Chapter 53

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"I used to have one of these...when I was a kid."


"Skye?" I call out as I look around the field for her, I go back to the Impala to see if she is there but she isn't. "Dean!" What I think is Castiel's voice coming through the scratchy radio. "Cas?" I ask to make sure. "Yeah, it's me." He says. "You gotta stop poking around in my dreams. I need some me time." I groan at him.

"Listen to me very closely. This isn't a dream." He says, making me frown. "Then what is it?" I ask. "Deep down, you already know." He says.

I already know? What the hell is he talking about? But then it hit me, the flash backs start rushing back again.


Sam falls dead on the motel bed.


Skye falls dead on the motel bed beside me.

I look up with Roy pointing a gun at me and before I can attack him.


I'm in heaven...

"I'm dead..." I breathe out. "Please, listen. This spell, this connection, it's difficult to maintain." He says. "Wait. If I'm in heaven, then where's Skye and Sam?" I ask him. "What do you see?" He asks.

"What do you mean what do I see?" I scoff. "Some people see a tunnel or a river. What do you see?" He asks. "Nothing. My dash. My car. I'm on a road." I say to him. "Alright. A road. For you it's a road. Follow it, Dean. You'll find Skye and Sam. Follow the road." He says before the radio dies.

I get into my car and start the Impala, I drive down the dark highway until I find a nice three-story house that is slightly old-fashioned looking. I pull up in front of it and see that there are lights on inside. I get out of my car and look around but all I see is just the house.

I walk up to house and open the door that is surprisingly unlocked. I step inside and follow the voices into a dining room where I find a man carving a turkey, placing it on Skye's plate, who is wearing a nice pink dress.

"Thank you." She smiles. "So, Skye. I hear you're new to McKinley." He says. "Um, yes sir. Two weeks." She says, nervously. "Tommy over here just can't seem to stop talking about you." Who I am guessing is Tommy's father.

You have to be kidding me, she actually went to dinner with this guys family. Tommy use to be obsessed with her back in grade school. "Dad, shut up." Tommy groans.

Skye notices me as I walk into the dinning room. "Wow. Just wow." I chuckle. "Dean? What are you doing in my dream?" She asks as I give her an unimpressed look and motion for her to follow me as I head into another room away from the dining room.

"What are you doing in my dream?" She asks again as we go into the living room. "We are dead Skye. This is heaven." I say to her and her eyes widen. "How are we in heaven?' She asks. "All that clean living, I guess." I shrug.

"You know, when you bite the dust, they say your life flashes before your eyes." She says. "Your point?" I ask, as I'm really confused as why she is saying this. "This house, it's one of my memories." She says and I nod, now understanding. "When I woke up, I woke up in one of my memories. The Fourth of July we burned down that field." I smile.

"Maybe that's what heaven is. A place where you relive your greatest hits." She says. Seriously this is one of her greatest hits. "Wait, so...playing footsie with brace-face in there? That's a trophy moment for you?" I ask her.

She thinks this is one of her best memories. What about the memories that her and I have created?

"Dean, I was eleven years old. This was my first real thanksgiving." She says. "What are you talking about? We had thanksgiving every year." I scoff. "We had a bucket of extra-crispy and our parents passed out on the couch." She says.

Before I could speak a rumbling noise from outside is heard, making us look around. "I don't remember this." She frowns. Just then the lights go out as the house begins to shake but the family in the dining room are unfazed by it all.

Skye and I run to a far corner of the room. I stand beside the window as Skye ducks behind the couch as the glass in a picture that is on the mantle breaks. A searchlight streams through the window, making me drop down lower as more furniture falls over and more glass breaks.

The searchlight disappears and the lights come back on in the house. Skye and I leave our hiding spots, that's when I notice a radio in the living room and I walk over to it, turning it on. "What are you doing?" Skye asks. "We are taking the escalator back downstairs." I say to her before yelling Castiel's name into the radio.

"Like that will work." She says. "I'm trying my best." I glare at her. "More like you've lost your mind." She says. "Cas talked to me before using this phone-home radio thing, so shut it." I say to her.

"Cas!" I yell.

The tv behind us turns on and we turn around. "I can hear you." Cas says as we can sort of see him but it's hard since it's filled with static and his voice is sort of distorted. "Cas. Hey. So I, uh, I found Skye but can't find Sam. Also, something weird happened. There was this weird beam of light." I explain. "Don't go into the light." Cas says. "Okay. Thanks, Carol Ann. What was it?" Skye asks.

"Not what, whom. Zachariah. He's searching for you." He says. "And if he finds us?" I ask. "You can't say yes to Michael and Lucifer if you're dead, so Zachariah needs to return you to your bodies." He says.

"Great! Problem solved." Skye says. "No. You don't understand. You, hm. You're behind the wall. This is a rare opportunity." Cas says. "For what?" I ask. "You need to find an angel. His name is Joshua." He says.

"Hey, man, no offense but we are kind of ass full of angels, okay. You find him." I say. "I can't. I can't return to heaven." He sighs. "So, what's so important about Joshua?" Skye asks. "The rumor is, he talks to God." He says.

"And, so?" I ask. "You think maybe...just maybe...we should find out what the hell God has been saying?" He questions. "Jeez. Touchy." I chuckle. "Please, I just need you to follow the road." He says. "What road?" Skye asks. "It's called the Axis Mundi, it's a path that runs through Heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it's a two-lane asphalt. The road will lead you to the Garden. On the way you should run into Sam and then once you find the garden, you'll find Joshua. He can take us to God. Hurry." He says before the tv dies.

"So...What do you think?" I ask Skye. "I think we hit the yellow bricks, find this Joshua guy." She says and I nod before following her outside onto the porch but we end up finding nothing nothing but forest where the road used to be. "Wasn't there a street out here?" She asks. "There was." I sigh and head back inside with Skye following me.

"Dean, what are you doing?" She asks as I walk down the hallway. "Looking for a road." I say as I open the closet under the stairs. "You think the road is in a closet?" She asks. "We're in heaven, Skye okay? I mean, our memories are coming true. Cas is on Tv. Finding a road in a closet would be pretty much the most normal thing to happen to us today." I say to her as I turn on the light and soon find a small hot wheels set on the floor.

I bend down and pick up the blue car. "What?" She asks. "I used to have one of these...when I was a kid." I say as I put the car on the track.

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