Chapter 72

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*(Y/N) POV*

I laid my head back in my chair as I closed my eyes shut.    I listen to the rustling of the papers as Tom continues to work.   I need a break from this.     At Least Bellatrix wasn't here.  She got bored with us, with Tom not giving her "enough attention", she left.

At least it was quiet.  Quiet enough.  Tom sighs before speaking.   "If you're tired, just sleep. We can finish this later."

"No, I just need a minute, I'll be fine."  I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"Perhaps you wouldn't have been so tired if it weren't for your-"

The common doors open.

Is Bellatrix really back so soon?

Opening my eyes, I look towards the door.


My eyes open wide as I sit up.

Why is he here?

He stares at Tom for a second, as Tom stares wickedly back.

Walking towards me, he sits very close to me before grabbing my face to kiss me.

Confused at his sudden movement, I freeze, not moving as he finally moves his face from mine.

Feeling flushed, I stared down, my eyes opened wide with confusion.

"How are you, darling?"

-He asks, his hand placed on my back.

Darling? He's never called me darling before.

"I'm fine...Just doing work.."

-I reply quickly, trying to understand what he wants.

"Work, n-"

"Yes, work William. We were doing work. Now excuse us, we don't need anymore distractions."

-Tom says coldly, interrupting Henry.

Tom's jaw is so clearly clenched hard.

He's mad?

"I'm quite comfortable here, thank you."

-Henry snaps back.


-I begin to say but quickly stop as his hand tightens on my back.

"Though, you haven't seen Bellatrix anywhere, have you? Last I saw her she was talking about her "wonderful" night with you."

I freeze.

What? Did they actually hookup? I thought it was all sort of fake.

Slowly, I look back at Tom, his eyes glaring hard at henry.

"I could say the same with you, I overheard some of our female students-"

I quickly stand before Tom can finish.

I don't need to hear the rest, I don't want to know the rest.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes to mind, so I turn and leave out the common doors.

Nobody calls for me as I leave.

{Hey guys, I did it}

{ I just started school again so it's been interesting and I haven't had as much time as I'd like for writing, but hopefully that'll change }

{Let me know your thoughts and opinions on this chapter and if you'd like to see something else, I'd love to cater to your requests }

{ What's your favourite quote? It could be from a movie, tv show, said by a famous person, or even said by someone close you know? }

{Mine is " There is approximately 1,010,300 words in the english language, but I could never string enough words together to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair"

-Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson }

{That quote just really speaks to me on a personal level}

{Anyways, how have you guys been?}

{I would also love to answer any questions you might have (again) }

{That's all I've got to say for now, so until next time}

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