Not a chapter 60

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~NOT A REAL CHAPTER (again) PLEASE DON'T READ THIS (unless you wanna be brutally traumatized) , IT WAS MADE BY MY YOUNGER SISTER~



I was still bothered by everything that had happened the night before as I walked to the Chamber Of Secrets, purley to be alone with my thoughts. My roommates were in my dorm so this is one of the only places I can go.

As I arrived, I finally came to fully understand that getting out of this mess is gonna be harder than my dic-.

After spending a while there, I finally decided to face my problems instead of avoiding them. (Btw your favourite child author/me dances away from her problems with style)

~She really does~

I went to her dorm but she wasn't there.


I muttered to myself. Now I have to look for her.

"I guess I'll go to Hogsmeade, she likes going there... I think."

The walk there was dreadful, so many thoughts were going through my mind and I made myself more stressed than I could ever imagine.

As I arrived, I immediately noticed the lack of people there. Well, obviously there won't be as much people since its cold out but there's almost no one here.

"I guess that will make it easier for me if she's even here."

- I thought to myself. It's dead silent and I see no point in going into any stores if I can't even hear anything here. I stand in the middle just listening out for a single noise but... nothing.

A feeling of dread comes over me as I realise that I can barely recall any of her favourite spots, especially in this horrid state.

There are so many things running through my mind, I feel so frustrated and goddam confused. I can think of so many places she might be at but at the same time none of them seem right. All I know is that she might like the forbidden forest but it's so cold out. I guess it's the only place that might work but why would it even matter. I don't see why she would even want to talk to me but I might as well try.

As I walked up to the forest which was also just as quiet as hogsmeade I took a look around. Even though I'm not able to see anything I swear I can hear the snow crunching, as if someone's walking.

I quietly follow them and all of the sudden they stop. This person is around and behind a couple of trees just out of my sight. I decided to just fuck it and walk straight to where the footsteps stopped. Once I get closer a huge wave of relief comes over me as I see Y/N. Without any thought I start walking up to her until I remember the fight. "Well, I didn't do all this for nothing" I think as I continue to walk up to her.

Before I can even say a word she say-

"What do you want?"

-In a very stern tone.

"Look, I just want to go inside and talk."
-I say.

"Tom, I don't wanna talk right now, leave me alone."

(Y/N) says.

"I'm not in the mood for this shit."

I think to myself. But before I walk away that horrible feeling comes back, the feeling of guilt, despair and anger all mixed together. I just decided to sit next to her no matter how goddam embarrassing that is. She doesn't look at me and just sits there silently.

"Just come inside, I really need to talk to you."

- I say still facing the forest.

Without saying a word she gets up and together, we head inside. We go to her dorm since it's empty and once we arrive we both just sit there in silence.

"(Y/N)... "

-I say.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what I did to Henry. I was just really angry and I reacted on impulse."

"That's not good enough! you hurt him for almost no reason I mean.. like why the fuck would that the the way to react!? And saying "reacted on impulse" isn't an excuse! Don't apologise to me either because I'm not the one you physically hurt!..."


Suddenly our clothes disappear bc magic and stuf. AND we fly onto the bed. Within seconds were anger-fucking and in about 0.2 seconds I 🍆🥛 all over her. And then HENRY comes in and it becomes a threesome with Henry in the middle. 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚 And then (Y/N) GROWS A GIANT 🐴🐤 AND WE ALL START CIRCLE JERKING AND THEE END.

Damn this has to be the greatest piece of art I have ever made in all of my 13 years of living on this planet. Expect more of these.

Also @Ilivelovedraco. you're my step sis now you sussy little baka 🌚.

And @KaelaFloreswinter If you read this then you're contractually obligated to read the rest of (your username)'s wattpad stories because if you don't then Daniel the tiger will come in your room at night and start singing the russian anthem. 😩

Ok next @Riddlefamily , your stories give me life and keep it updated (when you can). Also please don't be traumatized by my work of art.

AAANNND @Feet-Of-The-Table , if you wanna eat tom just tell me so i can add you in the next story. Just gimme a name to call you by for the story. I'm also gonna need a legal document saying that you consent to being in my hawt stories. 😏

~I'm just as speechless as the rest of you all are~

~I honestly don't know what to say but you guys should have seen her while writing this, she was trying to sound like me in the beginning of the story with how I write and having a full on metal breakdown while saying "I hate writing", reminded me of myself~

~She wanted to write a little note to some of my readers, I guess the ones that I see most often, so enjoy that~

~Instead of my usual questions, she wanted to ask one~

How many times did you cum during this.

~I'm so sorry~

After All These YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz