Chapter 46

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*(Y/N) POV*

"What the fuck was that Tom?!"

-I demanded as we entered my dorm, Tom slamming the door shut behind me.

"The fuck are you going on about, you were going to say yes to that knob head if I hadn't come in time."

"No I wasn't."

-I answered breathlessly, somewhat shocked.

"Why didn't you answer him then?"

I stood there speechless and confused as Tom continued to talk.

"You just let it happen, watched it all unravel as you stood there with your mouth shut, not saying a word. We both know you would have said yes if I didn't come-"

"I was in shock Tom!"

-I shouted at him.


-He scoffed under his breath, slightly shaking his head as looked away from me.

"Yes Tom, shock. I was shocked"

"What are you so "shocked" about?"

-Tom asked quickly, looking at me but I didn't answer back, just glared at him while breathing heavily.

"Answer me."

-He demanded.


-His words linger as he walks closer to me.

Scared of what he might do if he got closer, I answered him.

"No one has asked me before, I didn't know what to say, I froze."

He paused, sort of slowed his pace as he slightly tilted his head ( in the confused sort of way ).

"You've never been asked out?"

Is this his way of making fun of me?

Mocking me for never being asked out?

"Yes but that's why I didn't respond to his question, I've never had someone ask me out."

Tom paused again, doing what looked like thinking before quickly glancing behind himself, looking out the window for a second before looking back at me.

I looked out as well, staring out at the sun beginning to set.

Even though it was just around 6, the sun was still beginning to set, with it being winter and all, I suppose I should start to get used to it.

He stared at me for a little bit as I looked back at him, his eyes slowly switching from me to his hand as he fiddled with his rings.

"Right well...."

-He began but sort of got lost in his words as he looked down again, staring at his rings.

"I apologize...for being quite...unpleasant..just now. I now see you didn't deserve it."

I tried hard not to crack a smile as I watched him get nervous while talking to me, it might be one of the very few times he has, and it's much fun to watch.


-I replied, mocking him in the same sort of slow tone.

He gave me a quick little glare before looking back down and continuing to talk.

"And so, would you like to join me... outside tonight?"

He looked up at me after finishing his question, waiting for an answer from me.

And though I tried not to, I couldn't help but crack a smile at him, nearly laughing as well.

He just stared at me, his face getting more and more confused and somewhat mad before I realized why.

"Oh wait, yes, I'd love to go with you. I'm sorry, I just liked the way you asked me."

-I quickly apologized to him as I slightly touched his shoulders.


-He answered back sort of dull like, but I could tell he felt at least the littlest bit happy inside with my response to his question.

"Should we go now? Or later at night?"

"...erm....would you rather see the sunset? Or the stars?"

"Oooh um, the stars, definitely the stars."

-I responded.

"Then we can go see them at 7."

"Alright, We'll have to find something to do until then."

-I said.

Tom took a step back, beginning to fiddle with his ring again before he spoke.

"I've actually got to go somewhere right now. It won't take too long and I'll be back to bring you outside but I've got to go."

"Oh, ok well I'll just find something to do until then."

Slightly nodding, he headed towards the door, saying a quiet quick "bye" before leaving. 

~ Hey my little lucky charms, hope you enjoyed this chapter~ 

~It was shorter than I wanted it to be but I decided to just finish this chapter and call it a night ~

~And just a fun question to answer in the comments if you'd like, would you rather change your eye color or your hair color?  And why ~ 

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