Chapter 33

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As I slowly began to regain consciousness of my surroundings, I slowly picked up my aching head from what I assumed was my desk. Rubbing my eyes with one hand, I held my head up to look around.

Fuck did my head ache, almost leaving me unable to open my eyes. God, did those feel sore as well.

I forced my eyes to stay open and look for the time, trying to focus my eyes on something.

As I looked harder and harder around the room, I began to realize that this wasn't my room...?

One minute...What happened last night? I clearly remember studying in (Y/N)'s room as she slept, but I did return back to my dorm once it got last, right?

I'm certain I remember doing so.......or perhaps I just imagined that?

I glanced behind myself, seeing if (Y/N) was there, perhaps she could help me remember, but her bed was empty.

Where has she gone?

Then I heard some racket coming from the washroom, I suppose that solves the mystery of her disappearance.

I tried for more of what happened last night as I felt I needed those memories.

I know I was studying in (Y/N)'s room as she slept, I remember staying there as it got late, but I suppose I had fallen asleep as I debated whether or not to stay for a while longer.

I heard as the door slowly cleake open, leading (Y/N) to quietly stick her head out and stare at me. It took her a few moments before she fully got out of the bathroom, still staring back at me as I watched from the corner of my eye.

She stared at me for a while before I turned my head towards her, mumbling-


-Not even recognizing my own voice.

I rubbed my face a bit more as it still felt tired until I looked down at my work I had completed last night. I noticed that the last things I had written down looked like nonsense, looked like something a mad man would have written.

Near my papers I noticed my wand, though it was still brightly lit and shining light from the tip. I grabbed at it and faintly whispered-


-As my voice felt harsh and sore as well as everything on my body.

"I um, I didn't know you were gonna sleep over"

-She finally said as she continued to stand there.

I laid my head back down as I strongly felt I didn't want to talk at the moment, just wanted to fall back asleep.

"I didn't mean to."

-I managed to mumble out.

"What was that?"

-She asked, though I can't blame her, I didn't half understand what came out of my mouth either.

Slowly picked my head back up before taking a deep breath and rubbing my face once again.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep here."

"Oh um well, I just finished getting ready for school...maybe you should as well?"

I stared at her for a minute, trying to figure out the time before closing my eyes shut and finally asking her.

"What's the time?"

I heard as she walked away for her robe, quickly bringing back her stopwatch and saying-



-I mumbled, it felt too early for class to start so soon.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just an ache."

-I responded, opening my eyes back again, staring back at her.

Hesitantly, reached for my forehead, placing her hand on top.

Though I wasn't fond of this, her hands felt comforting and cold against my somewhat sweaty skin, so I didn't move it away, just closed my eyes.

After what felt like only a few brief seconds, she moved her hand away, leaving me to open my eyes back to understand why.

She had a confused look pasted on her face as she held her hand.

I copied her same expression before asking-

"What? What happened?"

She let out a small smirk on her face, letting it grow bigger and bigger as she continued to stay quiet.

"What? What's happened!?"

-I asked, irritated as I felt the suspense building up.



"Tom, you're sick."

-She finally said, letting out a small laugh beforehand.

"No I'm not, I'm just tired."

I know I'm not sick, I just feel stiff from the position I was sleeping in, plus I hadn't gotten enough sleep as to why I feel tired.

I began to gather my books as I got annoyed from (Y/N)'s response, I know I'm not sick.

"No no no, you should get some rest, you're much too sick to go outside."

-she quickly said in a mockingly taunting voice, making me glare at her.

I clenched my jaw tight, forcing myself not to say anything back.

"Well um, I'm just saying please don't go to class today, you'll make everyone else sick."

I kept glaring at her until I finally made up my mind, I suppose one day off couldn't hurt, I need to work on a few things.

"Fine, but I'm not staying in my dorm, I don't want to be near those two twats, I'm staying here."

-I said, trying to show I was telling, not asking.

"Alright ok well um, you can stay over there while I'm gone."

-She pointed over to her bed.

Wait, what?

Where is she going, is she going to see someone else? It better now be that muppet or I swear to god.

"What? Where are you going?"

"Um....I'm going to The Great Hall...for breakfast."

Oh right....breakfast.


-I responded, slowly getting out of the chair, my body tired and aching to lay in (Y/N)'s bed.

"I'll get you something too, don't worry."

-She called out to me before leaving out the door, leaving me alone in the room.

I looked around the room for a second, taking off my robe and leaving it against the chair before walking towards the bed.

I stared down at it for a moment, hesitating to go on top of it before my dizziness got the best of me.

Everything felt calm as I laid down, everything just went still.

I hesitated for a moment before pulling the sheets on top, blocking myself out from everything.

-God I really do apologize for this boring chapter, I just haven't felt very inspired lately-

-I promise you I'll try to make something good happen in the next chapter-

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