Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Then you'll stay here in TV Land. Forever. Three hundred channels and, uh, nothing's on."



"Son of a bitch!" Dean yells.



Sam throws a robe at me. "Cover up, we got work to do." Sam says as I blush and just button up Dean's shirt that I'm wearing. "But we did work in depth." I wink as Kylie fake gags.


"How long do we have to keep doing this?" Dean asks. "I don't know." I say. "Maybe forever?" Kylie asks. "We might die in here." Sam groans.


"How was that funny? Vultutres." Dean says to the crowd. The door opens and Castiel walks in with minor injuries.


"You okay?" I ask Cas. "I don't have much time." He says. "What happened?" Sam asks. "I got out." Castiel says. "From where?" Kylie asks. "Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be." He says. "What thing...the Trickster?" Dean asks.

"If it is a trickster." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask him but before he can speak he is flung backwards into the wall. The Trickster appears at the door. "Hello!" He smiles.


Castiel gets up and there is duck tape covering his mouth. "Thank you. Thank you. Hi Castiel." He laughs, who then vanishes in a burst of static. "You know him?" Kylie asks him. "Where did you just send him?" Sam asks. "Relax, he'll live...maybe." The Trickster smirks.


"All right, you know what? I am done with the monkey dance, okay? We get it." Dean says.

"Yeah? Get what, hotshot?" The Trickster rolls his eyes. "Playing our roles, right? That's your game?" I say. "That's half the game." He says. "What's the other half?" Sam asks. "Play your roles out there." He says. "What's that supposed to mean" Kylie asks,

"Oh, you know. Sam starring as Lucifer. Skye starring as Michael. Your celebrity death match. Play your roles." He says. "You want us to say yes to those sons of bitches?" I ask. "Hells yeah. Let's light this candle!" The Trickster yells, laughing. "We do that, the world will end." Sam says.

"Yeah? And whose fault is that? Who popped Lucifer out of the box? Hm? Look, it's started. You started it. It can't be stopped. So, let's get it over with!" The Trickster says. "Heaven or hell, which side you on?" Dean asks. "I'm not on either side." He says.

"Yeah, right. You're grabbing ankle for Michael or Lucifer. Which one is it?" Kylie asks. "You listen to me, you arrogant dick. I don't work for either of those S.O.B.'s. Believe me." He scoffs. "Oh, you're somebody's bitch." I smirk, making his smile fade as he grabs me by the throat and slams me into the wall.

"Don't you ever, ever presume to know what I am. Now listen very closely. Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna suck it up, accept your responsibilities, and play the roles that destiny has chosen for you." He growls. "And if we don't?" I spit in his face.

"Then you'll stay here in TV Land. Forever. Three hundred channels and, uh, nothing's on." He grins before snapping his fingers. 

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