Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"No, no, no, no. Hey! We need a doctor!"



We get out of the Impala. "There was a murder here, and there's no police cars. There's nobody. How's that look to you?" I say. "Shitty." Kylie says. Both Skye and I pull out two stakes and two flashlights each from the trunk and passing one of each to Sam and Kylie.

As we enter the warehouse it changes. I look around and realize we are in a hospital. What the hell? I look down at myself and see I'm wearing doctor clothes and I look at my family and see they are as well.

"What is going on?" Skye asks me. "Doctor's." A red headed doctor says as she comes over to us. "Doctor." I say. "Doctor?" Sam questions. I turn around and open the door that we head just walked through. Expecting to see the parking lot and my baby but instead a janitor's closet where a male and female doctor are making out.

I close the door and turn around. "What now?" Kylie asks. Before I could speak a brunette doctor walks over and slaps me. "Ow!" I yell. "Seriously." She scoffs. "What?" I ask her. "Seriously? You're brilliant, you know that? And a coward. You're a brilliant coward." She says very dramatically.

"Um. What are you talking about?" Starting to get very pissed off as she slaps me again. "As if you don't know!" She yells, stalking off. "I don't believe this." Skye says. "What?" I ask her. "Dr. Ellen Piccolo. The sexy yet earnest doctor at Seattle Mercy Hospital." She says. "Skye, what the hell are you talking about?" I ask her.

"The doctor getups. The, the sexy interns. The seriouslys. It all makes sense." She says. "What makes sense? What's going on?" Kylie asks. "We're in Dry. Sexy, MD." Skye says as we walk through the hospital corridors.

"Guys what the hell." Sam says. "I don't know." Kylie says. "No, seriously, what the hell." I say. "One theory. Any theory." Kylie suggests. "Uh, the Trickster trapped us in TV land." I say. "That's your theory. That's stupid." Skye says. "Says the one who said we're on Dr, Sexy, MD." I mock.

"Yeah, but TV land isn't TV Land. I mean, there's actors and...and lights and crew members, you know. This looks real." She says. "It can't be. How can this possibly be real?" I scoff. "I don't know." She says.

"Doctors." As a female doctor walks past. "There goes Dr. Wang. The sexy but arrogant heart surgeon." Skye says as she watches her go past and seems to have spot something. "And there's Johnny Drake. Oh, he's not even alive, he's a ghost in the mind of her. The sexy neurotic doctor over there." Skye says.

"So...this show has ghosts? Why?" Sam asks. "I don't know. It is compelling." Skye says. "I thought you said you weren't a fan." Kylie laughs. "It sucked me in." Skye giggles. "Oh boy." She adds. "What?" I ask. "It's him." She says. "Who?" Sam asks. "It's, it's Dr. Sexy." She giggles.

"Doctor's." Dr. Sexy walks over to us. "You want to give me one good reason why you defied my direct order to do the experimental face transplant on Mrs. Biehl?" He asks me. "One reason?" I ask as he nods. "Sure." I smirk before slamming him against the wall.

"You're not Dr. Sexy." I growl but instantly cringe. "You're crazy." He says. "Really?" Because I swore part of what makes Dr. Sexy is the fact that he wears cowboy boots. Not tennis shoes." Skye says from behind me. "Yeah. You're a fan." Kylie laughs. "It's a guilty pleasure." Skye giggles.

"Call security." The guy yells. "Yeah, go ahead, Pal. See, we know who you are." I say as he morphs into the Trickster. "You guys are getting better!" He chuckles. "Get us the fuck out of here!" I growl at him as I slam him against the wall again. "Or what?" He rolls his eyes as he grabs my arm, twisting it. I yell out in pain.

"Don't say you have wooden stakes, big guy." He says to me. "That was you on the police scanner, right? This is a trick." Kylie says. "Hello? Trickster. Come on! I heard you four yahoos were in town. How could I resist?" He laughs. "Where the hell are we?" I ask. "Like it? It's all homemade. My own sets. My own actors...Call it my own little idiot box." He smiles.

"How do we get out?" Sam asks. "That, my friend, is the sixty-four dollar question." He says. "Whatever. We just, we need to talk to you. We need your help." Skye says to him. "Hm, let me guess. You four muttonheads broke the world, and you want me to sweep up your mess." He says.

"Please. Just five minutes. Hear us out." Sam says. "Sure. Tell you what. Survive the next twenty-four hours, we'll talk." He says. "Survive what?" I ask. "The game!" He smiles. "What game?" I ask. "You're in it." He chuckles. "How do we play?" I growl. "You're playing it." He smiles.

"What are the rules?" Skye asks as the Trickster raises his eyebrows, grinning before vanishing in a burst of static. "Oh, son of a bitch." I scoff. "Dr. Sexy? Dr. SEXY?" The red headed doctor from earlier goes around calling out.

"Paging Dr. Sexy. Report to the ER." A voice says over the intercom. "Oh, by the way. Talking with monsters? Hell of a plan." I say to them. "Just, what do we do now?" Skye says, annoyed. "You know what I'm doing? Leaving." I scoff.

"Hey. Doctor." A patient says to me. "Yeah." I say to him. "My wife needs that face transplant." He says. "Okay. You know what, pal? None of this is real, and your wife doesn't need jack shit. Okay?" I say to him as we keep walking.

"Hey, Doctor." The man calls from behind us.


"'s real." I hear Skye says as she falls. "No, no, no, no. Hey! We need a doctor!" I yell. 



Skye is facedown on the operating table, staring through the headrest at several pairs of white tennis shoes. For inexplicable reasons he is not under anesthesia. Dr. Wang passes an operating instrument to another Doctor as Sam, Dean and Kylie are all dressed in operating scrubs, as is everyone else in the room. Dean holds a pair of tweezers that have a lot of gauze at the end to absorb the blood at Skye's injury.

He passes the tweezers to another Doctor and presses an already bloodstained cloth to the injury. "BP is eighty over fifty and dropping." The red headed doctor says. "What?" Sam asks. "Someone do something. Come on." Dean says.

"I don't know how to use any of this shit." Kylie says as she looks around. "Figure it out." Dean growls. "Okay. Um. I need a penknife, some dental floss, a sewing needle, and a fifth of whiskey." Sam says as the other doctors give him weird looks.

"Stat!" Kylie yells and the doctors start to scatter everywhere as they leave to go get Sam's request. "Thanks." Sam smiles at her. "Not a problem, learned it from this show. If you yell Stat they just scatter and lose their minds to go and do the task they were told to do." Kylie laughs.

"We okay? How's it looking?" Skye asks Dean. "Yeah baby you'll be fine." He says to her as the shoes start to leave Skye's field of vison.

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