Chapter 49

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"Or not."




"Cas, where is he?" Skye crosses her arms as all she wanted to do is go back to the motel room and lay down. "Shouldn't have drank so much." Dean chuckles and Skye elbows him in the stomach, making him groan. "Shut up." She grumbles.

"I have him tethered. Zoda kama mahrana. Manifest yourself." Cas says out loud. "So, where is he?" Skye asks but all of a sudden big arms wrap around her. "Here I am!" A male voice says, excitedly from behind her. "Let go." She growls making the man drop her and he walks over to Castiel and Skye shivers in disgust as she notices that the guy isn't wearing any clothes.

"This is cupid?" She asks in shock as he hugs Cas. "Yes." He says as Cupid go over to Sam and Dean. "No we are good." Dean says as they try to get away but Cupid grabs them into a three way hug.

"Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?" Dean gulps. "This is their handshake." Cas says. "I don't like it." Sam says as Cupid lets go them. "No one likes it." Cas says. "Mmm. What can I do for you?" Cupid smiles. "Why are you doing this?" Cas asks him.

"Doing what?" He asks, confused.

"Your targets the ones you've marked, they're slaughtering each other." I say. "What? They are?" He asks in shock. "Listen, birthday suit, we know, okay? We know you been flitting around, popping people with your poison arrow, making them murder each other!" Dean says.

"What we don't know is why." Sam says. "You think that I...well, uh...I don't know what to say." He cries. "Should...should somebody maybe talk to him?" Sam asks as Cupid walks away from us, hugging himself as he cries.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Give him hell, Cas." Dean says to him. "Look. We didn't mean to, um...hurt your feelings." Cas says as he walks over to Cupid, making him turn around and hug Castiel. "Love is more than a word to me, you know, I love love. I love it! And if that's wrong, I don't want to be right!" He sniffles.

"Yes, yes. Of course. I, uh...I have no idea what you're saying." She sighs. "I was just on my appointed rounds. Whatever my targets do after that...that's nothing to do with me. I was following my orders. Please brother. Read my mind. Read my mind, you'll see." He begs Cas.

"He's telling the truth." Cas says after a few minutes of silence. "Jimmy Christmas. Thank you." Cupid smiles wide. "Wait. You said you were just following orders?" Dean asks and Cupid responds with a nod, still smiling wide. "Whose orders?" Skye asks. "Whose?" He laughs. "Heaven sillies. Heaven." He laughs.

"Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally?" She asks. "Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours." He points between Dean and Skye, making  them look at each other then back at him. "Excuse me what?" Dean asks. "Yeah, the union of Skye Lacey and Dean Winchester. Very big deal upstairs, top priority arrangements. Just like your parents." He smiles. "Are you saying that you fixed up our parents and now supposed to fix Skye and Dean up?" Sam asks.

"Well not me for your parents, but for Skye and Dean...Yeah but boy is it not easy with the two of you. Neither were your parents I've heard they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them...Perfect couple just like you two are." He smiles.

"Perfect?" Skye asks. "Yeah." He smiles. "We are broken up and never getting back together and our parents are dead!" She yells. "I'm sorry, but...the orders were very clear. You, Sam and Dean needed to be born and you and Dean are just, uh...meant to be." He shrugs.

"A match made in heave." He sings before Skye punches him. "Son of a bitch!" She yells just as Cupid disappears. "Where is he? Where'd he go?!" Skye huffs in anger as she looks around for him. "I believe you upset him." Sam says. "Upset him?!" She yells. "Skye. Enough!" Dean yells. "What?" She glares at him.

"You are hung over and you punched cupid!" Dean yells at her. "I punched a dick!" She yells back, ignoring the pounding in her head from the headache. "Are we gonna talk about what's been up with them lately or not?" Cas says to Sam. "Shut up!" Dean and Skye yell at them. "Or not." Sam says and Cas nods. 

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