Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Castle on a hill of 42 dogs."



"How would you then explain an earthquake, a hurricane, and multiple tornadoes, all at the same time, all around the globe?" The newscaster asks as I watch TV. "Two words. Carbon emissions." The environmentalist says. "Yeah, right, wavy gravy." Dean chuckles.


Dean and I grab our guns as Sam answers the door. A woman around my age comes inside our room with what seems excitement to the point that she is having trouble breathing. "You okay, lady?" Dean asks as Sam shuts the door.

" it really you?" She asks as she steps closer to him and places her hand on his chest. "And you're so firm." She giggles. "Uh, do I know you?" He asks. "Probably one of your one-night stands who is going to tell you that you're a baby daddy." I whisper to Sam and he laughs.

"No. But I know you. You're Dean, that's Sam and that's..." She looks me up and down. "Not what I pictured. I'm Becky." She smiles as she looks back at Dean.

What the fuck? Not what she pictured what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few..." She trails off, giggling a little.

"Anyway, Mr. Edlund told me where you were." She smiles. "Chuck?" I ask, crossing my arms. "He's got a message, but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old." She says.

"Right. Just, um...what's the message?" Sam asks. "He had a vison. The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it." She says. "The Michael sword?" I ask. "Becky, does he know where it is?" Dean asks. "In a castle, on a hill made of forty-two dogs." She says. "Forty-two dogs?" Dean asks.

" sure you got that right?" I ask. "It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said. I memorized every word. For you." She winks at Dean.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I fake gag. "Um, Becky uh, can you quit touching me?" Dean asks. "No." She giggles.


"Hey Bobby." I say as I open the door, letting him in. "Crazy girl gone?" He asks, chuckling. "Yes, thank god." I laugh. "Ha ha you are so funny Skye." Dean says sarcastically. "Good to see you guys all in one piece." Bobby chuckles as he sits down at the table.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Sam asks. "You mean by angels, demons, or Dean's new superfan?" Bobby asks making Sam and I laugh. "So, sword of Michael." Dean says annoyed and trying to change the subject.

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" I ask. "You better fucking hope so." Bobby says as he opens a book and shows us a painting of Michael surrounded by other angels. In the painting Michael looks like a winged woman and the other angels like naked babies with wings.

"That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got." Bobby says. "You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean scoffs. "Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up, upstairs he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." He says as he points to the sword in the painted Michael's hand.

"So if we can find it we can kick the devil's ass all over again." I say and Bobby nods. "All right. So, where do we start?" Dean asks. "Divvy up and start reading. Try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense." Bobby says as he dumps out a pile of old books onto the table that he brought with him. "Sam? You all right?" Bobby asks. I look at Sam and see why Bobby asked.

Sam is pale with a blank stare at the books.

"No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry." Sam says. "Sam." I say. "Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal." Sam explains to Bobby. "Sam, stop it." Dean says. "You what?" Bobby asks, looking at Sam in anger.

Oh no.

"You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on." Sam sniffles as Bobby stands up and walks closer to him. I look at Dean with worry, who says nothing. "You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant." Bobby growls.

"I'm sorry." Sam says. "Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me?" Bobby yells at him.

Sam nods, his expression barely changing. "There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there." Sam says not taking his eyes off the ground. "Yeah. You do that." Bobby growls as Sam leaves.

"Never would I have guessed that John would be right about that boy." Bobby scoffs in disappointment. "Bobby." I say. "Maybe we shouldn't have tried so hard to save him." Bobby says. "Bobby!" Dean yells. "He ended the world. And the three of us weren't strong enough to stop him proper. That's on us. I'm just saying, John was right." Bobby says.

"Dad." Dean says. I look at him confused as he runs over to his bags and starts rummaging through them. He pulls out a plastic ziplock full of cards. "It's got to be in here somewhere." I hear him grumble. "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. "Here." He says as he pulls something out and reads it as he comes over.

"I don't believe it." He smiles. "What the hell is it?" Bobby asks. "It's a card for my Dad's lockup in upstate New York. Read it." He says as he hands it to me. "Castle Storage. 42 Rover hill." I read aloud and then look up at him. "Castle on a hill of forty-two dogs." Dean smiles. 

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