Chapter 66

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Henry certainly had his ways of trying to "apologize" from last night, luckily I slept through it all,

-most of it at least-

Only to see it for the first time as I stepped outside my door.

A note.

I nearly mistook it for a piece of garbage from the way it looks on the ground.

All sort of crumpled and stepped on.

I picked it up, though I don't bother to read it now.

I have class to get to.

I shove it in my pocket as I get to the bottom of the stairs, my eyes quickly going for the small group of couches and chairs by the fireplace.


Taking a deep breath as I shake my head, I clear my thoughts, I shouldn't be thinking about him anymore.

I manage to hide from Henry as I get to class.

Tom's already in his seat,

I notice him as I walk in the classroom.

His head slightly turns my way as I sit in my seat, then turning back to his work.

I let out a short sigh before I began to open my books.

Both physically and mentally preparing myself for class, for the day.

It wasn't long after class started when it began to feel harder to concentrate on work.

I could barely think, let alone pay attention to my professor.

Thankfully I wasn't too exhausted to keep my eyes open, I had my head resting in one of my hands while I watched the professor, I just couldn't pay attention to a word he said.

I can't be this tired, I thought I had enough sleep last night.

It isn't until I feel a sharp snap at my hand that I finally "wake" from my weary state.

Quickly turning to my right, I see Tom staring at me with an odd expression.


-I ask him, wanting an explanation as to why he just did what he did.

"You can't just ignore me for the rest of the year. Even if you still "hate" me."

"If you would have said something instead of flicking me for your attention, maybe I would have."

-I snapped back, still a bit tired.

He gives me another oddly confused expression before speaking again.

"Are you deaf as well? I did, I was trying to talk with you for the past few minutes."




-I answer a few seconds later, sort of looking away, sort of confused.

"What do you want then."

-I say in a colder tone.

"You really weren't listening, were you?"

-He asks.

"What do you want with me Tom?"

-I ask again, beginning to get sick of Tom's games.

He slightly smirks before his response, possibly enjoying my anger.

"We have work together, professor assigned a project."

Cursing under my breath, I knew he enjoyed this more than me, possible not for the reason I think he would.

{Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter}

{Hope you also enjoyed Henry's absence in this chapter}

{Sorry for the wait}

{Here's a question, What's your favourite "Junk" food/ candy?}

{Mine is sort of specific but I enjoy "Sweet Tarts chewy Mini" quite a bit}

{I have a bad sweet tooth}

{Speaking of which, I just finished the tv show "Sweet tooth" and I'm now obsessed}

{Everytime I go to the bookstore, I fall in love with yet another random person just trying to find themselves a good book}

{I have a problem}

{I got my second dose a few days ago}

{I'm so tired}

{In love with "Another Irish Drinking Song" By Da Vinci's notebook}

{And some of their other "Enormous" songs}

{Iykyk shhhh}

{I have this other irritating issue where I *HAVE* to *ONLY* buy hardcover books}

{I don't know what to do, I just really don't enjoy paperbacks, they make me feel as if they're going to rip at any given moment, whereas hardcover looks and makes me feel better but it's sooo much more expensive}

{What do I do??!?1?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!}

{I'm so tired}

{why is Pete Davidson so hot in "Suicide Squad 2" }

{I saw this really attractive worker at the bookstore the other day and began to rethink my entire life}

{Alright I need to stop now or I'll just keep talking}

{Good - night/day/evening, and until next time}

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