Chapter 39

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"Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what."





Missing posters are tacked to a telephone pole. The Impala drives in followed by Ellen's car as they drive by a billboard that says ANTI-GOD IS ANTI-AMERICAN on an American flag background.

"You two getting a signal?" Sky asks as she holds her phone out the car window, along with Dean and Sam. "No, nothing." Dean says. "Spooky." Sam says as Dean waves Ellen to pull up beside him.

"Place seem a little empty to you?" Ellen asks. "We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody." Dean says. "Okay." She says as Dean drives off.

Castiel appears beside Skye, making her jump. "Ever heard of not scaring someone." She says. "Of course I have." He says. "Anything Cas?" Dean asks as he parks the car. "This town's not empty." He says. "Looks empty to us." Sam says. "Reapers, lots of them." He says.

"Why are there lots of reapers?" Skye asks. "They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here." He says before disappearing.


"Station's empty." Skye says to Ellen and Jo as they walk over. "So's everything else." Ellen says. "Have you seen Cas?" Sam asks. "What? He was with you?" Jo asks. "He was then went after the reapers." Dean says. "Reapers?" Ellen asks. "He saw reapers? Where?" Jo asks. "Well, kind of everywhere." Skye sighs.

"Well, this is great, been in town twenty minutes and already lost the angel up our sleeve." Dean scoffs. "You think, uh, you think Lucifer got him?" Skye asks with worry. "I don't know what else to think." Dean sighs. "There you are." A female voice is heard from behind them, making them turn around. "Tyler. Or should we say Meg." Sam growls.

"Shouldn't have come here." She says. "Hell, I could say the same thing for you." Skye says as she aims the colt at her. "Didn't come here alone, Skylar." She says as something splashes in a puddle near Meg's feet, sounds of dogs growling and barking are heard.

"Hellhounds." Dean growls. "Yeah, Dean. Your favorite. Come on, my father wants to see you." She smirks. "I think we'll pass, thanks." Sam says. "Your call. You can make this easy or you can make it really, really hard." She snarls.

"When have you known us to ever make anything easy?" Dean asks ask Meg shakes her head as Skye shifts her aim and fires making blood splatter from the hellhound next to Meg's feet.

"Run!" Sam yells as they all take off.

A hellhound tackles Skye making Jo look back. "Skye!" She yells. "Jo, stay back!" She yells as she fires his shotgun in Skye's direction making Sam, Dean, and Ellen stop running as Jo keeps firing, knocking the hellhound further and further back from Skye. Another gets her from the side. "No!" Ellen screams as the hellhound shreds Jo's side causing her to screech out in pain.

Sam and Ellen start firing as Skye gets up running over to Jo to help her up but Dean runs over and picks Jo up since it's hard for her to stand, even with the help of Skye. They run past Sam and Ellen and go into a hardware store.

Dean leans Jo against the counter as she whimpers. "Okay, okay, breathe." Skye says to her as she tries to stop the bleeding but is unsuccessful as more and more blood just pours out. "Dean I need help over here!" Sam yells as Dean gets up and runs over helping him chain the door then frantically lining the doorway and windows with salt bags as Skye and Ellen try their best to get the bleeding under control.

"You're gonna be all right." Ellen says as Sam hands her a bowl. "Salt lines are holding up." Dean says. "Safe for now." Skye says. "Safer. Trapped like rats." Sam says. "Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what." Dean says. 

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