Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"An Innocent Man"

"I close the hospital room door and turn back to Castiel. "God?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "God." I say. "Yes! He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere." Castiel says, hopefully. "Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla." Sam says. "No, he's not on any flatbread." Castile says. "Listen, carefully, even if there is a God, he is either dead...and that's the generous theory." I say. "He is out there, Skye." He says. "Or he's p and kicking and doesn't five a rat's ass about any of us." I say causing Castiel to glare at me.

"I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?" I say to him. "Enough." Castiel growls at me.

"This is not a theological issue. It's strategic. With God's help, we can win." He says. "It's a pipe dream." I say. Castiel advances towards me. "I killed two angels this week. My brother's. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your boyfriend and his brother destroyed the world." Castiel growls as he put's his hands around my throat.

"Let her go." I hear Dean growl and I look behind Castiel and see him. "And I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself." Castiel growls as he slams me into the wall, as if he didn't hear Dean. "Cas!!" Dean yells as he tears Castile's hands from my throat and pushes him away from me.

He steps in front of me to block me from Cas. "You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want." Bobby asks. "I did come for something. An amulet." He says. "An amulet? What kind?" I gasp out. "Very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him." He says.

"A God EMF?" Sam asks and Castiel nods. "Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I got nothing like that." Bobby says "I know. You don't. But Dean does. His necklace. May I borrow it?" Castiel asks. "No." Dean says. "Dean. Give it to me." Castiel says.

I watch as Dean takes off his amulet. "All right, I guess. Don't lose it." Dean says as Cas takes t from him. "Great. Now I feel naked." Dean sighs. "I'll be in touch." He says. "When you find God, tell him to send legs!" Bobby yells as Castiel disappears.

My cell rings and I grab it and see that it's Rufus. I hit answer and put it to my ear. "Rufus?" I ask. "Skye. Skye, damn it, can you hear me?" He says in frustration. "I can't hear you." I say since our call keeps going in and out.

"Listen. I'm gonna need a little help here. Seems I'm up to my ass in demons. Whole damn town's infested. Hang on, hang on." I again can barely make it out. "Where are you?" I ask. "River Pass, Colorado." He says.

"Colora...Colorado?" I ask as I tried to make out what he was saying. "Colorado!" He yells. "River Pass, Colorado?" I ask, making sure I heard everything right. "River Pass!" He yells at me. "Rufus? You there? Ru..Rufus?" I ask as I think I lost signal. "Skye it's.." Guns shots cut him off and then the call cuts out.

"Rufus is in trouble." I say to Dean and Sam.


As Dean drives the Impala, he begins to slow down as we see a part of the bridge that isn't there anymore. Once the Imapla comes to a stop and he turns off the engine. I open the door and walk over to the edge, kicking a small rock over the edge, as I look down.

It looks difficult enough to get a person across with an margin of safety, getting the Imapla across is impossible. "This is the only road in and out." Dean says behind me as the sound of the driver's side door closing is heard. I pull out my cell phone and hold it up trying to find signal.

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