Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"The ring."



"So now you're saying that there are no demons and war is a guy." Austin says. "You believed crazy before." Skye says.


Austin gets up to check the peephole and then opens the door, letting in Roger. Austin shuts the door behind him. "I saw them, the demons. They know we're trying to leave. They said they're gonna pick us off one by one." He cries. "Wait wait. What?" Skye asks, getting up. "I thought you said there were no demons." Austin says, crossing his arm's.

"There's not. Where did you go?" Skye asks. "I thought someone should go out and see what's going on." Roger says. "Where did you see the demons and what did they say exactly?" Austin asks him. "We just sit here, we're going to be dead." Roger says. "No, we're not!" Skye yells. "They're gonna kill us unless we kill them first." Roger argues.

"Hold on. Hold on." Skye tries to calm everyone down.

"No, we got people to protect. All right, the able-bodied go hunt some demons." Austin says as he picks up a shotgun and hands it to the young man. "Whoa. Slow your roll. This is not a demon thing." Skye says.

War holds up his right hand and twists his ring, then points at Skye and Ellen. "Look at their eyes! They're demons!" He yells as the pregnant woman gasps as the Pastor raises his shotgun. "Go, go!" Skye yells at Ellen as they begin to run.

Austin blasts the shotgun, missing them and hitting the door. "Move!" Skye yells down the hall as War watches in triumph.

Austin loads salt canisters into his backpack as everyone else loads their shotguns. "Those are real." War says. "Those two could have been demons the entire time. All this salt and holy water talk as far as I'm concerned, it's all shit." Austin growls. "Are you sure?" War asks him. "It's them or us." He says. "I think I saw some knives in the kitchen." War smirks. "Great. Go." Austin says to him as he continues to grab more supplies.


Rufus ties a wire around the latch on a closed window as Kylie holds two bombs. "Hey, Rufus." Kylie says, trying to get his attention. "Yeah?" Rufus asks. "Pipe bombs won't kill a demon." Kylie says as Rufus checks the wire which is attached to another bomb.

"Right. But in my experience, demons come at you slower if they're in a body with no limbs." Rufus says as he closes the curtains. "One of them is in my mother and another is in my cousin." Kylie glares. Rufus turns to her. "Kylie, listen to me. You know I'm gonna do everything I can. Your mom's gonna be okay." Rufus says. "Unless they come through that window." She gulps as Rufus holds out his hand for her to hand him the next bomb.


The church door opens as Austin comes out, scanning the are as he holds the door open. "All right, let's move." He says as the young man, the young woman, and War follow Austin, all four holding shotguns.

Meanwhile over where Kylie and Rufus are, they are both loading their shotguns when they hear an explosion. They look at each other both thinking the same thing. Demons.

The front room is devastated and empty as Rufus peers through the windows, when someone grabs him and pulls him through the window. "Rufus!" Kylie yells as she goes to grab him but someone grabs a hold of her as well.

Out on the porch, it was Skye who had grabbed Rufus and pulled him out the window. Skye slams Rufus on the ground as inside the house Kylie and Ellen fight.

Ellen pins her to the wall, holding her wrists as Kylie growls and struggles. "Now you listen up, Kylie Joanna Beth Harvelle." Ellen growls.

Skye hauls Rufus up and slams him against the wall. "Listen to me. I'm not a demon. Think, Rufus. All those omens." Skye says to him. "Go to hell." He growls at her as he head butts her, then hits her in the chest. Soon after he lunges for his gun that he had dropped but Skye tackles him away before he could reach it. "Rufus! The polluted water, the shooting star, the red Mustang. It's War. I'm telling you, it's War." She explains to him, breathing heavily as she talked.

"You're damn right it is." He growls as he punches her in the face, knocking her off him. He quickly goes for his gun again but Skye slides her leg out, tripping Rufus. She gets up and walks over to where the gun is, picking it up. "The Horseman!" She yells at him.

"Horseman?" Rufus asks in confusion. "Yes. He's turning us against each other. You're hallucinating." She says. "The horseman. War." Rufus says as he looks at Skye, her eyes aren't black anymore. She was right. "Yes." Skye sighs in relief and exhaustion. "Did you figure this out all by yourself, genius?" He chuckles as Skye helps him up and hands him back his gun.

They go inside the house but stop when Ellen and Kylie turn around, aiming their shotguns at them. "Whoa!" Skye yells. "We all on the same page?" Ellen asks. "Good." Rufus says. "Hey, Kylie." Skye smiles. "Hey." She smiles. "Okay, we got to find Dean, then we need to find War before everybody in this town kills each other." Ellen says.



They all duck.


"Damn it! Where's Dean?!" Skye yells over the gunfire.


"Down the hall!" Kylie yells.

She takes a deep breathe and run low for the stairs. She quickly runs down the hall to where Dean is. Once she get's to the door she opens it and sees him tied to a chair. "Skye." He says in relief and smiles. "Dean." She smiles as she hurries over and stars untying him.

Once he is free, he pulls her to him and holds her close, closing his eyes as he rests his cheek on top of her head. But Skye quickly pulls away from Dean's arms. "Now's not the time for this." She says. He sighs. "It's not demons." He says to her. "It's War." She says and he nods. "I just can't figure out how's he doing it." She says.

"The ring." Dean says, remembering him seeing Roger a.k.a War turning his ring a lot. "The ring. That's right. He turned it before he made everybody hallucinate and go hellbitch." Skye says. "Right." Dean says. "We got to move. Come on." Skye says as she leaves the room. 



I watch as War walks up to the red mustang He looks over his shoulder once more before turning his head back to see what he is doing. As he reaches for the door, Skye and I run up to him, grabbing him.

He laughs as I hold onto him while Skye draws Ruby's knife. "Whoa. Okay. That's a sweet little knife. But come on. You can't kill war, kiddos." He laughs harder. "Oh, we know." I smirk as Skye slams War's right hand against the Mustang and cuts all four fingers off.

The ring clinks on the pavement.

I lean down and pick up the ring and when I straighten up, War and his mustang are gone. 


Skye and I sit at a picnic table as Kylie is asleep in the back seat of the car. "So, pit stop at Mount Doom?" I chuckle as I hold up the ring, looking at it but I know that Skye is staying silent. "Skye..." I sigh. "Dean, let's not." She says. "No, listen, This is important. I know you don't trust me." I gulp, trying to keep the tears from coming.

"From the moment you hugged me the only thought in my head...and I tell myself it doesn't mean anything...and it starts to feel true, you know? But's tearing me apart. You have hurt me so deeply Dean." A tear falls from her eye as well as mine.

"So, what are you saying?" He asks. "I'm in no shape to be hunting with you right now. We both need sometime apart..." She says and my breathe catches in my throat. "Whatever is best for long?" I ask, sniffling. "A few weeks maybe a month?" She asks, unsure of what to say.

"Maybe a month?" I ask, scoffing. "Dean..please." She says. "What about Lucifer" I ask. "I'll keep in contact with Sam." She shrugs. I sniffle and nod. "Fine." I breathe out. 

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