Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"I think you ought to put some clothes on."


I step off the elevator and see an older man and a younger woman sitting at the bar. The man is chewing on a toothpick, as he speaks with an Irish accent. The woman must be Lia and the man must be Patrick. "So, you're saying that you're a mind reader." I say. "Ah, come on. No such thing. But I can read people. Take my lovely companion here." They smile at each other.

"I'd say judging from exquisite posture, she used to be a dancer." He smirks. "We need to talk." I say sternly. "Look, I don't know what it is you think I did to your wife or firlfriend...." I start to frown as he keeps on talking. "Mother or sister, but, uh, I just want you to know, my feelings were real." He chuckles.

"That ain't my problem, man-witch. You owe my friend some years." I say. "Oh, that's what this is about. I'm sorry. He lost. Them's the breaks." He says. "Well, then un-lose him." I glare. "You want years? Great. Play me for 'em." He smirks.

"Fine." I say. "You understand the terms?" He asks as we head over towards a poker table. "Buy-in's twenty-five years." I say as I sit down. "Make it fifty." He says. "25 years goes to Bobby Singer." I say as I push my chips into the middle of the table. "And he's cashing out." I add. "You sure?" He asks. "Yes." I say and he nods before holding his hand over the chips.

"Las suas agus cuir as an teine. Mar sin bitheadh." The chips catch fire to ash and blow away."That's twenty-five years you just pissed away. Better be sure you can win them back." Patrick scoffs as I tap the remaining chips. "Shuffle up and deal." I snarl. "This is going to fun." He laughs.



"I open the door and come into the room, carrying takeout trays with burgers while Sam had already carried in the drink trays and dessert. We set them on the table. "Hey, Dean? You find anything?" I ask. "Uh, you might say." A old man's voice says from the bathroom.

Sam and I quickly draw our guns, pointing them towards the door as an old man comes out in a bathrobe. "Who the hell are you?" Sam asks. "Guys, relax. It's me." He chuckles as I lower my guns as he starts to look very familiar.

"Dean?" I ask. "Hi baby." He smirks. "What the fuck happened?" I ask him. "I, you know...found the game." He sighs. "You...what?!" I yell. "Dean I thought you were good at poker." Sam says. "I am. Shut up. So, you were just gonna shoot some old guy? Is that?" He asks us. "We didn't know what you were. I mean, have you seen you? You look like..." "The old chick in Titanic." I finish Sam's sentence.

"I know. Shut up." He glares over at me as he eats his burger. "I was gonna say Emperor Palpatine." Kylie says as she comes in with the rest of the groceries. "I see you guys met John McCain there." Bobby says as he wheels in, Kylie shutting the door. "Yeah. Either of you want to tell us what happened?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips glaring at both Dean and Bobby.

"Bobby's an idiot. That's what happened." Dean scoffs. "Hey, nobody asked you to play." Bobby argues back. "Right. I should have just let you die." Dean shakes his head. "And for damn sure, nobody asked you to lose!" Bobby yells at him as Sam, Kylie and I burst out laughing. "It's like Grumpy Old Men." I laugh. "Shut up, Skye." They both say at the same time, making us laugh even harder.

"What the hell were you thinking? He's a witch. He's been playing poker since guys wore tights." Dean says to Bobby. "You just don't get it." Bobby scoffs. "Yeah, I get it, Bobby. You saw a chance to turn the hands of the clock back and get out of that damn chair. Pretty tempting. I can imagine." Dean says as Sam, Kylie and I stop laughing.

"No, can't." Bobby says. "You got us. We've never been paralyzed. But I tell you something...I've been to hell, and there's an archangel there wanting Skye and Sam. Look at me! Their junk's rustier then yours! You hear them bellyaching? Huh!" He yells at Bobby before groaning in pain, his right hand going to the left side of his chest, sitting down.

"Dean, what's wrong?" I ask. "I'm having a heart attack." He gasps. "No, you're not." Bobby chuckles. "What is it?" Sam asks. "Acid reflux. Guys your age can't digest certain foods. You're gonna need to put down that cheeseburger." Bobby explains as Dean sighs and puts down the burger. "So, you want to keep emoting, or you want to talk about solving this little issue of yours? It's got to be about the chips." Bobby says.

"I slid 'em across. Patrick did his little witchy number, and you prettied up in a hurry." Dean says. "He mean, what are you all thinking? Some kind of magic chips or something?" I say. "Definitely." Bobby says as I sit down. "You remember what he chanted?" Dean asks Bobby. "Yep...every word." Bobby says.

"All right, then let's find out where he stashes his chips." Kylie says. "And steal ne fifty. Benjamin Button me back into burger shape. What do you think?" Dean asks. "I think you ought to put some clothes on." I say to him.

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