Chapter 60

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"Poor example of one."


"Please guys!" The Pastor begs. "I'm not going to tell you again!" Paul yells at the crowd. "Take a breath, everyone!" The Pastor yells. "You come onto my property, spouting some kind of crazy!" Paul yells.

"Sorry, Paul. There's no other way!" Rob yells at him. "Come on! What country is this, huh?!" Paul yells in outrage. "Need a hand, Padre?" I ask as I reach the commotion. "Just, everybody cool down for a minute!" He yells. "Cool down, hmmm? My friends are trying to run me out of town. Do you think I should cool down?" Paul asks the Pastor.

"I'm sorry, Paul. It is not our choice." Rob says. "Oh, come on. That's bullshit." Paul growls. "You've got to go for everyone's sake!" Rob yells at him. "We grew up together. I stood up at your wedding!" Paul argues. "Yes, you did. But that was then. And now you're standing against the flock." Jane says.

"That's not true. I fight with you." Paul scoffs. "This is a town of believers, Paul. You are not a believer." Jane says. "Don't make this hard for us." Rob warns. "Hard for you? No. This is my home. You want me out of here? You'll have to drag me out." Paul growls.

"Whoa, you don't want to do this." I intervene. "Get out of my" "No." The pastor interrupts Rob. "No one's gonna stop me from seeing my son again." Jane cries and shoots Paul.

I step away as the Pastor bends down to check Paul's pulse and I hear him sigh and shake his head as Rob walks Jane away, the crowd all leaving. Two guys stay and help the pastor move Paul's body as I turn around and walk back to the motel room, trying my best to grasp everything that has unfolded.

I open the door and shut it behind me as I don't take my eyes off the ground. "You alright? What happened? I heard a gunshot?" Sam asks. "'s not my blood. Paul's dead." I say as I make my way to the bathroom.

"What?!" Skye yells from the bed. "Jane shot him." I say. "It's starting." Cas says. "What's starting?" Sam asks. "The whore." Cas says, making my eyes widen as I look at him. "Wow. Cas, tell us what you really think." I say to him. "She rises when Lucifer walks the earth. And she shall come, bearing false prophecy. "This creature has the power to take a human's form, read minds. Book of Revelation calls her the whore of Babylon." Cas says.

"Well, that's catchy." Skye giggles. "The real Leah was probably killed months ago." Cas states. "What about the demons attacking the town?" I ask. "They're under her control." Cas says. "And the Enochian exorcism?" Sam asks.

"Fake. It actually means you, um, breed with the mouth of a goat." Cas laughs but Sam and I aren't laughing only him and Skye. "It's funnier in Enochian and when drunk." He says. "So the demons smoking out that's just a con? Why? What's the endgame?" I ask him. "What you just saw, innocent blood spilled in God's name." He says.

"You heard all that heaven talk. She manipulates people." Sam says. "To slaughter and kill and sing preppy little hymns. Awesome." I roll my eyes. "Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it's just the beginning. She's well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit." He says.

"Alright, so then how do we go Pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?" Skye asks, just as Cas puts down a wooden stake on the table. "The whore can be killed with that. It's a stake made from a cypress tree in Babylon." He says.

"Great. Let's ventilate her." I say. "It's not easy." Cas says. "Course not." Sam scoffs. "The whore can only be killed by a true Servant of Heaven." Cas explains. "Servant like?" I ask. "Not you. Or me. Not Skye and definitely not Sam. We'll have to find someone else." Cas says.

"Always a catch." Skye scoffs just as Cas disappears. "Where the hell did he go?" I ask.

Cas soon appears with Pastor Gideon. "What the hell was that?" The Pastor asks. "Yeah, I wasn't lying about the angel thing. Have a seat, Pastor. We got to have a chat." Cas says to him. The Pastor nods and takes a seat as Sam fills him in on everything Castiel told us.

"No. She's my daughter." He says. "I'm sorry, but she's not. She's the thing that killed your daughter." I say to him. "That's impossible." His voice cracks. "But it's true. And deep down, you know it. Look, we get's too much. But if you don't do this, she's going to kill a lot of people. And damn the rest to hell." Skye says as she takes a drink of water.

I pick up the stake and hold it out to him. "It's just...Why does it have to be me?" He sniffles. "You're a servant of Heaven." Cas says. "And you're an angel." He responds. "Poor example of one." Cas mumbles. 

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