Chapter 62

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*January 6th*

Classes were to begin again today, but for once I dreaded going.

I would be able to look at her.

Even after hurting her nearly two weeks ago,

leading her to most definitely despise me,

I still can't stop thinking of her.

I hate it.

I almost hate it as much as I did when I first acquired my feelings for her.

It felt somewhat odd how I went nearly two weeks without seeing her once.

Throwing the covers off my face, I looked around my room.

The beds were empty, my roommates had already gone for class.

There was no doubt I was late.

First class must almost be over soon, I should just try to make it to second class.

(Y/N)'s in my second class.

I'd have to face her if I go, unless she's just as much as I mess as I am, skipping classes.

No, I don't care.

She's not my problem anymore.

And with that, I got myself up from bed, fixing myself up to seem more presentable before I left for my History Of Magic class.

I managed to slip into class right before the professor began his lesson, sitting in the only free seat next to (Y/N).

Her back muscles tensed up as I sat in the chair next to her, yet she didn't look in my direction.

She stared down at her open books as I cautiously watched her.

I should say something, anything to make this seem the slightest bit less uncomfortable.

"Good morning."

-I quietly said as I continued to stare at her.

Quickly, she looked up from her books, though she didn't look in my direction, she looked up at the professor in the front.

She scoffed, shaking her head as she looked back to her books.

She's still mad.

Slowly, I looked back to my things in front of me, feeling quite stupid as I had just embarassed myself.

We sat the rest of the class not saying a single word to each other.

When the dismissal bell rang, she didn't hesitate to get up and quickly leave, her books already packed and ready to go.

~Hey, before you say anything, I'm aware this chapter was pretty short and I'm sorry for that, I wanted to write more but I've been feeling so exhausted this week and I didn't want to to make you guys wait another 2 days~

~So instead of question for today, Let's do this fun little Harry Potter quiz I found~


~I'll post my answers in the comments~

~I've also got this little story for you guys of something that happened to me today.

So just some background information, if you guys know me well enough, you'd probably know that I have a strong liking for rings. I wear them all the time, really just somewhat obsessed.

So today, I went to the mall for books and shopping and normal mall things, and while being there, in one of these shopping stores, I spotted this little gold snake ring, and again if you know me, you'd know for a long time I've been wanting one of these, and just been obsessing over them, so of course, I bought it.

And so I got it and began wearing it right away and (living out my desired (Y/N) life) and whatnot.

So like maybe two hours had passed now and I don't really notice when it happens but I have the same habit that my story Tom Riddle has, that being fiddling with my rings on my hand when I'm nervous or just whenever, so while I was doing that with the snake ring, it just snapped off my finger.

I was absolutely heartbroken.

Though to be fair, I was aware that they were typically very fragile and do tend to break quickly but I was just very unhappy at that moment~

~So that was funny~

~And also apparently now I need glasses while driving (I'm not as old as you think I am I swear), so that's not fun~

~So have a good day/evening/night, and until next time~

~And don't hesitate to leave any fillers~

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