Chapter 48

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When she had finally exhausted herself out from playing around in the snow, I brought her back in, making sure she changed into something warmer.

"Stop keeping your window open."

I lock it shut as she begins to climb into bed.

"I like it, it makes my room cool in the morning."

"Are you stupid? Just don't do it, you'll get sick."

"I don't have to listen to you."

-She mumbles to herself as if I couldn't hear.

"Enough, go to bed now. Goodnight."

-I quickly say to her, switching her light off as I leave.

(Damn Tom, why don't you just tuck us in while you're at it)

As I begin walking towards my dorm, I hear a loud group of voices down by the common room.

I tilt my head down a bit, oddly curious of who was there.

"Oh there you are Tommy! we've been wondering where you've been. Where's your little pet?"

-Bellatrix loudly asked as she saw me peering down the stairs.

Quickly I took a few steps down the stairs before I stopped myself on the 4th one.

I clenched my jaw and held on tight to the wand in my pocket as she stared at me from the chairs, widely grinning at me, waiting for me to come down the rest of the stairs to her.

But instead I turned back around, taking quick, long steps as I walked back into (Y/N)'s dorm.

I don't trust that Bellatrix would just stop bothering (Y/N) when I told her too, she's bound to do it again soon.

And Since I can't be sure when "soon" is, it's safer if I just spend the night with (Y/N).


-I call out, closing her door shut as I get in, switching the lights back on.

"Jesus Christ Tom."

-She muttered, pushing the blanket off from on top of her as I locked the doors.

"I'm staying here tonight."

-I say, pulling off the robe and laying it on the ground next to her bed.

"What, did you have a nightmare?"


-I respond as I loosen my tie.

She sat quietly for a moment, waiting for an answer as to why I was sleeping over for the night, but I didn't give her one.

"God ok, just come up here."

-She finally says, patting the empty spot next to her.

"I'm fine on the floor."

-I explain, neatly folding the tie before placing it on her desk.

"What? No, don't be weird. Come sit."

-she insists, still patting at the empty spot until I agree.

I hesitated as I looked at her, thinking about what to do next.

"I.......I have to get ready before I go to bed. Go to sleep until I'm done."

"Fucking weirdo."

-I hear her mumble under her breath as she laid back down, hiding her face under the covers.

I switched off all the lights until it was pitch black in her room, quickly finding my way to her washroom, locking myself in as I got ready for bed. 

I stood by the foot of the bed in the dark room, dressed and ready as I stared down at (Y/N).

Her body slightly moved up and down as her head peaked out from the mess of blankets and sheets around her.

I crouched down to her level, my face inches from hers as my fingers lightly caressed her cheek, letting them go down to her chin and back up again.

Her cheek felt warm and comforting against my cold fingers.

My hand soon made its way to her shoulder as I brought my face even closer, feeling her hot breath on mine, our lips ever so slightly touching.

Oh how I wanted to do more.

As our lips slightly touched a bit more her face twitched, causing her hand to slowly come up, rubbing her face as I quickly backed away, scared she had woken up.

But as she fell deeper into her sleep, her hand eventually fell down from her face, giving me a sigh of relief as I finally decided to get into bed next to her, keeping my distance so as to not wake her.

It was hard to fall asleep, but It eventually happened as she unknowingly rolled over closer to me, keeping myself near her the rest of the night I fell asleep. 

Hey my little Snickerdoodles, hope you enjoyed this chapter ~

~Here's another "would you rather" question : Would you rather work with a  group of people or alone? ~

 ~Personally, I would like to work alone mainly because I'm not really a "people person" and whatnot ~

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