tired. I don't think I'd be able to sleep now, feeling like this.

Hesitantly, I reach for the small bottle of sleeping capsules.

Taking one out, I swallow it down with a small sip of water sitting on my bedside.

It takes a few minutes for it to really "kick in , but when it does, I fall back asleep fast.

[7:21 pm]

My shoulders are both grabbed tightly as I am shaken awake.

I keep my eyes closed as I wake, hoping this person would somehow notice and stop touching me.

They don't stop.

I try to make a noise, but when I quickly realize it's no use, I open my eyes.

There towering over me, is but of course none other than Tom Marvolo Riddle.

I let out a small scoff of a laugh as I closed my eyes again.

"God, I thought you were dead."

I grin at his words.

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