Chapter 47

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"Skye what's wrong?"



"So, you were the one who found the bodies?" I ask the victim's roommate, who responds with a nod before saying. "There was blood everywhere...and other stuff...I think Alice was already dead."

"But Russell wasn't?" Skye asks. "I think he was, mostly, except...he was still sort of...chewing a little." She says, grossed out. "Oh." I cringe a little.

"How do two people even do that...Eat each other to death?" She asks. "That's a really good question. Now, the last few days, did you notice her acting erratically?" Skye asks.

"How do you mean?" She asks, looking at Skye. "I mean did she seem unusually hostile, aggressive even?" Skye asks.

"No premarital. I used to wonder how she did it. I mean, you know, didn't do it. It was her first date in months. She was so excited." She sighs.

"Apparently, they were both pretty excited." I mumble to Skye, who elbows me in the side.

~Motel Room~

"How'd it go?" Sam asks as soon as Skye and I had walked into the room. "No EMF, no sulfur. Ghost possession and demonic possession are both probably out." I groan in frustration as I throw my jacket on the bed.

"Hmmm. That's where I was putting my money." Sam sighs in defeat. "I think we all were." I scoff.

"How did it go at the coroner's?" Sam asks. "Dude, these bodies...I mean, these two started eating and they just kept going. Their fucking stomachs were full. Like thanksgiving dinner full. Talk about co-dependent." I say.

"Well, I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. All right. I'm just gonna go through some files. You can go ahead and get going." He says.

"Sorry?" I look at him confused. What is this guy talking about or even trying to get at? "Go ahead. Unleash the kraken. See you and Skye tomorrow morning." He winks and I am taken back.

. "Where am I going, and Skye is out working on the case still." I say in a duh kind of tone. "Dean, it's Valentine's day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, you can go and meet up with Skye at the bar." He says and I give him a weird look.

"The bar? She said she is going out to work on the case." I say. "She sent me a text saying she's at the bar and not wait up." He says. I clench my fists and I try to calm myself down. We aren't together anymore just leave it. She can do whatever she wants.

"I'm staying here. Not feeling it this year." I grab a beer from the mini fridge. "So you're not going to the bar to try and make it work with her?" He asks. "Nah." I open the beer and take a big swig, trying my hardest not to picture Skye with some stranger.

"That's when a dog doesn't eat...that's when you know something's really wrong." I hear Sam mumble to himself as I make my way over to the chair by the window. "Remarkably patronizing concern duly noted. Nothing's wrong." I say as I sit down, looking outside waiting for Skye to come back.


I lift up my right arm to look at my watch to see what time it is.


I clench my jaw as I finish my nineth beer just as I hear a car pull up in the parking lot. I look out the window and see Skye stumbling out of the taxi and making her way to her room. She went out in a short crop top, the shortest pair of shorts that I've ever seen her wear and a pair of heels.

I get up from my chair and I leave my room, walking over to her. "Skye." I call her name as she is digging in her purse to try and find what I assume is her motel key. She looks over at me with a smile. "Oh, hey Dean."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" I scoff. "Um what are you now my father?" She laughs as she goes back to looking for her room key in her purse. "Where the fuck is my key." She grumbles.

"It's almost 2 in the god damn morning. We are here on a fucking case Skye do you have any idea how reckless you are being?" I ask.

She stomps her left and turns to me, putting her hand son her hip. "I can take care of myself Dean. Besides I told Sam where I was. I know we are working on a case god I am so sorry that I wanted to go out for once in my life and have fun." She rolls her eyes.

"You lied to me. You said you were going to go and work on the case more." I growl. "Yeah I lied to you, cause if you knew where I actually was going it would turn into this huge fight which is happening now. Dean we aren't together. Fuck off and leave me be." She says as she goes back to her purse.

"No I won't fuck off and leave you be. We are talking about this. Skye you could have gotten yourself in danger. The killer could have been at the bar." I say as she finds her key and she goes to unlock the door but drops her key, she giggles to herself and I roll my eyes. "You're fucking wasted." I scoff.

"Yeah it was valentines day wanted to drink my heartache away." She says as she reaches down to grab her key but looses her balance and falls. "For god's sake Skylar." I mumble to myself and I walk over, grabbing the key and then I pick her up. Unlocking the door and walking into the room, shutting the door with my foot as she plays with my hair.

"I forgot how soft your hair." She says softly as she rests her head on my shoulder. I lay her down on the bed and take off her heels. "Stay?" She asks and I look up at her and see her eyes with tears. "Skye what's wrong?" I ask her softly but instead of her answering me, she covers her mouth and darts to the bathroom.

Sounds of her retching are heard and I sigh. This is going to be a long night. 

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