Chapter 58

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I stayed with Henry until Madame Pomfrey practically shoved me out.

She reassured me that he was fine up until the doors were closed in my face, leaving me alone in the dark hallway.

Or so I thought.

Against one of the walls of the hallways, I spotted Tom.

I scoffed in his way as I quickly walked past him.

I felt a slight breeze past my arm as he tried to grab my wrist, only making me walk faster.

The halls were dark and empty, the only noise being the click of my heels hitting the floor and the slight squeak of Tom's dress shoes following quickly behind me.


-He called out to me, his voice loud and demanding.

Though I didn't stop, his voice only made me walk faster, further away from him.

He followed me the whole way to my dorm, calling out for my name as I continued to stay silent, ignoring him all the way.

"What's wrong with you?"

-I shouted at him as I heard his quick footsteps following me up the stairs leading to my door.

"Let me talk."

- Tom says in an annoyingly calm voice, grabbing my wrist just as I opened the door.

"This should be good."

-I reply in a sarcastic tone.

His jaw clenched tightly from my response before he talked.

"What would you rather me have done? Just watch as he praticlly gropes you?"

"Using your words would have been a better start than attacking him. We were just dancing."

-I quickly responded, yanking my wrist away from him as I walked deeper into my dorm.

He rolled his eyes and turned his head away from me, scoffing as he replied.

"That's not what I saw."

"Really? What is it you saw then? Tell me?"

He doesn't answer me, he keeps his head turned away from my direction, his jaw still tightly clenched together.


-I say, scoffing again.

That got his attention.

As he heard my words, he slowly turned back to face me, a somewhat confused yet annoyed look on his face.

His expressions just made me more frustrated.

"God, don't look at me like that. You know what I'm talking about."

-I hiss back at him again.

"I don't."

-He responds, clearly as mad as I am.

Scoffing once more, I quickly grow more angry as I speak.

"Why can't I ever talk with anyone anymore?"

-I ask, not expecting an answer back.

"Why can't I ever go to your dorm when Finley and Cillian are there?"

-I continue asking.

"Why can't I talk with Henry anymore?"

"He's a two-faced twat."

-He answers quickly.

"No he isn't Tom! He's nice. He's kind. He actually listens to me."

-I cried out to him.

"I listen to you."

-He replied quietly.

I stare at him as he does to me, clenching my jaw just as he is before I speak.

"Then what are you doing in that chamber underground? I know you go there practically everyday and make up lies for it."

He pauses.

"God, you see, you're just proving my point."

"You're a liar."

-I say.


-He quickly says after me.

"You're controlling."

-I add, watching him get more furious.




-He yells, cutting me off silent, startled from hearing him yell.

We both stay silent, neither of us knowing what to say as I begin to feel small tears fall off my cheeks.

"Enough of this for today, let's -"

"Get out."

-I quietly cut him off, looking down, away from his gaze.

"(Y/N) I-"

-Tom tries to talk.

"Get out!"
-I say again much louder, on the verge of yelling, looking back up at him as more tears fall, staining my wrinkled dress.

He takes a quiet yet deep breath, quickly turning around as he leaves my room, leaving me be.

As if it were planned, the few tears quickly become sobs as the door closes shut.

That's one way to end Christmas.

~Hey guys, this was kind of a sad chapter I guess, so I'm sorry~

~While making this chapter I realized that I should have told you before that in this story Tom Riddle and Voldemort aren't the same person, they're two different people~

~Here's two questions to brighten up the mood~

~ 1.If you have or have had a pet, what's your happiest memory with them?~

~ 2. Do you have any guilty pleasures?~

~My answer for #1 would be when I had a kitten named Ollie, And when she was around 2 months old, she would sleep in the hood of my hoodie all the time, especially when I would be writing Chapters. She brought me a lot of joy~

~My answer for #2 probably is that I enjoy watching Twilight, only become it's actually hilarious and is arguably one of my favourite comedy movies~

~I didn't realize till yesterday that I somewhat forgot what Tom Riddle looked like and just fell for him all over again~

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