Chapter 32

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I peacefully sat through my entire first class, forcing myself not to pay any attention to Bellatrix and her little friends at all and I did surprisingly well, she didn't even bother to follow me after class.

Though I have to admit, I missed that little control freak during History of magic (your second class), it was surprisingly boring without him scribbling away in his little diary.

I had decided to eat my lunch in The Great Hall today but did so fairly quickly as not to have to deal with Tom's whines later.

I grabbed a croissant and some tea for Tom before heading to my dorm.

As I opened my door, I first placed my books down before looking around at the mess in my room. My closet door was wide open, half of my wardrobe on the floor throughout the room, a few of my books on the floor, just everything everywhere.

I looked around the room speechless.

"What the fuck."

-I whispered as I slowly walked up to my bed.

Tom had a pillow over his face, blocking me from seeing if he was awake or not.

"Tom, what the fuck happened?"

"I apologize."

-He grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.


-I somewhat yelled, yanking the pillow from his face.

He didn't fight back for the pillow, just glared at me, his eyes somewhat red with irritation.

"Tom, what happened?"

-I asked, my voice a bit softer as I somewhat felt bad for him with the itching rash sore near his eyes.

I took a step closer to the bed, slipping on something, nearly falling backwards.

"Careful, there's glass on the floor."

-He quietly said as he sat up.

"Of course there is."

-I muttered to myself.

"Here I got you lunch. I don't know what you normally eat so I just got you a croissant and some green tea."

I placed it on the nightstand before looking around the room again and sighing as I knew I would have to this clean this all.

"Just... what happened?"

-I asked, rubbing my face much like a disappointed parent would at their child.

"I Woke up, dropped the plate, got sick in the washroom, ......and other things happened."

-He briefly told me, sounding a bit ashamed of himself much like a child would.

" well Why are my clothes on the floor?!"

-I asked, extremely confused.

"I don't remember."

"God of course, ok well, are you feeling any better?"

He just glared at me, obviously showing that he wasn't.

"Alright ok fine, I'll clean this all up, but I have to study before my next class. If you want me to stay here and do it, you'll have to behave yourself."

-I agreed, scowling at him as if he were a child though lets be real, he's sure acting like one.

"Ok, just give me my books, I need to study as well."

"No, you need to sleep, get better, I don't want to deal with this mess again you uncontrollable toddler."

He just muttered to himself and looked away, refusing to lay back down and sleep but whatever, I know it's just a matter of time before he falls back asleep.

I began gathering my clothes first, carefully checking if they were dirty or not before hanging them back up inside my closet.

Next was the glass. Lucky the glass wasn't in that small of pieces, so it was able to easily gather them all up without cutting myself.

( don't pick glass up with your hands, kids )

As the room was finally cleaned, I looked over at Tom, who had fallen asleep sitting up, his arms crossed around his chest, his head slightly leaned back on the bed frame.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my books and sat down at my desk.

It's crazy how much like a child he acts like when feeling ill.

The silence of the room began to get to me, ringing in my ears.

Part of me wishes Tom was awake, pestering me with little things, or just studying alongside with me, but to be fair even if she were doing it would still be deadly silent.

I just missed his presence, though it was good that he was getting some rest, I did try to warn him that he'd get sick.

I glanced back at him, still sleeping, his body has shifted as so he wasn't leaning against the bed frame anymore, just laying down normally.

I looked down at my stopwatch, checking how much time I had left till class.

Just over 30 minutes left till potions class.

I turned back to Tom then back at my work. I ripped off a piece of parchment before beginning to write a little note on it.

"Don't act like a restless toddler while I'm gone, and finish your food. Get lots of rest and if I catch you doing work I'll break your fingers."


I'd have to admit, the ending was a bit rough but he trashed my room so it's even.

I left the little note on the nightstand next to him and left the room after gathering all my things.

I suppose Henry spotted me as I walked to class and hurried next to me.

"(Y/N) listen, I'm sorry ok?"

"I can't right now Henry, maybe later."

-I quickly responded, trying to pick up my pace.

"No please I'm sorry, I didn't know you...had feelings for.. Him."

-Henry said, trying to get me to slow down.

The way he said "him" sounded disgusted, as if it was a shame I had feelings for Tom.

"I just- there's a lot going on right now. I'm sorry Henry but I'm not supposed to even be talking with you."

-Trying to walk even faster as I spoke.

"What why? Did Tom tell you not to? He's just a controlling knob-head."

-He argued back.

"I have class Henry."

-I said before heading straight into my classroom, leving Henry outside the door. 

-Sorry for the unintentionally long wait, it's been an exhausting week.-

 -Hope the chapter wasn't took short for your liking-

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