Chapter 45

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"You're pregnant aren't you."



"That's really good." I say to John as he is working on an angel-banishing sigil. "You come to check on me?" He smirks. "Uh...I wanted to say I'm sorry about all of this. I know it can be a lot to take in." I say sincerely.

"Look, how long have you known about this..hunting stuff?" He asks. "Pretty much forever. My parents raised me in it." I say, smiling a little remembering all the hunts I use to go on with my parents.

"You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid?" John asks, outraged. "Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did as well as Sam and Dean's father." I say. "I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastards let's a child anywhere know, you could've been killed!" John says.

"I came kind of close as well as the guys." I say with a laugh. "The number it must've done on your heads...Your parents and their parents was supposed to protect you." He says. "They were trying. They died trying. Believe me." I say with sadness and give him a sad smile.

"Our parents were just doing the best they could. They were trying to keep it together in this impossible situation. Dean and Sam's dad would have gone crazy if he didn't do anything after their mom died and after my parents...Truth is their dad died before we all got the chance to tell him that we understand why he did what he did. And I forgive him for what it did to us. I do...and before he died I didn't get the chance to say thank you for taking me in and that I loved him like a father." I sniffle.

John puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it as he looks at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry." He says. "It's okay. I still got Sam and Dean." I say as the rest of the group comes in. "Okay. You said you'd explain everything when we had a minute. We have a minute. Why does an angel want me dead?" Mary asks as she sits on John's lap.

"Cause they're dicks." Dean scoffs. "And boyfriend stealers." I say under my breath but Sam heard and burst out laughing.

"Not good enough. I didn't even know they existed, and now I'm a target?" She asks in disbelief. "It's complicated." I say to her. "Fine." She sighs as she stands up. "All ears." John says. "You're just gonna have to trust us, okay?" Sam says. "We've been trusting you all day." Mary says.

"It's kind of hard to believe." Dean says. "All right, then. We are walking out the door." She says as they head for the door. "Sam and I are you're sons." Dean says, making John and Mary stop in their tracks and turn to face us. "What?" John asks. "We are you're sons. Sorry, I don't know how else to say it. We're from the year 2010. An angel zapped us back here. Not the one that attacked you, he's friendlier." Sam says.

"You can't expect us to believe that." Mary scoffs. "Our names are Dean and Sam Winchester. We're named after your parents. When I would get sick, you would make me tomato-rice soup, because that's what your mom made you. And instead of a lullaby, you would sing Hey Jude, cause that's your favorite Beatles song." Dean explains.

"I don't believe it. No." Marry cries while John holds her. "I'm sorry, but it's true." I say. "I raised my kids to be hunters?" She asks, voice cracking. "No. No, you didn't." Sam says. "How could I do that you?" She cries. "You didn't do it because you're dead." Dean says, making Mary look at him with wide eyes and John's grip on her tightens.

"What? What happened?" John asks. "Yellow eyed demon, killed her. John became a hunter to get revenge. Met Skye and her parents along the way and they helped us. A demon comes into Sam's nursery exactly six months after he's born. November second, 1983. Remember that date. And whatever you do, do not go in there. You wake up that morning and you take Sam and you run." Dean says.

"That's not good enough, Dean. Wherever she goes, the demon's going to find her. Find me." Sam says. "Well, then what?" Dean asks. "She can leave Dad. That's what. You got to leave John." Sam says.

"What?" Mary asks in surprise. "When this is all over, walk away, and never look back." I say to her. "So, we're never born." Dean says. "I...I can't. You're saying that you're our children, and now you're saying...." Her voice cracks.

"You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it, I promise you that." Dean says to them. "Okay, well, I'm not." John says. "Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad, but you can't. I'm sorry. It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die, and your children will be cursed." Sam says.

"There has to be a way." She cries. "No, this is the way. Leave John." Sam says. "I can't." She sniffles. "This is bigger than us. There are so many more lives at stake." Dean says. "You don't understand. I can't." She says and my eyes widen as I realize why she can't. "You're pregnant aren't you." I say and she nods. 

You Ruined Us (Dean Winchester Love Story Book 5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora