Chapter 36

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*(Y/N) POV*

As I was in my last class, my mind bouncing from place to place, thinking about what Henry was talking about and what not.

Was he right?

Is Tom really controlling me?

I would know if he was, right?

Though, what even am I to him? What is he to me?

A friend?

A boyfriend?

It's clear he has feelings for me, as do I for him, but what are we to each other?

Even if he were "controlling me", I'd know it......right?

I'm sure I would, Henry's wrong.

As the conversation with myself finally came to an end, I looked around the room, noticing students slowly beginning to clear out of the classroom.

Why did I even bother going to class if I wasn't going to pay attention at all.

Perhaps I should just collect Tom's homework, he goes to this class, right?

It wouldn't hurt to give it a go, I should just ask before the professor leaves.

Surprisingly enough he did go to that class, and after a while I managed to track down his other class, collecting his other work from there as well.

Before I head back to my dorm, I suppose I should grab some supper for the both of us.

Once at The Great Hall, I let myself sit down and actually enjoy my meal, not rushing myself and such as I do so.

As I finished the last bit of my food, I then decided what I should bring for Tom.

Considering that he's sick and claims that he threw up, I assume we shouldn't bring him food, at least not oily food in the very least.

I suppose just some green tea is good, unless he wants some crackers to go with it but I assume he wouldn't.

And so with my books in my hand and the green tea in another, I began to make my way to my dorm, praying along the way that he didn't trash my room again or so help me god I will kill him this time.


-Someone called out for me from behind though right away I knew who it was.


Henry's a good guy and all don't get me wrong, but I just don't know what to do anymore.

I slightly turned my head, looking back at him, seeing him somewhat running towards my direction.

He continued to call for me as I hesitated to stop, glancing quickly towards the Slytherin entrance and back at Henry, debating whether or not I should stop.

In the end I decided to stop, I suppose I should talk with him as well.

Tom can calm down, he can't force himself to be the only person I talk to.

And so I stopped, turned around to face Henry as I moved to the side, out of the way from everyone else walking down the hall.

He began calmly walking towards me, looking relieved as I stopped walking, before he quickly said-

"Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't like how we ended things before class, I should have just minded my own business instead of having stuck my nose where it didn't belong."

"Oh, um well it's ok. We've all done that before besides, you were just being a good friend, looking out for me. It's alright."

-I reassured him-

"Well- yeah, thank you. Well um, I guess I shouldn't keep you busy."

-He remarked, pointing at the cup in my hands nervously.

"Oh shoot, I forgot I had this. Well erm- bye!"

-I said before turning back around, quickly leaving for my dorm once again.

"You're late."

-Tom stated just as I entered the room.

"Calm down, you're not my professor."

-I said, turning around just as I locked the door, praying that there wasn't a mess.

Thankfully there wasn't, the room was still clean just as I left it earlier, with Tom still in bed.

"Thank god."

-I whispered to myself.

"What do you expect me to say? I'm stuck here for hours with nothing to do, you won't even let me do something productive."

-He complains as I place his tea on the nightstand.

"Well I can see you had something to do this time."

(iykyk (; )

-I commented, glancing over at the books poking out from under the blanket.

He stared at me confused before looking down and realizing that I was right, quickly stuffing the books back in.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"I am."

"Good then here, I've collected your homework."

I placed the work on his lap before ruffling his hair with my fingers, though unlike last time I did so, this time his hair felt somewhat knotted, unbrushed.

He moved his head away from my hand just as I said-

"Maybe you should change first before you do your work."

He turned his head quickly, glaring at me before I spoke again.

"Well I'm just saying, you've been wearing that for a while, perhaps you should change. And I assume sleeping in a suit doesn't feel very comfortable."

He continued to oddly glare at me until he finally said-

"You're just trying to get rid of me aren't you?"

"What? No, I'm really just trying to tell you that you should get a change of clothes."

He scoffs at my response.

"I'll get it myself then if you don't believe me."

I marched towards the door before slamming it closed as I exited the room.

~You guys I sincerely apologize for taking more than a week to update, I've been having a writer's block of some sort and just couldn't  focus on any kind of work~

~I really hope you guys don't hate me after this and I'm currently working on the next chapter so I can hopefully get it out soon~

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