Chapter 55

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My fingers nervously fiddled around with the small box in my hands as I awaited for (Y/N) to come out of the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of her bed, my eyes darting back and forth from the bathroom door to my hands as I got more and more impatient.

My leg softly yet quickly bounced off the heel of my foot as I heard the quiet yet soothing sound of a zipper being done up in the washroom.

*(Y/N) POV*

I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a moment, trying to perfect tiny details in my dress and hair before I began to open the door.

The quiet yet swift sounds of Tom's shoes against the floor left a smirk on my face as I opened the door all the way to see him.

He very slightly opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

We both stared at each other silently, not saying a word as I tried to figure out his emotions.

His eyebrows were furrowed but not in an angry sort of way, perhaps in a speechless sort of way I suppose.

His eyes quickly darted from place to place.

First my dress,

Then me, my face,

And back to my dress.

I wasn't sure what to do so I just sort of smiled until I realized the suit he was wearing.

It was black (of course ), everything was, his shoes, his jacket, his shirt and tie, all the same sort of black.

It was a fine suit as well, not a single crease or incorrect fold throughout the entire thing.

His tie was perfect as well, nicely smooth and neatly tied.

I let out a soft laugh before I talked.

"Your uh, your tie is uneven."


-He quickly asked, looking away from me as he stared down at his tie.

He quietly scoffed, shaking his head as he looked back up.

"God, why do I listen to anything that comes out of your mouth."

-He said to himself, walking closer to me as he looked up from his perfectly even tie.

"I don't know, why do you?"

-I asked, my smirk getting bigger as I got closer to him as well.

"Well unless you want to be late, I suggest we leave now."

-He responds, a bit of a smirk forming in the corner of his mouth.

"I guess so.. But I just..I have something for you."

-I say, hurrying to the washroom as I grab the wrapped up box on my counter.

He stared at me oddly as I held it behind my back, not yet ready to give it to him.

"I.....I got you something."

-I said before holding the gift out to him, allowing him to see it.

"I hope you like it."

-I say as he slowly takes the small box from my hand, his gaze now fixed on the gift.

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