Chapter 52

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Throughout the day I tried to get Tom to do some fun Christmas sort of games with me but he didn't really understand the gist of it all.

He did understand what Christmas was and all, but he didn't really know why we would do these sorts of games, though to be fair, he did try.

"No, I just think most of them are exceedingly useless."

-He explains, rolling his eyes at me.

"So what if they are, it's fun."

-I responded, shoving the last bit of my dinner into my mouth as I looked around the partly empty Great Hall.

"It just seems stupid to me."

-He quietly commented as he looked down at my empty plate before speaking again.

"Are you done?"

I nod in response as I drink the last bit of water from my cup.

"Ok, let's go."

-He says, already standing up as he slightly tugged at my shoulder.

As we walked to my dorm, he continued to comment on the Christmas games as I argued back at him.

He silently stood at my door as we entered my dorm.


-I asked him but he still stayed silent.

"God not this again."

-I mumbled to myself before speaking again in a higher voice.

"Do you want to come sleep with me tonight Tommy?"


-He answered fast and bluntly.

"Sure you don't."

-I smirked at him before walking towards him.

"Come, let's practice dancing then. You don't want to look like a "fool" when dancing with me tomorrow, now do you?"

"You're correct."

-He says before bringing an arm around my waist, his other hand in mine.

I had gotten much better at this dance as I practised a few more times with Tom earlier during the day.

So by now I was confident enough as not to stare down at my feet the entire time, instead I was now able to stare up at Tom as he stared back at me.

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