Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"We should go."



I walk through the empty cabin, paging through my mother's journal. I sigh as I set it down on the table as Cas appears in front of me. "Where've you been?" I ask. "Jerusalem." He says. "Oh, how was it?" I ask. "Arid." He says as he sets the jar that he's been holding, onto the table. "What's that?" I ask.

"It's oil. It's very special. Very rare." He says as we both sit down and Dean enter's. "Okay, so we trap Raphael with a nice vinaigrette?" Dean says. "No." Cas says. "So this ritual of yours, when does it got to go down?" I ask. "Sunrise." He says. "Tell us something. You keep saying we're gonna trap this guy. This isn't that kinda like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net?" Dean asks.

"No, it's harder." He says. "Do we have any chance of surviving this?" I ask. "You do." He says. "So odds are you're a dead man tomorrow." I say. "Yes." Cas sighs. "Well. Last night on earth. What are your plans?" Dean asks. "I just thought I'd sit here quietly." Cas smiles. "Come on, anything? Booze, women?" Dean asks and I scoff.

"You have been with women before. Right> Or an angel, at least?" Dean asks Cas as he rubs the back of his neck. "You mean to tell me you've never been up there doing a little cloud-seeding?" Dean asks. "Look, I've never had occasion, okay?" Castiel says. "All right." Dean chuckles as he grabs his jacket.

"Let me tell you something. There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Let's go." Dean says to Cas. "Where are we going?" Cas asks. "To a bar." I say.


Of course Dean had to pick a fucking strip club to drink. "Hey. Relax." I say to Cas. "This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here." He says. "Showtime." Dean smirks as he must see a hooker approaching.

"Hi. What's your name?" A woman with long curled black hair wearing a light pink laced bodysuit lingerie, with light pink stockings and matching pumps. "Cas." Dean says for him as Cas is busy trying not to look at her. "His name is Cas. What's your name?" Dean asks. "Chastity." She says making me choke on my drink. "Chastity." Dean smiles as Cas chugs his beer.

"Wow. Is that kismet or what, buddy? Well, he likes you, you like him, so dayenu." Dean chuckles as she tugs Castiel up. "Come on, baby." She smiles. "Hey, listen. Take this. "I say as I hand him a handful of money. "If she asks for a credit card, no. Now just stick to the basics, okay? Do not order off the menu. Go get her, tier." I say. "Don't make us push you Cas." Dean warns as Cas takes the money from me and follows Chastity. "Well, Cheers to you." Dean says to me. I roll me eyes and clink glasses with him. "Cheers to you." I say.


Dean and I sneak out of one of the rooms, fixing our clothes. I can't believe we just fucked in a strip club while wasted. I hope I don't remember this in the morning.

"Get out of my face! Leave me alone! Bastard! Screw you, jerk!" We hear a women scream, she comes out of the room three doors down from ours and I recognize her as Chastity as she storms past us. "Screw you two also! God! Oh! Assholes!" She screams at Dean and I as she rushes out.

Dean and I look at each other and then back at the door that she came out of to see Cas walking towards us. "The hell did you do?" I ask him. "I don't know. I just looked her in the eyes and told her it wasn't her fault that her father Gene ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office." Cas says.

"Oh, no, man." Dean groans as I try not to laughbut fail. "Are you two drunk? What are you two doing back here anyway?" Heasks. "Cas this whole industry runs on absent fathers. It's, it's the naturalorder." Dean says to him. "We should go." I say as I see security headingtowards us. 

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